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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

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  • Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

    Crystal Saga's [S94] Wild Autumn will be put in maintenance mode for 30 mins, but could be longer. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates or changes.

    Please log out before the maintenance to avoid data loss. We'll make another announcement if the maintenance is extended due to unexpected issues.

    Apologize for any inconvenience and hope everyone has a awesome day!

  • Cyrishannecute
    theres been a rollback. does it mean we cant ghost anymore through roses?

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by silentzoner
    just a thought.. but has anyone contacted the media about this issue on s94.. im sure theyd have a field day..
    Don't think they are big enough for it to matter, but here is some food for thought:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
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Size:	348.1 KB
ID:	1724569

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  • silentzoner
    then why not make s94 a betta server refund all mony give every1 5k cyrystals per month and say ok wer gonna use this as a tester make it so no purcheses can be made tho.. only what they giv

    that way we could play.. its not waisting our time or money we can have fun all equal and they can do trial and error fixing that way instead of this nonsence

    just a thought.. but has anyone contacted the media about this issue on s94.. im sure theyd have a field day..
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-20-2016, 01:08 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by soraisthebest View Post
    Well a rollback fixed 93 pretty well but I've lost a lot from this rollback (haven't logged on but the stuff I did in like 2 hours was lots of upgrades) so I'm not happy. And if r2 can make a new server and make it stable, why can't we just merge there? Make s95 on our Timezone for the specific reason of merging us to it and use the server as a base instead of 94's unstable mess. Maybe even make 96 the same Timezone so that people who want to start fresh can go there.
    Not that I'm a expert or disagree but it kind of works like this, one wouldn't make new software/server unless you have worked out bugs in previous software due to new software/server may be plagued with same problem/problems. You kind of have to get inside a IT/Developers mind. First logical step would be to stabilize current version then move on after that. That's why we have Alpha/Beta and move on from there. So no they wont make a new server till they figure it out.

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  • soraisthebest
    Well a rollback fixed 93 pretty well but I've lost a lot from this rollback (haven't logged on but the stuff I did in like 2 hours was lots of upgrades) so I'm not happy. And if r2 can make a new server and make it stable, why can't we just merge there? Make s95 on our Timezone for the specific reason of merging us to it and use the server as a base instead of 94's unstable mess. Maybe even make 96 the same Timezone so that people who want to start fresh can go there.

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  • silentzoner
    I would love to ask them why they even thought a 2 day rollback would fix the issue considering its been going on since the very beginning of server.. lol..

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    yer I guess but cant really be software if all be4 s93 was working tho.. gotta be something they have done new.. either that or its outside interference ie.. hacker and if that's the case how safe is our data?
    Well there is always things done behind the scenes that never make it to patch note we gamers like to call it "we been "Ninja'd"

    Getting a bit of pm's asking me just what in the hell is being ninja'd. I'll try to explain better. Usually its a negative behind the scene undesirable effect but not always. Here is an example of both a positive and negative effect. Ok this patch right here changed the way we get are loot from dungeons as we know it. My apologies if I couldn't find them, but I could find nothing in patch notes about drops changing. Anyone that has played this game for awhile knows that pc drops would stop dropping from bosses after 10 levels above them but after this they drop about 90% of the time now regardless of level and sometimes a energy particle in its place and about 5-10% of the time both. Good effect right? yes and no this also drastically lowered the fragreon essence drops. So there you have it, Ninja'd.
    Last edited by R2435384; 04-19-2016, 07:07 PM. Reason: Explanation

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  • soraisthebest
    Does R2 know how to run a server? The lack of closure on this issue can't be defined by it having "no point". I'm tired of hearing from the same hard-working forum mods every day and getting absolutely no reassurance from the company's actual development or game team. From a typical player, the company has lost it's integrity and sacrificed all of its professionalism for the sake of being too lazy to speak to any of us on the issue. And now we've been rolled back, and it hasn't worked.


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  • tonkagamz
    Server seems fine till around iob idk I cannot even recall what seng looks like been so long since I been there

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  • silentzoner
    yer I guess but cant really be software if all be4 s93 was working tho.. gotta be something they have done new.. either that or its outside interference ie.. hacker and if that's the case how safe is our data?

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by silentzoner
    that's what I mean tho.. they shouldn't move any data jusrt start from beginning ie open a s95 but tell us to create toons there
    Your missing the point if the software is buggy and they can't pinpoint it down every server from here on out will most likely have our problems.

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  • silentzoner
    there probly wont be any compensation..

    Originally posted by R2435384 View Post
    lol there is a little more to it then that there is software involved and if its there simply moving data won't work
    that's what I mean tho.. they shouldn't move any data jusrt start from beginning ie open a s95 but tell us to create toons there
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-19-2016, 06:24 PM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • tonkagamz
    Uhm if we ever get back on I will be clearing space in vault for the compensation parcel it will be huge xD

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  • R2435384
    lol there is a little more to it then that there is software involved and if its there simply moving data won't work
    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    tbh I think they need to refund every1 all mony spent on s94 then restart the entire server from day 1 but this time FIXED
    they need to ditch all the gear there currently using on s94 servers cables whatever the heck they use buy new stuff make another server from scratch and reopen when fixed

    they obviously have no clue had no clue and probly never will soo in my view its the only solution..

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