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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

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  • R27605349
    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    RO? whats that
    ragnarok online 1. It was released back in 2002. cute graphics. Didn't think anyone still played it though. It's so old. More than 10 years. But just checked and some servers have 600+ players at any given time.

    RO has more classes: priest, thief, knight, archer, potions, Mage.
    Also has pets. The characters are also more customisable, ie hairstyles and outfit colour.

    I miss RO. But I do really like crystal saga and the afk system, and wings and mount which RO does not have. I can study and play at the same time.

    Hopefully they can get it fixed soon. Can understand the frustration of those P2P members.
    I used to play 3 years ago when the game was new. Now I'm back and Was thinking of donating to this game (now that I have a job and can pay for it), but probably won't risk it if the server keeps on being like this.
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-18-2016, 05:00 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by wolfrain12 View Post
    Also according to the mods they are going to blow up R2 on monday to get this officially taken care of now I am pretty sure it wont happen right away but they said that everyone should be back into the office on monday which means that there will be more people to look into it hopfully that is about as much as we the players of s94 can wish and hope for
    Yeah which means they will have a grand total of 2 working on the problem lol. If it isn't painfully obvious by now this game is hanging on by a thread, and when its like that you get limited staffing which is why its like this:
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1724534

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  • wolfrain12
    Also according to the mods they are going to blow up R2 on monday to get this officially taken care of now I am pretty sure it wont happen right away but they said that everyone should be back into the office on monday which means that there will be more people to look into it hopfully that is about as much as we the players of s94 can wish and hope for

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  • ppstewarte
    I love how you guys fight about LG, who cares about LG when the server will probably not be up or have a rollback making it dead?

    Plus Support Elves and Moderators made it clear they are clueless of what to do and nothing is being done because they have no idea what is going on. So this is great.

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  • wolfrain12
    Yes silentzoner said that Divinity had more points and the mod said that if you have more points then you won there was no confirm announcment for "M" saying that Divinity officially won

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by soraisthebest View Post
    It's already been stated by the moderator "-M-" on another thread that we were awarded the win due to having more points. And that's a moderators word, so..
    Wait just a sec here that's not what the mod said learn to read please you are the one that said you had more points not the mod.

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  • wolfrain12
    Really, I am trying to resolve this issue and Divinity is still trying to put it in Hellcast's face, yes a moderator said Divinity won and yes they realize the outcome, of course they are going to have words to say I am sure Divinity would have done the same thing if the shoe had been on the other foot so how about everyone from divinity stay out of this and LET ME DEAL WITH THIS I am not trying to have a guild war start this early into the server and if this is how it is going to be then I will just end up leaving the guild and making my own or something

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  • soraisthebest
    It's already been stated by the moderator "-M-" on another thread that we were awarded the win due to having more points. And that's a moderators word, so..

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  • wolfrain12
    Yeah as bad as it sucks, as for the gloating whenever I can get back on the server more then likely after I get off of work since I have to be there in an hour and 20 mins I will be having a few choice words with my guild members about that because that just isnt called for. But all I can say now really to end all of this dispute is by saying even though I wasnt there I am pretty sure both sides put up a good fight and even though it was unfortunate that HC members got disconnected they still did their best so good game to everyone in hellcast who participated, I am sure you gave divinity a hard time in there

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by wolfrain12 View Post
    Oh in that case yes i can see that part, yes that would be unfair and unfortuntly that is how the world works and me personally if it is a tie I would go and ask for a rematch because then you dont know which guild is stronger or if it was just a fluck and one guild dominates the other no two outcomes for things like that are never the same so the answer to that is I would go for a rematch to be my guest but with how R2 works they will probably say try again next week which as much as it sucks to say it I am pretty sure we both know that is the answer they would give because I for one would like to participate in LG for once but my work schedule wont allow it
    Yeah they don't really care what the outcome is that's why I'm guessing the system was set to deal with ties that way, better to have someone win as to no one so we can have seignor.

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  • wolfrain12
    Oh in that case yes i can see that part, yes that would be unfair and unfortuntly that is how the world works and me personally if it is a tie I would go and ask for a rematch because then you dont know which guild is stronger or if it was just a fluck and one guild dominates the other no two outcomes for things like that are never the same so the answer to that is I would go for a rematch to be my guest but with how R2 works they will probably say try again next week which as much as it sucks to say it I am pretty sure we both know that is the answer they would give because I for one would like to participate in LG for once but my work schedule wont allow it

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  • R2435384
    Well what I'm trying to get you to understand is lets say we had battled it out and score is tied 1500 to 1500 divinity would win because of their name coming first. That's just how it works trust me on this its happened twice all the years I've played this game.

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  • wolfrain12
    I know how you feel the only days i really get to play are wednesday and thursday and even then the server seems to be down for 10 hours + yeah i can play for small amounts of time here and there but with all the crashing it becomes next to none

    Originally posted by R2435384 View Post
    No that's incorrect because sometimes no one gets to 3000 in your example hellcast wins even if the server crashes.
    But I have play on a server where no one has gotten to 3k but the guild with the most points have won LG so that would make sense to me but at the same time if you are saying that it should go alphabetically then D comes before H so that would make divinity the winner from that stand point. I am kinda on your side to it is unfair that most of Hellcast dc during LG because of instability and hey go for a rematch I want to be a part of it since I can't becasue I work on saturday nights I am pretty sure everyone would be happy if they allowed that and even though I am in divinity it would go like this, if divinity won the first time then they can win again the second time there is no luck involved you either win or you dont
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-18-2016, 04:59 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • R2435384
    Originally posted by wolfrain12
    But with land grab say hellcast had 1001 and divinity had 1000 since no one technically won it would be a tie yes, unfortunately in LG when that happens the guild with the most points win so in that example hellcast would have been the winner
    No that's incorrect because sometimes no one gets to 3000 in your example hellcast wins even if the server crashes.

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  • ppstewarte
    Oh and by the way S93 is now also down ....
    Saturday and Sunday the only days I seem to be able to do some events is when the servers are down.

    Besides, No its not about points is about alphabetical order D comes before H so you guys "won". Cool.

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