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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

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  • R27605349
    The instability will just make us play something else... downloading RO at the moment... 50% left to go of the 2GB file...

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  • djfinix1
    when server be on?

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  • Cyrishannecute

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  • wolfrain12
    Yeah hopefully we win LG if the server is actually on at that time, dont know what will happen if no one battles does the previous guild get it, not sure but i guess i will get all the info later. have fun dearest

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  • silentzoner
    ok hun have a nice day at work hopefully chat laters

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  • wolfrain12
    Well this is the first time that I have seen them like this with one of their servers and even though this is a new account for me I have been with R2 crystal saga for 3 years now from the very beginning and yet this is the first i seen them mess up this badly so someone or someting has bto be interfering with they servers for it to get out of wack like this but anyways i have to head to work so much for trying to afk while i was there once again.

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  • silentzoner
    yer.. I mean its only $8 but I still grudge giving it to a totally fraudulent company.. atleast until they fix there server..

    payed 200 crystal for rosses as well planted be4 server crashed and there gone must have died dureing the downtime soo yer 200 xtals down the drain because of crashes I wonder how many others bought rosses for same thing to happen to them
    Last edited by silentzoner; 04-16-2016, 05:31 PM.

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  • wolfrain12
    Well I mean I guess I better just say how for those who dont know how to do and are sick of not getting their moneys worth out of their VIP. On the Crystal Saga webpage click on the R2games icon in the top left hand corner, then where you see the four circles the first being your account click on the third one that says my orders (icon that looks like a receipt), switch over to the VIP state and then click cancel, I am pretty sure it will ask you if you are sure about it but either way if you are going to cancel it wouldnt really matter what it says after that because you are going to do it anyways. And there you have it the way to cancel you VIP

    If you decide that you want vip back later on you can always repurchase it so it isn't like you will lose out of getting it again so don't think that you won't be able to get it back if you cancel it.
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-16-2016, 08:09 PM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • silentzoner
    not sure lol.. I guess I jus click that link

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  • wolfrain12
    I know it doesn't but you will still have your VIP for another two more weeks because VIP recharges on the 1st of every month so if you cancel you will still have it until then. Do you know how to cancel it though?

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  • silentzoner
    not really helpful but I guess atleast we can cancel vip.. doesn't really help much with the issue tho

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  • wolfrain12
    You can cancel your VIP at anytime, font worry about getting banned because it wont happen. All it is doing is saying that you dont want them to bill you for it anymore so go ahead and canel if you want, if you dont know how i will be happy to let you know how.

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  • silentzoner
    Re: S94 DOWNTIME

    Quote Originally Posted by silentzoner

    hi there messaging about server s94 again.. do you guys no if it will ever be fixed as we have all gotten sick of the downtime / lag / crashes ever since the server opened we wer wondering how to cancel vip and if we would get banned for doing so.. I no recall of payments you can be banned but not sure about cancelation.. no point paying for things we cant get use from.. very disappointed this issue hasn't been resolved yet and its the reason I haven't cashd much this server.. lucky if we can do 4 events within a whole weak because soon as events start they either crash just be4 or in the middle and you get nothing.. even delivery's almost every single delivery bugs out and u cant collect at the end guy.. dungeon runs.. soon as u kill 1st boss u get disconnected.. normally I can easily solo all dungeons for my lvl but have hardly gotten to do any because server crashes.. during quiz time u usually get to answer 1 question and it crashes so throws u out yet again.. either u or memorylane sed a plan was being implemented to fix the instability of our server yet nothing seams to have changed.. is there a timeframe for this change? because id love to be able to play my game at least half the time uninterrupted 90% downtime simply isn't playable iv submitted a ticket hopeing for a reply to these issues as many players are extremely angry as with me about the situation

    VIP can be canceled without repercussions. For more information on how to do so, proceed here:
    As for the server issues, there is no given timeframe. You'll know when it's fixed when the server ceases crashing.

    from reverie
    Last edited by silentzoner; 04-16-2016, 04:59 PM.

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  • wolfrain12
    whoop right in vip deli and crash nice

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  • silentzoner
    SIGH disconnected yet again as I grab the DS

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