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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)
Yup so there really is not point trying to get on for another hour or so because that is how long it usually takes I am pretty sure everyone already knows the drill which is probably why there is less complaining about it crashing now unlike before
wont get compo.. and I don't really care all I want is game to freakin work.. altho compo would be nice it had best not be stupid g-pow and be something we can all use like 1 months free vip and 20 dungeon keys or something like that
ummm.. am I the only 1 that just got kiked outa IOB or is everyone same lol.. it didn't giv me any packs clock froze and im guessing so did server cause now I cant login
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gone s68 call me when its fixed xD just fill my compensation box with gpows
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well im to tyred to giv a damn anymore.. scr3w legends its totally messed up anyways soo it means jack now on this server.. im going to bed
seams pretty funny a certain person in game turns up and it all starts again. and usually night times fine .. jus saying..Last edited by silentzoner; 04-12-2016, 02:51 AM.
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F,in servers down again.. god damnit.. lucky if we have had it up 2hrs today geezz.. I was jus about to go to bed as well.. I put 2x exp pet and me on set afk up and boom goes down
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Omg. Down again? After being off the whole day yesterday. Any possible way we can be sure that you guys can even fix this?
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Screw Thunder Call, fix this server. I've probably lost so many FSE from all the times you've disconnected us.
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