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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

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  • silentzoner
    and 29k out of those 30k are alts..

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  • CPU_1
    Literally woke up at 4:30am, left it afk, went off to work. Working a 14 hour shift only to come back and notice the maintenance was just a load of b.s. Nothing was fixed, probably only had my character grind for 2 hours only to have it disconnect. It's ridiculous what's been going on. It would be nice if we had any time of communication with mods or anyone that knew the status of the server.

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  • Ryan_Rathlor
    r2 games are too busy working on a new game ThunderCall to give a poop about this server,lol.They want ppl to pump money into that game.

    I dont play this poopy game or play any game that r2 games runs anymore.Lest I found out what company doesnt care.

    I guess thats why there is 45mil accounts made and only 30k ppl online,lol.Less then 10% of the ppl stay to donte to r2games.

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  • snootchie
    Hi I've submitted a ticket in regards to this and just want you to delete my toon Axiom and refund my money I've not received a response yet to the ticket however I realize this does take time but I'm unwilling to wait months for said reimbursement as it only took r2games moments to withdrawal it from my bank I am also aware this comes with a potential banning and I really do not care at this point.
    S94 Axiom

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  • alohadance
    Hey r2. How many days will the server be offline?

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  • silentzoner
    its been down all day..

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  • JRemia

    I cannot connect to the server S94, I dont know whhy.

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  • Ryan_Rathlor
    This post by R2 games should go to show all you fools spending money on this company is a total waste.They even had someone from r2 games post this and then lie to our faces and not post another update on whats up? lol

    This company is a joke,Go to your banks and tell them you are being frauded by this comapny and want to dispute the credit you gave them because services are not being met.I did it and I hope you all will too.

    And make sure to let everyone know how this company just takes money and doesnt do a thing.

    Oh yeah new server out in a few days make sure you go there and donate to a dying company like r2games,lol

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  • EyeofNatsu
    ***!! Why i cant enter on S94

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  • joylumagui
    what happened?

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  • silentzoner
    they really don't care.. they have proven this for 2 weeks now same issues.. no point even trying anymore.. the server will die just as s93 did.. as will s95 when they release in a few days.. its becoming a pattern.. R2 takes your money then wont refund you when there site is constantly down... well the law states this kinda thing is illegal and you can make ur bank refund you by telling them this is fraud

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  • baibhav15
    R2. You guys should really do something about it. I just got insomniac. Woke up all day just so that I could do my events. And its sill not back yet.
    Like c'mon. At least tell us a predicted time of it getting back up whenever it dcs. To reply to us won't really cost more than a few seconds.

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  • silentzoner
    cause the R2 guys don't seam to no what there doing... id advise sending a ticket to get a refund of all money spent or telling ur bank ur querying the payments you have made for non recipient of services and goods.. 2 weeks now we have waited for a "WORKING SERVER" and they have failed in there job we have lost many many items and attempts in events/dungeons and most of us pay money for these as well as bought keys for dungeons with crystal and have lost the attempts because server crashes theirs no excuse for this and therefor im advising every1 to recall payments

    the sad thing is we haven't even been given a reason for downtime or an update.. not even predicted downtime

    the worst thing is.. this "server emergency maintenance" was meant to fix these crashes.. I kinda think the guys supposedly working on it last night either have forgotten its not april fools any longer or they really need to go back to school to learn to do there job properly
    Last edited by silentzoner; 04-11-2016, 05:50 PM.

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  • Cyrishannecute
    ITS GOING DOWN FOR REAL!!!!!!!! update please up up up up

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  • alohadance
    Why is the server offline?

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