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Emergency Server 94 Restarting! 4/11 @ 00:00 PDT(3:00 EDT)

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  • silentzoner
    not mentioning names on here but the mods wer told of the issue which I was asked to participate from which I refused and reported immediatly

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  • wolfrain12
    that is a scammer right there for sure, it is good that you reported it

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  • silentzoner
    as I reported to a mod the other day I was asked if id like 80k crystals for $49.99 by a player on our server issues like this people with access to that kinda currency that's obviously not legit are also involved with destroying the server.. I asked that everyone be investigated as to or not if they purchased legal crystals or not.. that kinda thing must be recorded somewhere

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  • wolfrain12
    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    we all started late lol.. the server didn't really go up live until that point.. my point is tho that certain people have had access that others have not
    there is no way around it when people on the forum are saying that they havent got dc at the time the masses did or when you do finally get back online there are people who post in the world chat that they were all alone while everyone else dc'd

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  • silentzoner
    we all started late lol.. the server didn't really go up live until that point.. my point is tho that certain people have had access that others have not

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  • wolfrain12
    lol at least you got two hours when I get home from work ranging 8-12 hours and I do finally get back online it shows that I was online if I was lucky one hour

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  • CPU_1
    I honestly don't think that DS even matters. I didn't go for DS the whole time this game has been up. I got disconnected just as much as everyone else has. People that were on before anyone else just took the time to refresh every second in hopes that they can log in fast and take it. I've working 10-12 hour shifts, Monday-Friday for the past week and a half and the joke of it is that I get disconnected from the server two hours into me being at work. I come back from work hoping I leveled up all day leaving it on AFK mode, but it didn't. I still pushed through and made it to the top 10, also not forgetting the fact I started playing in the server 4 days late.

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  • silentzoner
    yep.. and that's my point..

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  • wolfrain12
    well as it was just stated that some people were allowed on while others were offline so that explains that issue. As we are all aware of that the server is unstable so the fact that some were allowed on and others werent does make complete sence. But i would think if the mass dc then the whole server should have so the fact that some were allowed on and others were is very suspicious indeed

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  • silentzoner
    surely u remember the first few DS when we all got dc,d and constantly wer refreshing to get in yet somehow 1 guy managed to travel from the defalt dc spot in star glade all the way to the ds guy access ds ground go in find the sword spend the required wait time be4 allowed to leave and leave all before anyone els could login.. just for us to get on in time to see sed person leave with the DS

    all this takes more than a few secs refresh time it just never made sense to me until you actualy put the pieces together..
    Last edited by silentzoner; 04-17-2016, 01:15 PM.

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  • wolfrain12
    The amount I cashed would have remained the same but the lvl I was at wouldnt have because I could have left my game to auto attack while I was at work without having t worry about it disconnecting.

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  • silentzoner
    typicaly no.. every1 would receive only 1 since that would be fair as none of us have had equal time in game or events only a few have bean able to login while this mess has been going on.. if the server was stable right at beginning I no id have spent allot more as im sure you would have as well which would have increased our places and we cant be the only 1s maybe the top guys have had full access it would explain a lot.. even those times when certain people received DS when no1 els could get online

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  • wolfrain12
    And then also what would be given to those who already got rank? would they receive their xtals along with the 10k xtals that first place gets ?

    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    not really.. because the amount of things and time we have lost would be about equal to the packs.. not sure whats in the 1st place packs but really when u add everything up we have missed and the time servers been down id be expecting something huge
    First place for Legends of Vidalia is 10k xtals
    Last edited by Reverie; 04-18-2016, 04:55 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

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  • silentzoner
    not really.. because the amount of things and time we have lost would be about equal to the packs.. not sure whats in the 1st place packs but really when u add everything up we have missed and the time servers been down id be expecting something huge

    think about it this way we have barely had 2 or 3 days server time this whole server since it began.. when merge comes we will all be so under developed there will be no way anyone could rival the others

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  • wolfrain12
    Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
    they should giv every1 the 1st place pack to make it even.. that's about all I can think that will resolve it..
    it wont happen ofcource and we will probly be told some outlandish reason and lied to altho we know diferent..
    that is too costly on their part to just give free stuff like that away, every once and a while doesnt hurt but a mass sum all at once like that can, even though all they would have to do is put in a code or two for everyone to reieve them. At the same time think of what that will do to the server, everyone would become op real quickly

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