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08/02 Server Update
When they implemented new mounts it caused some major systems to break. Stats greatly reduced, buffs not working properly, exp not working properly. So they are trying to fix what they broke. Mods have said they will give us updates when they get them. All they know is developers are working on it. Keep in mind it's the weekend. Saturday night in China. Who knows about compensation.
Originally posted by 2Old2Care View PostWhen they implemented new mounts it caused some major systems to break. Stats greatly reduced, buffs not working properly, exp not working properly. So they are trying to fix what they broke. Mods have said they will give us updates when they get them. All they know is developers are working on it. Keep in mind it's the weekend. Saturday night in China. Who knows about compensation.))))
ShadowBound ÅŸeytan S89
Crystal Saga askitom S38
As others have mention there's a high chance that we won't actually see any completion 'til Monday; worst case Tuesday. If that's the case, would it be possible to extend this event again for another week(even if it overlaps the new one) since we effectively missed a majority of it while the event is up.
Was gonna make use of the good pays to consume but unfortunately, after seeing what happen after maint, I felt it was better to hold off in case they decide to go back to that point. Seems at this point, it's better to go back and try to isolate what could of been added in the last patch to cause this. It could of been the new mounts or it could of been extra code to hold for a later date(like how chi was added on 2 different maint days than 1. Same when new skills were coming out). Can't really say. What I can say, that will cause a lot less headache than trying to bring back each system one by one[there's a chance something will be overlooked.]