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[New] Wings, Glorious Wings!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Wench View Post
    Agreed they need to make Ewings a little more possible for the moderate cash players and the non cash players. Higher lvl dungeons would be a good place to start...the GG should NOT be the only place for a chance...and the events suck now that they are limiting us.
    GG isn't the only place to get EW.

    You can also get them from avernal packs (ideally the last pack as it gives the most rewards per points), small treasures in Trove, and class treasures (trove as well), and the rebirth pack (scion/eidolon quest). And since people who are working on Angel Lord + wings are most likely scions and eidolons, they would have the RB quest, and should have no trouble defeating the L1-L4 mobs in trove.

    Additionally if you do win in GG, you get a black dragon coin. I recommend waiting until you have 4 or 8 of them and then spin them using 4/8 option. Personally I get better rewards that way and that might include EW.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #62
      Yet another update for cashers before vault pages.


      • #63
        If I remember, I think these wings have actually been around for quite some time. Or it might just be me, though they look like the emperor wings I saw while doing some research a while back.
        Server: [S60]Extingent Bluff
        IGN: Silverblitz
        Guild: Apocalypse
        Class: Shadow Rogue/Combat Passive Hybrid
        Lv: 123 Eidolon
        Honor: Emperor
        Pets: Burning Angel Gen 2 (Gideon), Demon King (Battousai), Golden Teddy (RageBaka)


        • #64
          what the heck.... erything is costing cash now.... how can they expect us to be able to keep laying?


          • #65
            Originally posted by R27901505 View Post
            what the heck.... erything is costing cash now.... how can they expect us to be able to keep laying?
            Every really worth having has always cost cash. It used to be you couldn't get EWs, MCs, or gmuts without someone cashing. But with time, these things become available to noncashers through weekly events, new permanent events, and of course by buying from cashers.

            It's only natural for R2 to release the new wings without making it available to noncashers first - they want the major cashers who want the wings right away to spend money for it. Then a week or two later there'll be an event for the new divine wings, and then a few months later will come new ways to get it. Cashers get things first because they are what keeps the staff paid and the servers paid for, but eventually noncashers get the stuff too Just gotta be a little patient.
            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



            • #66
              Lvl: Eidolon 120
              IGN: (S18)Belle
              Guild: Crystalâ„¢
              Rank: Emperor
              Server: Shrine of Kithar/The Void/Lycanmarsh/Celestial Peaks/Tyria Village/Angel Island/Celestial Palace ~ Merged
              -Non Casher-


              • #67
                Your partially right, but for the most part EW's and Gmuts and things like that are still so nearly impossible to get that its not really available to non-cashers. Unless ur a non-casher willing to play 18hrs a day on 20 alts to get them.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by ragex0411 View Post
                  Your partially right, but for the most part EW's and Gmuts and things like that are still so nearly impossible to get that its not really available to non-cashers. Unless ur a non-casher willing to play 18hrs a day on 20 alts to get them.
                  I'm a noncasher (well..excasher kind of , didn't spend much) and I get plenty of EWs and gmuts on my main. RB pack + trove + GG = enough. Just need 3 alts really to make sure you win GG and that's it. And I do my dungeons, sell my DCs and MECs so I can buy Gmuts/EWs from other people if I wanted to (I don't, I'd rather buy other stuff, but I could).
                  LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                  LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                  • #69
                    The ewings will probably drop like rain once the even newer wings comes in. Maybe.... or not.....


                    • #70
                      So basically it takes u 3 days to make 1 attempt on ur wings...that sounds like progress lol. Assuming your not selling dc and mec, remember not everyone is selling those atm they still need to upgrade there gear. And im a casher so it doesnt really matter to me, but i am finding out that im beginning to pull ahead of everyone on my server quite easily now, and getting to ez so im actually slowing down on my cashing so that i dont become like the players in s59 who cant even really enjoy the game anymore, u 1hit kill eveyrone, and ur dungeons are all over in a min or 2. what is there to do.


                      • #71
                        Why wings? remembers me Dofus, my old MMORPG who I can't get back


                        • #72
                          OH THAT EVENT IS GOOD...COOL COLOR OF WINGS

                          SERVER:EMPYREAN ACROPOLIS
                          POSITION:GUILD MASTER


                          • #73
                            wow cool


                            • #74
                              OMG shiny !!!!!!!
                              Bellas Chasm
                              Eidolon Knight
                              Ultrasaurus Rex gen 2
                              Demon Lord Wings +2

                              Amethyst Forest
                              Eidolon Priest
                              Ultrasaurus Rex Gen 3
                              Demon Lord Wings


                              • #75
                                Lol all i see is a bunch of whiners, start to actually prioritize your wings to upgrade them then instead of all your nonsense and such ... If you truly want something then you also have to put in efford into it ... Telling R2 to make EW a dungeon drop.. How messed up would the game be if they just put everything in as dungeon drops ? >.< Bunch of whiners all over... If you don't like it.. Then quit ... Else do something to achieve those things.. It's that simple
                                IGN: Afrodite
                                Class: Knight
                                Level: 150, Eidolon
                                Server: Cheurna Gorge
                                Guild: EviL

