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[CS Activity] Green Beer Party

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  • #16
    has anyone someone an evil leprechaun boss yet? if so what are the drops thank you in advance for posting


    • #17
      Thank You Letter x 7 = Shining Gem Coupon x4
      but what happen who people cant kill vega mad x10 per day?? only 5?? cant get 7 letter unfair


      • #18
        Originally posted by R22806340 View Post
        Thank You Letter x 7 = Shining Gem Coupon x4
        but what happen who people cant kill vega mad x10 per day?? only 5?? cant get 7 letter unfair
        So you get the other 2 the next day?
        LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

        LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



        • #19
          10 kills is 1 letter so u need to kill vega 10 times each day and exchange for 7 days to get the 4x coupon V_V


          • #20
            is that have limit char per ipp?


            • #21
              kill leprechaun boss its very much like gotor drops 3 pc 2 HW 1 GMuT 1 EW and 2 scratched gem coupon not sure if the drops are always the same if someone else can confirm the drops that i got much appreciated


              • #22
                The Beer Feast Host will host a beer feast at 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 and 22:00 in Starglade L1.
                It starts at 12:00.


                • #23
                  Elixir of Striking(Bound) is different from the Elixir of Striking(Bound) received from green dragon hunt.
                  therefore i now have Elixir of Striking(Bound) that takes up two slots.

                  also the Host is in the wrong spot than from last time next to Claire.
                  Last edited by R21633341; 03-14-2013, 03:11 PM.


                  • #24
                    any info of the leprechaun boss ?
                    ❣ṣḯḷḥợụḙá¹*á¹*ḙ ợḟ ạ ḅḯṗḙḍạḷ❣ ♝The Chain Of Justice♝
                    ✧You will never know the joys of heaven Your soul will be left to wander in pain and agony This is vengeance, So I am to ferry you to hell
                    pitiful shadow lost in the darkness bringing torment and pain to others✧


                    • #25
                      soul shard!!
                      class: knight
                      Server S1
                      Be Nice To The Ones Who Smoke.. Every Cigarette Might Be Their Last..!


                      • #26
                        Nice event, but new items again (EW bound). Each day new and new items (new pet, gmuts bound, Ew bound, sperions gems, shards and rods, new gems like peridot ..., 3xPet EXP token blue and brown) so please make vault and inventory slot capacity as 1000 psc, not 99(mana orbit) or 250(others items) at first.


                        • #27
                          Note: The Barrel of Green Beer is purchasable at the item shop under the daily category.[/QUOTE]

                          Actually, it is not. You should stop lying to us players.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by vastilos View Post
                            Note: The Barrel of Green Beer is purchasable at the item shop under the daily category.
                            Actually, it is not. You should stop lying to us players.[/QUOTE]

                            It is, but they lied about the name. The barrel of green beer is called "Mug of Green Beer" in the game.

                            And the Mug of Green Beer in the post is named "Green Beer Mug" in the game.

                            Very confusing.
                            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                              Actually, it is not. You should stop lying to us players.
                              It is, but they lied about the name. The barrel of green beer is called "Mug of Green Beer" in the game.

                              And the Mug of Green Beer in the post is named "Green Beer Mug" in the game.

                              Very confusing.[/QUOTE]

                              Ahhh... just further proof that they have the IQ of a McDonalds french fry.


                              • #30
                                Why can't i kill the leprechaun? it keeps on healing, and even thought they are my mugs, other players still get the items.

