Originally posted by Splinterz
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[Announcement] 08/02/2012 Server Maintenance @ 4:00 AM EDT
Server:Cimmerian Woodlands
Server:Plethuran Plains
Server:Plethuran Plains
Originally posted by R22596188 View Postand i do understand it is a bug and honestly i would expect better comunication between the members of the r2 team i meen i know you are forum mod brotherVT but i would think as such that you would be able to talk to the GM's and see what is going on and maybe get some awnsers for the players that are wanting more details now i know everyone is bussy doing maintinance things and i know the devs are working on fixing the coading so that the rewards for the soul event work
but if the eta for a reguler mantinance is 1-3 hours and we are told about a bug delaying things and an eta can not be given shouldnt that have been tested on a beta and if servers 1,2 and 3 are the beta testing servers i would personly if it was me in charge and i know im not but still if it was me making the calls on what to do i would have done the maintinance on those servers yesterday have them schedualed the day before the maintinance on the full servers giving more time to fix any bug that comes up in the patch notes ect if they know they are the "beta" servers then there will be more understanding from them if a mantinance runs long ect but if it is a reguler mantinance and it is an eta or 1-3 hours than that eta should be met and the forum mod should be able to talk to the gm's about what is going on so he or she is not floundering around for awnsers then you have most of your players pleased most of the time but that is just me and what i would do if i did not have the awnsers and i was asked a question from a player i would talk to the gm's if that was my job and if you feel you need to give an awnser without burnning yourself or setting yourself up and by extention r2 for POed players just say something like let me check with the gm's to see what they say about what is going on
Originally posted by BrotherVT View PostI AM talking to them - while they're working on the problem.Name: (S51)Aliceianna
Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
Class: Ranger Hybrid
Plane: Eidolon
Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
Level: 143+
Honor Rank:Emperor
Mount: Killin
Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)
woot they already closed the 3 servershoping for a few minute maintenance <3
IGN: (S43)Raineee
Class: Mage
Server: Killer's Den (merged with Glacial Planes, Shrine of Ariel, The Void Encampment, Sullen Dunes and Cimmerian Woodlands)
Guild: (S43)Champions
Position: Cutest
Officially the #1 Mage in Killer's Den and STILL the cutest in merged servers
i'm a female gamer with mandible claws :D those who dares to defy me shall be eaten alive by karma ;D
Originally posted by Splinterz View Postpunctuation anyone?Name: (S51)Aliceianna
Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
Class: Ranger Hybrid
Plane: Eidolon
Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
Level: 143+
Honor Rank:Emperor
Mount: Killin
Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)
Originally posted by GGforYou View Postwoot they already closed the 3 servershoping for a few minute maintenance <3
Name: (S51)Aliceianna
Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
Class: Ranger Hybrid
Plane: Eidolon
Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
Level: 143+
Honor Rank:Emperor
Mount: Killin
Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)
We're bringing Servers S1 - S3 back down at this time. At this time our ETA for Maintenance to be over is 90 minutes.This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.