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[Activity] Warrior’s Call

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  • #31
    Think they'd consider allowing us to grab all or redo our grab as a Christmas present?


    • #32
      at least three claims would have being nice...but only one? :/ come on man..
      Originally posted by Dr.Q
      Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


      • #33
        Originally posted by KidSess View Post
        at least three claims would have being nice...but only one? :/ come on man..
        You should attempt to find last years events and the one before that, those events aren't even on the same level as this weeks. They were actually good christmas events... this year feels like we didn't even get any.
        What are bugs?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Lanzelott View Post
          I just rebirth and i was 111 before scion can i get the reward for 110? It said in the post that those who have reached these levels can claim. Well i think i qualify for that can i get the 110 level reward?
          Yeah you should be able to.
          Originally posted by iTz_SoN
          I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
          I treat all players equally - so they all die.


          • #35
            That's sucks we can claim all the rewards after working hard to level. *sigh*
            I wouldn't do anything for a Klondike Bar



            • #36
              The items (Greater Pearl, Prom. Wings) are bound (not mentioned here in the above pic), why are they bound?


              • #37
                Originally posted by TheRaspberry View Post
                The items (Greater Pearl, Prom. Wings) are bound (not mentioned here in the above pic), why are they bound?
                Because R2's solution to everything=Bound it. Look what happened last year with making greater mounts bound, made the whole community mad. They still don't get it.
                What are bugs?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by risengaw View Post
                  Because R2's solution to everything=Bound it. Look what happened last year with making greater mounts bound, made the whole community mad. They still don't get it.
                  Honestly I think that thing last year with binding the GMUT from GT rewards was the one occasion where they should have bound the items. Half the lag on the servers is from all the alts running around, and most of those are GMUT alts. That said if anyone is dedicated to level their alts to 90+ then yes, they deserve to get the items from it. Leveling to 45 isn't hard, but leveling to 90 takes a lot of time, to say nothing of the dedication that would be needed to grind an alt to 150 for the best rewards.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by risengaw View Post
                    Because R2's solution to everything=Bound it. Look what happened last year with making greater mounts bound, made the whole community mad. They still don't get it.
                    Our answer to alt-abusers = bound.
                    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                      Our answer to alt-abusers = bound.
                      I don't really mind the items being bound, but being only allowed to claim one out of all really sucks D:
                      IGN:: (S34)Skyrazor
                      Server:: (S34)Void Encampment
                      Class:: Rogue
                      Plane:: Eidolon
                      LVL:: 150 (I hope I never have to do that again >_>")
                      Honor rank:: Emperor


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                        Our answer to alt-abusers = bound.
                        Yes cause I spend my time leveling alts to 120 so I can get greater mounts from level events like this lol... it makes no sense to bound the greater mounts on the warriors call. If I spent my time getting to level 120 (which takes some good time) I should easily be able to have the rights to trade off my greater mounts if I don't need them.
                        Last edited by risengaw; 12-19-2013, 04:51 PM.
                        What are bugs?


                        • #42
                          Great job at making everything bound. I think it is about time that this happened, there are way to many alt abusers in crystal saga. I also highly recommend making everything from Island of blessing bound so players can't abuse that event also. Seriously great events and seriously great decision to make rewards bound. Keep it up.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by SkyRaZoR View Post
                            I think it's kind of dumb that you can only claim one of them, when it took hours of grinding to get those orders ._.
                            hours my butt more like weeks im only 143 right now and ive already invested over a week of afk time to grinding
                            Name: (S51)Aliceianna
                            Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
                            Class: Ranger Hybrid
                            Plane: Eidolon
                            Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
                            Level: 143+
                            Honor Rank:Emperor
                            Mount: Killin
                            Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)


                            • #44
                              This is so unfair for the mortals like me >.<


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by BlazingAngel View Post
                                If you did not come here until after you claimed your rewards, it is not R2's fault that you did not take the time to come here and read. If you chose to listen to someone who was trolling in your world chat, that is also not R2's fault.

                                Next time Thursday morning rolls around, get up, and read the forums for your updates before you go and complete the events.
                                Okay sure.. Except next Thursday morning the events will be the same. They last two weeks lol. Have fun coming here and reading the same complants thursday morning because they arent going anywhere
                                S63 Hellstorm
                                Info: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

