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[Activity] Warrior’s Call

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  • #46
    seriously R2 you couldnt fix the massive lag spikes i just went to claim my warriors call i was going to take the lvl 130 rewards but a massive lag spike at same time gave me the lvl 140 rewards


    • #47
      Originally posted by risengaw View Post
      Yes cause I spend my time leveling alts to 120 so I can get greater mounts from level events like this lol... it makes no sense to bound the greater mounts on the warriors call. If I spent my time getting to level 120 (which takes some good time) I should easily be able to have the rights to trade off my greater mounts if I don't need them.
      I get it, you don't need them. It won't change the fact that since the events have been released as they are now, nothing will change about them.
      Indeed, having GMuts is quite useless around your level if you already got it. Will it change? Nah.
      Now around the next time it happens, then we can see what we can do about it.
      For now, merry christmas, "buddy".
      The King doesn't fall so easily boys


      • #48
        Originally posted by KitN_Bloodwell View Post
        Okay sure.. Except next Thursday morning the events will be the same. They last two weeks lol. Have fun coming here and reading the same complants thursday morning because they arent going anywhere
        I did not say next Thursday Morning, I said "Next time Thursday Morning rolls around" The thing is there is maintenance every Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning, it is not new. Everyone should know by now that when maintenance happens that they should come and read the forums, and get the scoop on events. Do I feel for everyone? Sure. I wish that I could claim more than one reward also. And I remember when there was similar events that you could claim rewards for each level that you reached. But, I do not feel sorry for people that do not come to the forums, do not read the event, and so they do not understand the event when they decide to participate in the event. Then when they feel like they have been jypped out of something because they did not come and read the description, they come on the forum and complain about something that could have been prevented by spending 2 minutes on the forum and checking things out.

        I would hope that people learn a lesson from this and check next time, read the description next time. It would sure help them out. But sadly, from past experience that will not happen.

        If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


        • #49
          Originally posted by SkyRaZoR View Post
          I don't really mind the items being bound, but being only allowed to claim one out of all really sucks D:


          • #50
            Originally posted by BlazingAngel View Post
            I did not say next Thursday Morning, I said "Next time Thursday Morning rolls around" The thing is there is maintenance every Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning, it is not new. Everyone should know by now that when maintenance happens that they should come and read the forums, and get the scoop on events. Do I feel for everyone? Sure. I wish that I could claim more than one reward also. And I remember when there was similar events that you could claim rewards for each level that you reached. But, I do not feel sorry for people that do not come to the forums, do not read the event, and so they do not understand the event when they decide to participate in the event. Then when they feel like they have been jypped out of something because they did not come and read the description, they come on the forum and complain about something that could have been prevented by spending 2 minutes on the forum and checking things out.

            I would hope that people learn a lesson from this and check next time, read the description next time. It would sure help them out. But sadly, from past experience that will not happen.
            People refuse to read things before the click things, it's just lazyness or something far worse that I won't mention. They'll complain instead of read things. I end up getting to explain the events to my server cause only 1 other that I know of READS the fourm. Rest, don't. -.- I wouldn't explain if I was mean, but I'm nice.

            Game: Crystal Saga
            Char name : (K1)Azaleic

            Level : 150 Eido
            Game : Monkey King Online
            Name: Azaleic
            Level : 90
            Server: [S31] Hall of Frost


            • #51
              Originally posted by Azaleic27 View Post
              People refuse to read things before the click things, it's just lazyness or something far worse that I won't mention. They'll complain instead of read things. I end up getting to explain the events to my server cause only 1 other that I know of READS the fourm. Rest, don't. -.- I wouldn't explain if I was mean, but I'm nice.
              It is a good thing that there are some people that obviously do read. And it is really nice of you to at least try to make sure the people on your server understand the events.

              If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


              • #52
                >.< Same here with who clicked 90, but only claiming one option really sucks because I got to pick 90 first by a mistake. >.> I'd rather have 500 or 1K wisdom than 1K Charm and 5 SS that barely helps me.


                • #53
                  They don't even need to come to the forums. They can click on the special tab and read the information. The key is reading, and most people don't read. The lack of reading by the masses is a big reason the world is full of *meep*. Ignorant people blame the world rather than seeking information for themselves. If you want to hide information from people just put it in a book, news article, or a magazine. Reading is still fundamental. Most of the information is in the game, a side from upgrading your gear and losing your gems.
                  Fyi - alt abuse can still take place with this event, and yes, I use my alts whenever I can. A level 90+ alt takes a lot of work. It's not like the bot maker leveling up bots to 45 to get Gmuts or leveling them up to 60 to run them in survival. Leveling past 90 is commitment and commitment to the game should be rewarded, not viewed as abusing the game.
                  Last edited by VicZar; 12-21-2013, 04:10 AM. Reason: Censored
                  "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
                    I get it, you don't need them. It won't change the fact that since the events have been released as they are now, nothing will change about them.
                    Indeed, having GMuts is quite useless around your level if you already got it. Will it change? Nah.
                    Now around the next time it happens, then we can see what we can do about it.
                    For now, merry christmas, "buddy".
                    I'm just trying to give my constructive feedback for R2 to read, even if they don't it doesn't really matter. The whole point of me coming on the forum and posting is for them to realize that they could make a lot more players happy if they did "blank" "blank" and "blank right. I'm not trying to be a jerk I'm just giving my feedback. I've joined around the same time you have, and you and I both know they have had really "good" events and really "bad" events. Compared to last two years Christmas events, this wasn't as well made as them. Now this is just my opinion and you can take it how you want.
                    Last edited by risengaw; 12-20-2013, 10:40 AM.
                    What are bugs?


                    • #55
                      i could do all new events before the page with new events on forum even comes out its not all lazyness its gms not putting patch notes up first


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by mtdew1234 View Post
                        i could do all new events before the page with new events on forum even comes out its not all lazyness its gms not putting patch notes up first
                        Actually, as was stated in another post, if you looked under the special tab, on your events page in game, then you would see the new events, even if it is after the patch notes are out. So regardless of whether the patch notes themselves are out, you would still be able to see the new events and read their descriptions in game. This gives you TWO places that you could see that you could see that the rewards could only be claimed one time.

                        If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?


                        • #57
                          i thought i posted this.. but it seems it got lost..weird *-*

                          can somebody answer my question? (actually first post of this whole thread)
                          I got lvl 90 rewards (yes, yes it's my own fault i didn't read this topic before... i usually do but i was too excited to see cs in christmas theme for the first time so i immediately logged in instead.. my bad.), so i can't get anymore this week. But since the event lasts 2 weeks, i'll be able to collect the level 100 reward next week right?

                          thank you very much in advance for answering this time


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by BlazingAngel View Post
                            Actually, as was stated in another post, if you looked under the special tab, on your events page in game, then you would see the new events, even if it is after the patch notes are out. So regardless of whether the patch notes themselves are out, you would still be able to see the new events and read their descriptions in game. This gives you TWO places that you could see that you could see that the rewards could only be claimed one time.
                            When you go into the warriors call section at the quartermaster it warns you that you can only get 1. Same text as in the events tab on the schedule actually, so 3 places where you are warned about it, at least 1 of which you have no excuse for missing.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by JPwayne82444 View Post
                              When you go into the warriors call section at the quartermaster it warns you that you can only get 1. Same text as in the events tab on the schedule actually, so 3 places where you are warned about it, at least 1 of which you have no excuse for missing.
                              Hmmmm I didnt notice that. Good to know.
                              Server: (S39) Erie Marsh
                              Character: Jessie
                              Class: Priest
                              Level: 106+
                              Plane Eidolon
                              Guild DarkCrusade

                              “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”


                              • #60
                                I have filled a ticket regarding this and R2 says that i must meet the lvl requirement even if i am scion or eido. Clearly the "Note" in the event is misleading if that is the case...

