The Chi system has 7 stages giving you various amounts of stats such as patk/matk, pdef/mdef, crit defense, armor penetration, and crit damage. Each stage has 21 levels and has 9 bones per level. To obtain a bone you will need 11 chi essence and 21 Amaranthine Essence per attempt the total amounts required for the system will vary between players. You can obtain Chi from various activities/events in-game such as World Bosses Bahamut and higher, Void, Island of Blessing - Yellow Rain, Fate Shop located in gift packs, and in the hot shop, consumer points shop, and points of interest shop depending which event is currently running in-game. Aramathine Essence is available in a gift pack with Chi, Island of Blessing - Green Rain, and you can dismantle gear inside the Chi system for Armathine Essence. Upon completion of a level, you will obtain an aura starting with blue followed by yellow, pink, orange/red, black, a rainbow, and finally a red/green tribal swirling aura. You can open Chi starting at level 1 in Crystal Saga 1.
Upon opening the chi system for the first time it'll look like this.

As you upgrade Chi you'll see the circles start to fill in with a light blue color following a pattern similar to a star constellation. The Bones in the system are the amount required to complete a node in the system. You'll notice there are stars above the location of the bones this is depicting that the system can fail before successfully obtaining a bone. Example:

The following images are posted in order of occurrence in the system.
(Spirit, Hegemon, Immortal, Divine, Supernal, Chaos, Immemorial Phoenix Chi)
Spirit Chi:

Hegemon Chi:

Immortal Chi:

Divine Chi:

Supernal Chi:

Chaos Chi:

Immemorial Phoenix Chi:

Note: Chi for CS1 does not have a set amount/total of items required because Chi does fail.
Note: Clicking on an image will expand it to properly view the stats supplied in the system.
Upon opening the chi system for the first time it'll look like this.
As you upgrade Chi you'll see the circles start to fill in with a light blue color following a pattern similar to a star constellation. The Bones in the system are the amount required to complete a node in the system. You'll notice there are stars above the location of the bones this is depicting that the system can fail before successfully obtaining a bone. Example:
The following images are posted in order of occurrence in the system.
(Spirit, Hegemon, Immortal, Divine, Supernal, Chaos, Immemorial Phoenix Chi)
Spirit Chi:
Hegemon Chi:
Immortal Chi:
Divine Chi:
Supernal Chi:
Chaos Chi:
Immemorial Phoenix Chi:
Note: Chi for CS1 does not have a set amount/total of items required because Chi does fail.
Note: Clicking on an image will expand it to properly view the stats supplied in the system.