Hello Crystal Saga Player.
like some ppl. wanted that i make here a Small Guilde for Tamalan Arena here is it.
So I will make a Small Guild for Tamalan Arena.
Tamalan Arena is at 17:00 to 17:30 (Server time)
max ppl 20 / Arena (if more join it will just Open L2,L3...)
here are the Highest Badge Rewards.
All Player & Class are Nearly equall.
a low lvl Mortal can beat a lvl 100 Scion if he can Play Tamalan Arena "good"
the EQ dont count ONLY!!!!! the Move speed.
the Only Class who have here an Advance is the Priest class lvl 50+ whis the Passiv Skill 10% HP heal ever 10 sec.
(a little bit unfair but... maybe it will someday changed from the R2 Support)
Dont Worry to much, you can kill a player in 5 sec or faster
if you dont belive me, ask the Server/World Chat who have play a few times at the Tamalan Arena
so if you say it Short:
it is Nearly Equall and your Player Skills Count and not your High End EQ!! (thats one of the Few Reasons why you dont
see so much High lvl Player inside there
Sooo now what everybody want to know. is it worth ?
make you one Chose worth or not!!
the Rewards are Honor, Bronze Badge, Silver Badge, Gold Badge
for your first Reward you need a Minimum of 50 Points than you get 5 Bronze Badge.
for More Points you get more and better Rewards.
240+ = 3 Gold Badge, 10 Silver Badge , 30 Bronze Badge 200 Honor
190-239 = 1 Gold Badge, 5 Silver Badge , 20 Bronze Badge 150 Honor
?-189 = 3 Silver Badge 10 Bronze Badge
50-??= 1 Silver 5 Bronze Badge
How to Get Points ?
there are 2 option to get Points.
First. After your are in the Battle Field you get 1 Point every 20 second.
second. you get 2 Points for Killing a Player.
After you Enter the Tamalan Arena your HP will be Boostet to ~1.000.000, you Get 30 Badge and your Skills & norm atk will be Disable (all LVL and Class get the Same HP)
you are now at Hall. there is Standing 1 NPC whis the Name Tamalan Guardian. Speak to Him.

After you Speak to the NPC you have the Follow Option's:
Retrieve Potion
Skill Shop
Enter Battle
Check Points Total
Return to Starglade
(Redeem Warrior's Pack was only Avalible at a Event)
here he will tell you all the Rules about Tamalan Arena but not realy sooo helpful.
Retrieve Potion:
here you get your Spezial, only for Tamalan Arena Heal Potion , you get 3 Potion (VIP 5 Potion)
the Potion Heal you "20% HP / sec."
Skill Shop Later.
Enter Battle:
After Pressing this one you go to the Battle Ground where you can Fight and get Points for you reward's.
Check Point Total:
here you can Check your Current Points what you have Earned today.
you CAN'T save up Points. after you Enter Tamalan Arena you Points will Reset to 0. !!!!
Return to Starglade:
whis this you can leave the Arena everytime you want!
whis this you just Close the Window if the NPC.
Skill Shop:
here you can Buy Skills (items) what you can use at the Battle Ground to Kill other Player's.
every Skill Cost 5s (you Need 1 Gold no More)
you Can Buy as Many as you want.
there are 16 Skills in the Skill Shop.
you can use only max of 4 Skills.
so Chose 4 Skills what you want to Use and buy 5 of each.
you need 5 because u can lvl up the Skills that they will do More dmg. max lvl of the Skills is lvl 5.
after you Buy a Skill u get an item Double Klick it and you "learn" the skill (it will be an item in your Invetar)
the Item will be the Skill what you Buyed at lvl 1.
if you want it lvl 2...3...4...5 u just use the Item what you have buy Again to Upgrade your Skill.
to learn/Upgrade a Skill u Need Badge(the 30 Badge what you have get after Entering Tamalan Arena)
the Cost for a skills can be only 5 Badge/level, other cost up to 15 Badge.
after you Have got your Skills Enter the Arena And Fight.
At the Start you CANT Level up you 4 Skill to lvl 5 and go on Rampage
you need more Badge, so you need to Earn them.
at the Shop if you look at the Top there are 4 Categorie's
Linear, Ranged , Speciality, Support
this are the Categories of the Different Skills. (discription below)
Get Badge:
2 Option to Get Badge.
First: you are in the Battle Ground , there you will get every 2 Badge every 30 sec.
Second: you Kill a Player that will Reward you 10 Badge !

Cost: 4 Badge (max 20)
Cool Down(CD) : 2Ssec
dmg(dmg lvl 5/max): 5% HP
Throw(Throw your enemy who you hit away): 180-280 Range
Range for the Skill to do Dmg: 300
ppl ( how many ppl can be hited in 1 Line): 1
Cost: 6(30)
CD : 4
DMG : 10
Throw: 300
Range: 300
ppl: 1
Cost: 7(35)
CD : 5
dmg : 11
Throw: 200-400
Range: 300
ppl: 1
Cost: 10(50)
CD: 10
dmg: 20
Throw: 0
Range: 300
ppl: 5
Cost: 8(40)
CD: 10
dmg: 18
Throw: 300
Caste Range: 300
Range: 100(Around you)
ppl: 5
All Linear Skills are for Doing damge. and attack in a Line. except Jolt.
Jolt you Jump to the Point where you have Cast it and there you doing an AOE dmg.(Cast time for Jolt 1 sec, you dont see a Casttime, All other Skills are instand Casted)

Ringed Throw:
Cost: 9(45)
CD: 6
dmg: 6
Throw: 100-200
Range: 150 around you (AOE)
ppl : All
Thats a Skill what do Around you a Shockwave what does dmg and throw all around you away.
Cost 9(45)
CD: 7
dmg: 5
Throw: 200-400
Cast Range: 600
Range: 100
ppl: 5
thats Like a Mine what you place at the Highest Range of 600! what do Aoe dmg of 100 if a Player go to it.
will be gone after 2 sec if nothing has happen.
Cost: 10(50)
CD: 8
Dmg: 10
Throw: ?
Cast Range: 150
Range: 100 AOE
ppl: 5
whis this you Throw a scythe in front of you what also do Aoe Dmg to up to 5 player.
Ice Age:
Cost: 15(75)
CD: 15
dmg: 15
Throw: ?
Range: ?
ppl: 5
could not get the Detais from this Skill whis testing, because was not possible for me... <<(thanks to all who dont let me test the skills... FOR YOU!)
if somebody know Range,Throw "effect" than please tell me, i give it up to test it...

Solar Flare:
Cost: 7(35)
CD : 20
dmg: 1
Throw: 0
Range: 300
This Skill STUN the other Players for 3 sec ( at max level)
Cost: 9(45)
CD: 25
dmg: 1
whis this Skill you Reduze the Move speed of Other Player.
At max level it will give -50% move speed !! for 14 sec
Cost: 8(40)
CD: 15
dmg: 2
Whis this Skill u Summon a Snake, what will be at the Spot for 8 sec and attack EVERYBODY(the User of this Summon too)
and to 2 dmg.
the Snake can be Throw away like other Players whis skills what can Throw a distance.

Cost: 5(30)
CD: 20
Boni: +70%
Time:10 sec
This Skill increases your Move speed +70% for 10 sec (max level)
Cost: 5(25)
CD : 20
Time: 7
whis this Skill u are Immun to ALL dmg skills from !!Player's!!
Cost: 5(25)
CD: 20
Speed: +30%
Time: 8 sec
This Skill Make u Immun to ALL Throw Back ( you cant be Push back)
AND give you a small Move speed bonus of 30% for 8 sec.
Cost: 6(30)
CD: 15
Time: 8sec
whis this Skill you will be invisible.
you can still get hited by skills and take the Damge.
how Much it what Range?
Range: 150(aoe skill)

you see the Wave? everywhere where the wave is now. its Range of 150.
Range 300:

you see the circle?
on the Left end of the circle will be Range of 300.
Range 600:

in the Middle of the Red circle will be Range of 600. the circle is a Range of 100.
like some ppl. wanted that i make here a Small Guilde for Tamalan Arena here is it.
So I will make a Small Guild for Tamalan Arena.
Tamalan Arena is at 17:00 to 17:30 (Server time)
max ppl 20 / Arena (if more join it will just Open L2,L3...)
here are the Highest Badge Rewards.
All Player & Class are Nearly equall.
a low lvl Mortal can beat a lvl 100 Scion if he can Play Tamalan Arena "good"
the EQ dont count ONLY!!!!! the Move speed.
the Only Class who have here an Advance is the Priest class lvl 50+ whis the Passiv Skill 10% HP heal ever 10 sec.
(a little bit unfair but... maybe it will someday changed from the R2 Support)
Dont Worry to much, you can kill a player in 5 sec or faster
if you dont belive me, ask the Server/World Chat who have play a few times at the Tamalan Arena

so if you say it Short:
it is Nearly Equall and your Player Skills Count and not your High End EQ!! (thats one of the Few Reasons why you dont
see so much High lvl Player inside there

Sooo now what everybody want to know. is it worth ?
make you one Chose worth or not!!
the Rewards are Honor, Bronze Badge, Silver Badge, Gold Badge
for your first Reward you need a Minimum of 50 Points than you get 5 Bronze Badge.
for More Points you get more and better Rewards.
240+ = 3 Gold Badge, 10 Silver Badge , 30 Bronze Badge 200 Honor
190-239 = 1 Gold Badge, 5 Silver Badge , 20 Bronze Badge 150 Honor
?-189 = 3 Silver Badge 10 Bronze Badge
50-??= 1 Silver 5 Bronze Badge
How to Get Points ?
there are 2 option to get Points.
First. After your are in the Battle Field you get 1 Point every 20 second.
second. you get 2 Points for Killing a Player.
After you Enter the Tamalan Arena your HP will be Boostet to ~1.000.000, you Get 30 Badge and your Skills & norm atk will be Disable (all LVL and Class get the Same HP)
you are now at Hall. there is Standing 1 NPC whis the Name Tamalan Guardian. Speak to Him.
After you Speak to the NPC you have the Follow Option's:
Retrieve Potion
Skill Shop
Enter Battle
Check Points Total
Return to Starglade
(Redeem Warrior's Pack was only Avalible at a Event)
here he will tell you all the Rules about Tamalan Arena but not realy sooo helpful.
Retrieve Potion:
here you get your Spezial, only for Tamalan Arena Heal Potion , you get 3 Potion (VIP 5 Potion)
the Potion Heal you "20% HP / sec."
Skill Shop Later.
Enter Battle:
After Pressing this one you go to the Battle Ground where you can Fight and get Points for you reward's.
Check Point Total:
here you can Check your Current Points what you have Earned today.
you CAN'T save up Points. after you Enter Tamalan Arena you Points will Reset to 0. !!!!
Return to Starglade:
whis this you can leave the Arena everytime you want!
whis this you just Close the Window if the NPC.
Skill Shop:
here you can Buy Skills (items) what you can use at the Battle Ground to Kill other Player's.
every Skill Cost 5s (you Need 1 Gold no More)
you Can Buy as Many as you want.
there are 16 Skills in the Skill Shop.
you can use only max of 4 Skills.
so Chose 4 Skills what you want to Use and buy 5 of each.
you need 5 because u can lvl up the Skills that they will do More dmg. max lvl of the Skills is lvl 5.
after you Buy a Skill u get an item Double Klick it and you "learn" the skill (it will be an item in your Invetar)
the Item will be the Skill what you Buyed at lvl 1.
if you want it lvl 2...3...4...5 u just use the Item what you have buy Again to Upgrade your Skill.
to learn/Upgrade a Skill u Need Badge(the 30 Badge what you have get after Entering Tamalan Arena)
the Cost for a skills can be only 5 Badge/level, other cost up to 15 Badge.
after you Have got your Skills Enter the Arena And Fight.
At the Start you CANT Level up you 4 Skill to lvl 5 and go on Rampage

you need more Badge, so you need to Earn them.
at the Shop if you look at the Top there are 4 Categorie's
Linear, Ranged , Speciality, Support
this are the Categories of the Different Skills. (discription below)
Get Badge:
2 Option to Get Badge.
First: you are in the Battle Ground , there you will get every 2 Badge every 30 sec.
Second: you Kill a Player that will Reward you 10 Badge !
Cost: 4 Badge (max 20)
Cool Down(CD) : 2Ssec
dmg(dmg lvl 5/max): 5% HP
Throw(Throw your enemy who you hit away): 180-280 Range
Range for the Skill to do Dmg: 300
ppl ( how many ppl can be hited in 1 Line): 1
Cost: 6(30)
CD : 4
DMG : 10
Throw: 300
Range: 300
ppl: 1
Cost: 7(35)
CD : 5
dmg : 11
Throw: 200-400
Range: 300
ppl: 1
Cost: 10(50)
CD: 10
dmg: 20
Throw: 0
Range: 300
ppl: 5
Cost: 8(40)
CD: 10
dmg: 18
Throw: 300
Caste Range: 300
Range: 100(Around you)
ppl: 5
All Linear Skills are for Doing damge. and attack in a Line. except Jolt.
Jolt you Jump to the Point where you have Cast it and there you doing an AOE dmg.(Cast time for Jolt 1 sec, you dont see a Casttime, All other Skills are instand Casted)
Ringed Throw:
Cost: 9(45)
CD: 6
dmg: 6
Throw: 100-200
Range: 150 around you (AOE)
ppl : All
Thats a Skill what do Around you a Shockwave what does dmg and throw all around you away.
Cost 9(45)
CD: 7
dmg: 5
Throw: 200-400
Cast Range: 600
Range: 100
ppl: 5
thats Like a Mine what you place at the Highest Range of 600! what do Aoe dmg of 100 if a Player go to it.
will be gone after 2 sec if nothing has happen.
Cost: 10(50)
CD: 8
Dmg: 10
Throw: ?
Cast Range: 150
Range: 100 AOE
ppl: 5
whis this you Throw a scythe in front of you what also do Aoe Dmg to up to 5 player.
Ice Age:
Cost: 15(75)
CD: 15
dmg: 15
Throw: ?
Range: ?
ppl: 5
could not get the Detais from this Skill whis testing, because was not possible for me... <<(thanks to all who dont let me test the skills... FOR YOU!)
if somebody know Range,Throw "effect" than please tell me, i give it up to test it...
Solar Flare:
Cost: 7(35)
CD : 20
dmg: 1
Throw: 0
Range: 300
This Skill STUN the other Players for 3 sec ( at max level)
Cost: 9(45)
CD: 25
dmg: 1
whis this Skill you Reduze the Move speed of Other Player.
At max level it will give -50% move speed !! for 14 sec
Cost: 8(40)
CD: 15
dmg: 2
Whis this Skill u Summon a Snake, what will be at the Spot for 8 sec and attack EVERYBODY(the User of this Summon too)
and to 2 dmg.
the Snake can be Throw away like other Players whis skills what can Throw a distance.
Cost: 5(30)
CD: 20
Boni: +70%
Time:10 sec
This Skill increases your Move speed +70% for 10 sec (max level)
Cost: 5(25)
CD : 20
Time: 7
whis this Skill u are Immun to ALL dmg skills from !!Player's!!
Cost: 5(25)
CD: 20
Speed: +30%
Time: 8 sec
This Skill Make u Immun to ALL Throw Back ( you cant be Push back)
AND give you a small Move speed bonus of 30% for 8 sec.
Cost: 6(30)
CD: 15
Time: 8sec
whis this Skill you will be invisible.
you can still get hited by skills and take the Damge.
how Much it what Range?
Range: 150(aoe skill)
you see the Wave? everywhere where the wave is now. its Range of 150.
Range 300:
you see the circle?
on the Left end of the circle will be Range of 300.
Range 600:
in the Middle of the Red circle will be Range of 600. the circle is a Range of 100.