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Can anyone tell me a cheep server ( i mean items like MUTs PC HW and FSE to be cheep example: FSE 2g or HW 25s ) and can anyone tell me how to be a good Knight ( full Strength )
Auora Point is a cheap server, wings for 40 silver and muts for 3 silver, some muts are aorund 15 and 30. This is an advanced server a lot of high level people and the items they sell are so advanced and epic. A lot of people are also Scions(means they been reborn). o.o
Kaspaya Beach: MUTs 1-4s, Heroic Wings 25-35s, Purified Crystals 70s-1g, Epic Ethereals 1-5s this stuff is ridiculously cheap however somethings are overpriced like Fire Lord Eggs 30-40g lol, and gems nowadays are pretty expensive..
Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "
zensho island, kaspaya beach sea of dreams, and southernwet lands (already merge) the price of mount upgrade tokens is 1-10s the heroic wings is 20-30s
IGN: xSpade Server: zensho Island Class/Job: rogue