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Total Pure Unbalance

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  • #16
    i hope cs will comeout new mount that have same stat like GBS ... xD
    Server : Eternal Sanctun S57
    Char name : dauztough :p
    Spouse : Still single
    Level : Scion 60
    Class : Shadow Rogue
    Guild : (S57)SilentKiller (Haki)
    Wing : Angel Lord:(
    Pet : Golden Teddy,Panda Adult :)



    • #17

      Priests have negligible heals (thanks to seiryu beast soul's passive lifesteal) and - curses (that lowers BASE stats, which'll result to no efficiency). low def, mediocre hp, low hit rate.
      Rangers have traps (if you get to trap your oppponent) and high hit rate, high movement speed, mediocre deff
      Knight have def and damage reduction, but they have low hit rate(?)
      Mages got huge nuke power, moderate attack speed, moderate hit rate, mediocre deff (yeah, that's how it is, just look at the deffs slayer set for example gives, and Ice tree 20% pdef reduction).

      and ROGUES ...they now have attack power, attack speed, high hit rate, high dodge, lifesteal, and now they also got high defense and hp (that comes with the tenets and zodiac) oh yeah lets not forget aoe dmg that they can get from heraldry skill seals. they can get EVERYTHING

      All in all, yeah the game needs some huge balancing to be done.
      Last edited by venomeh; 12-16-2013, 09:56 AM.
      Stalkers OP.

      Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


      • #18
        Originally posted by PureLily View Post
        We have the strongest rogue on the entire merged west coast pvp servers on our guild, and even with maxed tenets she can't take out gotor faster than our mage. Rogues are strong, but they are not invincible. Some can still argue that a mage is stronger.
        Lily, stop talking about me. D: I work during gotor time so I haven't tried yet but I prob could if I did evermake it there in time but yah Huyz is better.

        Originally posted by hunterish View Post
        ....i had it coming , all rogue players came here for a show off comment .

        Rogues are that type of class that is hard to land a hit on , but when you do , you kill them . now , its both hard to land a hit on , and to kill them .

        That is why the game got unbalanced . cuz they have dodge , hit rate , defense (from tenets), LIFESTEAL , and a huge advantage in pve which helps them improve a lot faster .

        In 1 word , they got everything .

        Priests have heal and curses . low def , low hp , low hit rate.
        Rangers have traps (if you get to trap your oppponent) and high hit rate , but their def is also low
        Knight have def and damage reduction , but they hit slow and they have low hit rate.
        Mages got huge nuke power , moderate attack speed , moderate hit rate , but really low def .

        and ROGUES ... they now have attack power , attack speed , high hit rate , high dodge , lifesteal , and now they also got high defense and hp ( that comes with the tenets and zodiac) . they can get EVERYTHING

        If a knight and a rogue would be maxed from any point of view : soul , tenets , wings , handbook , zodiac, etc , the knight wouldn't stand a chance . cuz rogues have everything a knight can never get because of how the geniuses of r2 conceived the game .
        I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say....You're losing to casher rogues now.
        Last edited by VicZar; 12-17-2013, 01:49 AM. Reason: Merged

        Game: Crystal Saga
        Char name : (K1)Azaleic

        Level : 150 Eido
        Game : Monkey King Online
        Name: Azaleic
        Level : 90
        Server: [S31] Hall of Frost


        • #19
          One other unbalance, since half the passives from frag and sperion and the new heraldry system proc upon attacking, rogues have double chance of proccing the skill, giving them a massive advantage
          IGN: (S62)Zipzap
          Server: [S62]Bloodshed Hollow (S62+S60)
          Guild: (S60)Apocalypse
          Level: 128+ Eidolon
          Class: Blood focus hybrid priest
          Rank: Emperor
          Married to: (S62)Ajari

          Everything's gonna be alright, if its not alright then its not yet the end!


          • #20
            Y'all be talking about powerfully rogues yet you not seen the rogue in my server can whip most y'alls guilds with little effort and thats not a joke you try to fighting a rogue with 3.6m hp with 600k patt(unbuffed) 137% crit strik, 480% critdmg, 300% attack speed and 111% dodge, id love to see y'all try that on for size! Our top knight in the game gets 2 shoted from him, he goes through corruption fast enough to get to floor 9 before the next humaflucious spawns.

            Ok back on topic. This is more balanced then you think and dodge is broken somewhat cause even on the most powerful rogue in my server my fight on(lv4) hits him at least 3/10 times and I tried that with 31% hit. So either the dodge system is broken or as iv been thinking for some time the higher lv a skill is the better its hit chance sounds odd but makes sense when you fight as many rogues as I have. Also on a note that vampire skill from beast soul is a joke compared to bloodlust scion passive of knights. For one the beast soul's vampire affect is only 5%, where as a knights bloodlust at lv 8 is 15% plus add beast soul thats 20% its still double the heal rate of rogues even if they hit twice as fast.

            also your element of surprise on rogues im sure your not a vampuric knight as from what iv seen you might be a pvp knight. Try fight on im sure them rogues wont like you in pvp cause any rogue in my server will tell you fight a knight with a light blissing or BOL SB and they use fight on except to be uncloaked.
            Last edited by bla2400; 12-17-2013, 12:36 AM.
            Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
            Server: Glacial Planes.
            Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

            For in depth knight guide click the link below

            "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


            • #21
              i use vampiric atm for farming but that ain't got anything to do with anything . like i said ,rogues will come here and comment all about how rogues are OP anyway so if youre a rogue keep it to yourself .

              you have no idea what im talking about ,all of you made off topic remarks giving me examples from i dont know what server that i dont care about.
              and no , i generally never get killed by rogues except for the 1 maller that r2 allowed to get kilin in the first two weeks after server started . but then again , his char aint legit , so i dont care much about it .

              i was just saying if all 5 classes cashed full EVERYTHING , the rogues would win by a landslide now with the latest features .


              • #22
                Rogues are generally supposed to be the pvp class, but their attack speed can reach over 350% making them get way more passives.
                Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                • #23
                  It isn't just their attack speed Insanity, keep in mind that rogues get a default skill that hits twice. Beyond that they also get a lot of multihit skills as well, which isn't balanced with perfect frag passives, or the vampire effect. That said, it is balanced with frost, since rogues only get a 5% activation rate on that, while everyone else gets 10%.


                  • #24
                    Yeah i have 240% attack speed as a rogue so i know what you mean. Perfect frag activates 4 times for me before it activates for a knight once lol. I reached about 4 or 5 attacks a second.
                    Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                    I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                    I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                    • #25
                      Once a rogue reaches a high enough attack speed with a high enough level of the demonic gift sperion combo, that effect is almost constant raising their attack speed even more...
                      IGN: (S62)Ajari
                      Server: [S62] Bloodshed Hollow
                      Guild: (S60)Apocolypse
                      Plane: Eidolon
                      Rank: Emperor
                      Pet: Cuddlebunny - Gen 3 Burning Angel



                      • #26
                        if you hate 57% hit rate and the rogue has 90% dodge then u would hit them 2/3 times. hit % comes off of the dodge rate. and the rogues dont have much defense at all, much like mages. even tho im focused on my def (im a rogue) and i have higher def than most rogues doesnt mean im strong. what youre complaining about is the strength difference between cashers and non cashers, nothing class related. on my server the 2 biggest cashers can go head to head and be fairly even. one is a rogue and one is knight.

                        and sure stealth is great way to surprise people and have an advantage but its easy to avoid. use traps/curses/fight on/or balrog aoe skill to defend against it. every class has a way to defend against it. rogues are actually at a major disadvantage against ranged classes because we dont have a single ranged attack. youdthink we'd have some kind of skill where its like throwing a shuriken or something but no... too bad for us. and because of the game design we cant hit moving targets either, instead all we can do is run to the coords that our target was at, then redirect to the new location, and by that time we're dead. knights can use dragon hook so they got no worries there, and the other 3 classes are ranged.

                        i do agree that our attack speed with the newer frag weapons means we will out dps you but im sure that doesnt bother you when u have one of us in your ladder party and it helps u clear floor 70. every class has something everybody can complain about, just find the class that works best for you and learn how to beat other classes. sometimes u have to take a back seat to a casher, big deal.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Lenwc View Post
                          if you hate 57% hit rate and the rogue has 90% dodge then u would hit them 2/3 times. hit % comes off of the dodge rate. and the rogues dont have much defense at all, much like mages. even tho im focused on my def (im a rogue) and i have higher def than most rogues doesnt mean im strong. what youre complaining about is the strength difference between cashers and non cashers, nothing class related. on my server the 2 biggest cashers can go head to head and be fairly even. one is a rogue and one is knight.

                          and sure stealth is great way to surprise people and have an advantage but its easy to avoid. use traps/curses/fight on/or balrog aoe skill to defend against it. every class has a way to defend against it. rogues are actually at a major disadvantage against ranged classes because we dont have a single ranged attack. youdthink we'd have some kind of skill where its like throwing a shuriken or something but no... too bad for us. and because of the game design we cant hit moving targets either, instead all we can do is run to the coords that our target was at, then redirect to the new location, and by that time we're dead. knights can use dragon hook so they got no worries there, and the other 3 classes are ranged.

                          i do agree that our attack speed with the newer frag weapons means we will out dps you but im sure that doesnt bother you when u have one of us in your ladder party and it helps u clear floor 70. every class has something everybody can complain about, just find the class that works best for you and learn how to beat other classes. sometimes u have to take a back seat to a casher, big deal.
                          i really do appreciate your advice but i think i quite know how to deal with stealth . thats not a problem for me , rogues have stealth in every game .

                          and i honestly dont know how you can even say they have no def , now with heraldry and tenets features . that is what i was complaining about , until now every class had its weaknesses , now rogues have none . absolutely no weakness , cuz they can get everything

                          and btw . yesterday i hit a certain rogue with 112% dodge 8 times in 2.5 seconds . one single attack got thru ,and it was aroud 50k when i usually hit people for 260-300k . 112% dodge vs. 59% hit rate now and 1/8 went thru . dont tell me that dodge vs. hit rate system isnt broken .

                          thats rogue's special trait . the dodge and the stealth .
                          knight's special trait is the defense (survivablity) and the lifesteal . which both of them are suddenly canceled by tenets and beast soul . way to go
                          Last edited by hunterish; 12-18-2013, 06:15 AM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by hunterish View Post
                            i really do appreciate your advice but i think i quite know how to deal with stealth . thats not a problem for me , rogues have stealth in every game .

                            and i honestly dont know how you can even say they have no def , now with heraldry and tenets features . that is what i was complaining about , until now every class had its weaknesses , now rogues have none . absolutely no weakness , cuz they can get everything

                            and btw . yesterday i hit a certain rogue with 112% dodge 8 times in 2.5 seconds . one single attack got thru ,and it was aroud 50k when i usually hit people for 260-300k . 112% dodge vs. 59% hit rate now and 1/8 went thru . dont tell me that dodge vs. hit rate system isnt broken .

                            thats rogue's special trait . the dodge and the stealth .
                            knight's special trait is the defense (survivablity) and the lifesteal . which both of them are suddenly canceled by tenets and beast soul . way to go
                            You have too remember, not every single rogue in the game cashes so you can't say ALL rogues have no weaknesses.
                            'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'

