If you are here reading this its most likely because you are at least level 30 and about to take on Revenant's Vault. RV for short. (other acronyms include NM for Nightmare, MUTS for mount upgrade tokens, HW for heroic wings, FSE for frageron soul essence.) Let us begin.
Welcome brave adventurers to my fancy little guide on how to move through and deal with the mobs (monsters) and Bosses that you will encounter in Revenant's Vault. The dungeon first becomes available as soon as you reach level 30. You can find it for yourself or you can wait for the quest that will ask you to go into the Revenant's vault and kill undead corpsewalkers and undead escapees. Join these two very brave adventureres, Taro and Flerklerk as they take on the dreaded Revenant's vault full of ghosts and ghouls, the undead and lost souls! (*this guide is not for the faint of heart.*) These two brave adventurers volunteered for my guide however, i highly suggest you make a party with at least one healer (priest) one tank (knight with the protection skill tree) and one dps(damage per second). Trios are the best for beginners since you have less people to divide the loots by but like they say, "The more the merrier."

as you can see above our two brave adventurers have only just entered the dungeon. Dont worry, you will not be attacked immediately after entering the dungeon. you can either fight your way through the mobs to the first boss or you can bypass all the mobs which i highly recommend. It saves you a ton of time. so you mount up and follow the path below.

Once you reach the end of the path i have set out for you, you will encounter the first dungeon boss in Revenant's Vault. The Fearsome Bonecrusher ( any guesses on how he got his name? just a thought guys.) Bonecrusher packs a serious punch or in his case drops down the axe. Bonecrusher deals alot of Physical damage so a tank is preferable. Highly recommended that you bring along a healer or he will waste away your potions and health reserves if not kill you. here is a close up of Bonecrusher.

Once you have beaten the fearsome Bonecrusher the next boss becomes available but you have a few dozen mobs in the way before you reach him. once again you can choose to either fight all the mobs or follow my path. FYI you dont have to follow my path exactly.

Once you have reached the end of the path or have cleared the mobs you will come to the second boss, the Neratul the Forgotten. keeper of lost souls. he devours the souls of adventurers who were not ready to face his lost magic art. i highly suggest that you keep the rocks to your back when facing Neratul or you will learn the hard way as these two brave adventurers did that Neratul the Forgotten can push you away and it hurts.>.<
(side note: Neratul casts a debility buff which causes you to lose a certain amount of hp after 12 seconds. this can be removed if you have a pet with the skill purification.)

Once you have defeated Neratul the Forgotten and his lost magic the final boss becomes available. now you can clear the mobs or bypass them by following the path i have set below. pretty easy, just follow the line to reach the flag.

The Final Boss in Revenant's Vault, Vega the Mad. Vega the Mad does not hit as hard as Bonecrusher nor does he possess any lost magic like Neratul. He is in my opinion the easiest boss in the dungeon. He does however posses one skill that can become very bothersome. Silence. He has the ability to silence not just one person but every person in your party close to him. This means your healer cannot heal for a few seconds. He can also hurt your other party members that are within range of him. so good luck with that one.

If you have managed to defeat Vega the Mad congratulate yourselves or self on clearing the Revenant's Vault dungeon. now pick up your loot and get on out of there.

some of the loots you can expect to find. (nightmare mode) Flawed gems as seen pictured above. Level 1 fruit formulas, Heroic Wings, lvl 30 gear, Epic Ethereal Shards, FSE, socketing rods, pet equipment, muts and other goodies.
Post Script: my two brave adventurers were rewarded handsomely. as you can clearly see they are not prepared to face Nightmare mode. they did die a few times but i assure you that it was well worth it.
Post Post Script: this guide does not guarantee that you will clear the dungeon, it does not in any way suggest you can clear the vault nightmare difficulty with chars like those two. please enter the revenant's vault at your own risk. thank you for reading this. please leave any suggestions down below.
Welcome brave adventurers to my fancy little guide on how to move through and deal with the mobs (monsters) and Bosses that you will encounter in Revenant's Vault. The dungeon first becomes available as soon as you reach level 30. You can find it for yourself or you can wait for the quest that will ask you to go into the Revenant's vault and kill undead corpsewalkers and undead escapees. Join these two very brave adventureres, Taro and Flerklerk as they take on the dreaded Revenant's vault full of ghosts and ghouls, the undead and lost souls! (*this guide is not for the faint of heart.*) These two brave adventurers volunteered for my guide however, i highly suggest you make a party with at least one healer (priest) one tank (knight with the protection skill tree) and one dps(damage per second). Trios are the best for beginners since you have less people to divide the loots by but like they say, "The more the merrier."
as you can see above our two brave adventurers have only just entered the dungeon. Dont worry, you will not be attacked immediately after entering the dungeon. you can either fight your way through the mobs to the first boss or you can bypass all the mobs which i highly recommend. It saves you a ton of time. so you mount up and follow the path below.
Once you reach the end of the path i have set out for you, you will encounter the first dungeon boss in Revenant's Vault. The Fearsome Bonecrusher ( any guesses on how he got his name? just a thought guys.) Bonecrusher packs a serious punch or in his case drops down the axe. Bonecrusher deals alot of Physical damage so a tank is preferable. Highly recommended that you bring along a healer or he will waste away your potions and health reserves if not kill you. here is a close up of Bonecrusher.
Once you have beaten the fearsome Bonecrusher the next boss becomes available but you have a few dozen mobs in the way before you reach him. once again you can choose to either fight all the mobs or follow my path. FYI you dont have to follow my path exactly.

Once you have reached the end of the path or have cleared the mobs you will come to the second boss, the Neratul the Forgotten. keeper of lost souls. he devours the souls of adventurers who were not ready to face his lost magic art. i highly suggest that you keep the rocks to your back when facing Neratul or you will learn the hard way as these two brave adventurers did that Neratul the Forgotten can push you away and it hurts.>.<
(side note: Neratul casts a debility buff which causes you to lose a certain amount of hp after 12 seconds. this can be removed if you have a pet with the skill purification.)
Once you have defeated Neratul the Forgotten and his lost magic the final boss becomes available. now you can clear the mobs or bypass them by following the path i have set below. pretty easy, just follow the line to reach the flag.
The Final Boss in Revenant's Vault, Vega the Mad. Vega the Mad does not hit as hard as Bonecrusher nor does he possess any lost magic like Neratul. He is in my opinion the easiest boss in the dungeon. He does however posses one skill that can become very bothersome. Silence. He has the ability to silence not just one person but every person in your party close to him. This means your healer cannot heal for a few seconds. He can also hurt your other party members that are within range of him. so good luck with that one.
If you have managed to defeat Vega the Mad congratulate yourselves or self on clearing the Revenant's Vault dungeon. now pick up your loot and get on out of there.
some of the loots you can expect to find. (nightmare mode) Flawed gems as seen pictured above. Level 1 fruit formulas, Heroic Wings, lvl 30 gear, Epic Ethereal Shards, FSE, socketing rods, pet equipment, muts and other goodies.
Post Script: my two brave adventurers were rewarded handsomely. as you can clearly see they are not prepared to face Nightmare mode. they did die a few times but i assure you that it was well worth it.
Post Post Script: this guide does not guarantee that you will clear the dungeon, it does not in any way suggest you can clear the vault nightmare difficulty with chars like those two. please enter the revenant's vault at your own risk. thank you for reading this. please leave any suggestions down below.
