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My fail attempt to make a guide
Originally posted by hill1 View PostGonna make a guidelet's get started then!
This is for retribution knights. Let's start off with a skill build.
First, a helpful skilliron blood level one gives 22 atk up. Pretty awesome like a shining gem! Max that. When ur level 12,
Put 5 in iron blood and 1 in feirce attack. Feirce attack does good hit dmg. Past level 55 about, reset skill points and don't max iron blood. Useless at high levels! Great for lower xD now from 12-20 put a 1 in the other skills.for char points build, put some end.
Now from 20-30, put 5 in revenge. Revenge is a cool skill. When you are under a certain amount of hp, ur atk goes high like crazy. I reccomend putting some end in because you wanna stay alive at low hp and still have that bonus!
Yes, healing potions do make your patk lower as ur hp rises.
Now... for 30- 40...put a 4 in improved iron blood. Wow it decreases my def!!! Some people say. Not a big deal..
Ur a retribution knightwho cares about that stuff. Your reason is to kill your enemy. Fast!! A protection knight protects their allys and buffs them.
From 40-50, if you hate kiters, your going to love this. Crucify!! An awesome long ranged skill for knights. Can ot get any better?
By the way a kiter is someone who's goal is for them to kill you while running. Mages and rangers and ( sometimes priests ) try to accomplish this goal. Now, crucify is a great skill to max. It will do more dmg, its a spammable skill and hits lots of ppl. Ppl are like imma kite you but get killed to my crucify. Onward from 50, you will be a good happy knight. You will be like I can kill. Anyone wahaha
Watch out for rouges. Their stealth gives them advantage. From 50-80, basiclly put 1 in most things. At level 80 this skill is a treat for chu.
Shock blade.
Max it!! Its awesome root which sometimes glitches and turns into a stun. Its pretty epic!!! One of the best level 80 skills everyone wants. In level 80 pvp, here is how to kill kiters.
Charge + hit +shock blade + use dps skills except crucify + when they run use crucify. If they still alive, your like wow they r good
But, you should prob have bonasurous by now.put it on follow until they start running. Put on attack mode when they do ( after crucify ) your pet will drag and stun. At this time just beat the heck outta them. Watch out for traps and black holes, fellow knights.
At level 80, don't make all ur equips turn to slayers. Keep your savage - if you have.
Now for the equips from 1-80!
Sorry no pictures >.<
From 1-20... just use equips you get on floor. Spawn kill plantona for shining set, it respawns every hour. Ask help for killing nepenthor on old server. On new server, on 10th day ask top ppl to help. Or 3rd day if there is major cashers!!
From 20-30 get the old fashion dreamwalker setstrong and looks cool on ur char. Make level 30 priests to farm pcs and also dream shards. Make sure to save ur vip when u have a hard time leveling, and when ur strong so no one will maul u in delivery >.<
Now for 30-40, choose between 3 sets. Wow!
3rd set. Make priest to level 40 ( for ressu ) and duo with ur knight on normal mode vault for some good pet equips pcs and most importanly ethereal shards. If you are really strong , I think you should do this.
Option 2 Epic Ethereal SetI'm in a mamasanmood.
guide continues
Guide part 2
Epic ethereal set! Now this is reccommended for good strong knights. The good thing is it gives more end for ya! Gl
Now another option :
Remember to do daily hunts.
Stuff that give u honor badges and honor
Amount of chipped gems required to make gems:
Lvl 1 --- 0
Lvl 2 --- 3
Lvl 3--- 9
Level 4 --- 27
Lvl 5 --- 81
Lvl 6 --- 243
Lvl 7 --- 729
Lvl 8 --- 2187
Lvl 9 --- 6561
Lvl 10- 19683
Lvl 1 chipped ( blue gem
Lvl 2 flawed ( blue gem )
Lvl 3 scratched ( blue gem )
Lvl 4 normal ( blue gem )
Lvl 5 shining ( yellow gem )
Lvl 6 excellent ( yellow gem )
Lvl 7 superior ( yellow gem )
Lvl 8 flawless ( purple gem )
Lvl 9 perfect ( purple gem )
Lvl 10 immaculate ( purple gem )
Guide part 2
Epic ethereal set! Now this is reccommended for good strong knights. The good thing is it gives more end for ya! Gl
Now another option :
Savage set.
Yeah! It gives pure str. On every equip. Even the boots? Yes even the boots.
Yeah you will lose some endurance sadly... from your equips. Some do half epic, half savage. I reccomend using half epic ethereal ( only ones that give end!! ) the rest is savage.lots of ppl do this. I did it to!
Now for 40-60 you should have like gold or purple savage. If you didn't levellike a madman. XD
Remember, at level 80 mortal do not make slayers. Unless ur gnna kiss ur purple savage goodbye.
Remember to do daily hunts.
Stuff that give u honor badges and honor
Day In Vadalia ( honor )
Some Events Sometimes ( etc )
Delivery Quest ( both )
Blessed Bath ( honor )
Sengolia Battle Grounds ( both )
Guild Quest ( honor )
Crypt ( both )
Hellstorm ( honor )
Daily hunt ( honor )
Wishing Well ( chance for both )
Dragonspine Battlegrounds ( bad
ge ) ( gold )
Training Grounds ( honor )
Do those!
Now crypt is pretty hard to do. Follow the high lvls and make 1st. That's what I did and won! But be careful which to follow. Some prople are decoys. Dragonspine is good for protection knight but for mostly rouge. At level 50 they prob have 45% dodge. They will go near ds and cloak. Then when its time, they vagabonds giving them 50% dodge for 8 sec... 95% dodge! You will lose ds of this happens. What you need :
A ranger friend with traps
Fast reaction time
Good hit rate
Many Aoes.
With this a rouge might not be able to get. But, they might max sprint leaving you in the dust, look in corners for them. Only thing you can try and do.
Try to get a costums also
Now here are the stuff to work on
If new server ...
#1 soul
#2 wings
#3 equipment ( enchantment n gettin new equips )
#4 gemming stuff
#5 wedding
#6 frag
#7 mount
Now for a knight, gorilla looks good but... is rly cheap on new server! Frag is too expensive never get it until like a month passed. Fse for 2p is not freaking worth it. That's horrible. If you get any real money to spend, just buy an unbound costume and sell it to someone for decent gold. Or wear it yourself!
Now! I will say good pets for retribution:
Retribution is full attack, so you can get a pure ado pet like baby demon or a baby angel. Any pet is goof for retribution:
Baby demon - morphed into super demon then demonking final stage is emperor demon( need a fire lord) A super demon is great for kiters because of the slow down and slow but mega DPS. Demonking - great put full str. Some rouges put agi for hit rate and crit which is smart, but not for knight. Don't put endurance on a demonking its ment to atk. Good things about emperor demon : the atk and stun aoe is pretty great. At low levels it might die easily. Only put a lil end on it if it has great maturity. Make sure it has 14- 15 maturity ( at gen 1 ) before leveling it up! Make sure the appitudes are good, the str bar about full. Purchase a 3X exp token and start leveling your pet. Some people who hate to get Fl get the dinosaur pet. Some also level a vulture to 120 and gen 5 it! But not a good choice. The dino pet is for protection knights- ask anyone. You can see people put pure end or 2 end 1 str. At 120 it has about 2,000 attack for the avrage dino pet. That's as much as a level 60 Super demon! If ur retribution, don't bother getting it.
Now for baby angel - upgrades to super angel - burning angel - gardian angel. By the way, baby demon and angel takes 6 mcs per try. 13 is baby demon. ???? For ed. I think 16-20 mcs! Average tries for ed is 20-45. Now for baby angel finally. Bad for knights! Let's talk about super angel. Horrible for knights ( sometimes ) the bad skill is mad magic. Kiters will laugh at you if you use this on them. Only useful for getting the hell outta somewhere....
The heal is pretty good. For protection knights that is.... remember retri is pure atk. Ed is the best choice for you! For
Now pets u should have at certain levels:
1-10 bear cub hehe xD
At level 20: beach crawler
30: the banshee thing lol
40 orge snowtosser u need some magic dmg!
45 - gmut reward so buy baby denon eggs by selling Gmuts if its older server.
52 super demon!
78- firelord.
Now the part ur go crazy at is the mcs. Average is 600 - 800 ur be like ahh gimme some mcs!
No worries. Here's how to get mcs.
Daily hunt. We all know its a low chance but still.
Events. Events!
Ask a friend or your wife.
Buy em from shop.
Make alts to farm.
Make a level one alt do green coin until u get a angel or demon egg that works. 1 hr doing this could give you great prizes sometimes. I got therion from this ( ahaha )
Borrow gold. We all don't like when people beg tho.
Play daily events! Like delivery, etc.
Do warriors trial.
Then you will get it soon. Try as hard as you can!
By the way avrage tries for fl is 80-120.....
Did you know someone got fl in one egg? Another got one in 234 eggs ( damnnn unlucky )
Now about savage set: equip savage weapon instead of frag I. If ur weap is frag II equip that instead. If u go full savage set. And u have like frag V, put savage weap and frag on hot bar. Switch to frag for running and chasing and frag for killing xD ( full savage gives + 15 move speed.) Also its okay to +13 your green savage! And its fun. A plus 14 on a new server will make you top strongest for a while but dnt try it unless ur a casher. Get about 100 Mod crystals to make plus 13.
Let's talk about mounts now. Mount avrage tries below!
Baby turtle
None can buy for 1g In sg.
Move speed 200.
Black panther 5 mount upgrade tokens per try.
Average tries - 3-5
Stats : 2.6% hp
2.0% atk
2.7% def
2.3% heal
210 move speed
Mystical scorpion:
You need rabbid raccon. Get at level 33 about or buy for 5g at auroa point.
12 mount upgrade tokens per try
About 6 tries
Movd speed 220
6.6% hp
6.8% def
Battle bear requires battle stallion can be taken at level 40 in celestial palace by hitomi man quest or bought in bloodfang village for 10g.
24 per try.
230 move speed
13.2% hp
10.2% atk
13.7% def
11.7% heal
Requires battle bear
Gorilla titan
36 Gmut per try 15-20 tries
240 move speed
26.3% hp
27.3% def
23.4% heal
Requirment gorilla titan
38 Gmut per try
250 move speed
40.5% hp
31.5% atk
42% def
36% heal
Hellwing requorements Gryphon
Move speed 260
25-30 tries
40 gmut per try
Stats :
54% hp
42% atk
46% def
58% heal
Gilded batte stallion:
265 move speed
Requires hellwing 30-35 tries
64.1% hp
48.7% atk
66.7% def
56.4% heal
Adding rest of stats in a while.for level 45 u should have scorp. ( on new server )
Level 55 should be bear. 80 - gorilla.
Now where to grind. Make sure the monsters ur fighting are gold and not red!!! NEVER white unless quest
At lvl 50 u will get zodiac, u should be able to use potions and solo vault Nm.
How to gold farm: do these:
Delivery quest
Chambers of fate
Daily hunt
Warriors trial
Dragon hunt
Sell stuff
I'm done... for now that is. Bye!Last edited by hill1; 04-20-2014, 11:50 PM.I'm in a mamasanmood.
Originally posted by hill1 View PostI'm new so.....APOLOYMI
GUILD: The Spartans
Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out
Retri Knights are horrible, less dps than a rogue with less dodge, hit and crit, and yet they are just as squishy, and can't stealth. This is a guide on how not to be able to do dungeons and still generally be less than average while pvping against pll of equal skill and lvl.Last edited by rjweidn; 04-21-2014, 03:53 PM.
Originally posted by rjweidn View PostRetri Knights are horrible, less dps than a rogue with less dodge, hit and crit, and yet they are just as squishy, and can't stealth. This is a guide on how not to be able to do dungeons and still generally be less than average while pvping against pll of equal skill and lvl.I'm in a mamasanmood.