Hello everyone! This is my first guide so plz be gentle with me 
Magic Tower Guide
To max it u need :
Magic White Orb x 160 and 180 x Magic Essence
Magic Green Orb x 200 and 360 x Magic Essence
Magic Blue Orb x 280 and 540 x Magic Essence
Magic Yellow Orb x 280 and 720 x Magic Essence
Magic Purple Orb x 280 and 900 x Magic Essence
Magic Orange Orb x 160 and 1080 x Magic Essence
For a big total of 3780 x Magic Essence
Here i presume that he max level of this tower is 100 because the higher is ur level of tower, the more maturity u need to gain 1 level on it.

Each Level of the tower give u the item u need to level it. Each 3 level u gain Magic essence.
Here each level (this i what i got last run) :
1 --> White Magic Orb x 2
2 --> White Magic Orb x 2
3 --> Magic Essence x 1
4 --> White Magic Orb x 1
5 --> White Magic Orb x 2
6 --> Magic Essence x 1
7 --> Green Magic Orb x 1
8 --> Green Magic Orb x 1
9 --> Magic Essence x 1
10 -> Green Magic Orb x 1
11 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
12 -> Magic Essence x 1
13 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
14 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
15 -> Magic Essence x 2
16 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
17 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
18 -> Magic Essence x 2
19 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
20 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
21 -> Magic Essence x 2
22 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
23 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
24 -> Magic Essence x 2
25 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
26 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
27 -> Magic Essence x 2
28 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
29 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
30 -> Magic Essence x 2
All that for a total for each run of :
Magic White Orb x 7
Magic Green Orb x 3
Magic Blue Orb x 3
Magic Yellow Orb x 4
Magic Purple Orb x 3
Magic Orange Orb x 3
Magic Essence x 16
Now Here some trick to help u out in that tower (plz note that i am a protection knight) :
From lvl 1 to 19 :
You just need strengh to pass them.
At lvl 20 :
Knight :
For weaker knight try to process frost and dps them. Make sure u have enough HP get max buff as possible.
For stronger one well just kill them
Rogue :
Its possible, when u are strong enough, to use vagabon and kill one of them. Use shadow strke asap to sleath after it. Repeat till all 4 are dead.
I know its a long process but if u have to do that, that mean u lack of strength
For other classes :
For now... i dunno :X
If u are able to pass lvl 20, from lvl 21 to lvl 24 you sould not have problem.
At lvl 25:
Real problem start at lvl 25... why ? There is 4 mob that are close range. But the problem is that they hit stronger than the Glutton Nightmare meteor each hit !!!
Knight :
For protection only cuz i didnt test retribution : Use angelic blessing and dps them. Process frost and use a fire load pet. IMPORTANT : when there is 2 sec left at ur Angelic Blessing
start kiting. Remove ur stun from u afk bar because the last thing u want is to reset the mob u stun cuz u kite the other mob too far from him.
Rogue :
Same strategy as lvl 20 but u need to be stong enough to kill 1 withing ur vagabon time.
Starting from here, i only know for protection knight
At lvl 26 :
Same strengh as lvl 20. Just DPS.
At lvl 27 :
Well put ur HO, Pet on follow (my pet as stun and silence). What i do is cast angelic blessing and start afk the mage (i remove stun from afk). Then i change my pet from follow to atk so he cast his stun and silence
After that i use my own stun when i know the pet silence or stun is finishing. If u still lack time to dps it, u can use a pet swap to a GA or ED to stun or silence again.
At lvl 28:
All i have to say is that mob hit 1 k....
At lvl 29 :
Its exacly the same strategie as lvl 25. But just remember that there hit range is a big bigger than lvl 25 so kite more far from them.
At lvl 30 :
Can 1 shot me if it critique ... and i have over 150 mdef and near 75% DR ... But u know what ? That mob don't move ..... So the trick is to use angelic blessing, Dps then stun and run away. And u repeat until its done !!!
There u just finish that Magic Tower.
Im sorry for the lack of information for other classes (priest, ranger and mage) im just a protection knight
I dont know if it is allowed to post youtube link here but if its not ok, plz mod remove it
This is a tower run with the trick i just written up there. At the same time, you will see what mob look like in higher level
I hope it will help everyone a bit in that event ^_^
*New info*
For those who are weaker, Lvl 20 mobs aren't range. That mean that you can kite them

Magic Tower Guide
To max it u need :
Magic White Orb x 160 and 180 x Magic Essence
Magic Green Orb x 200 and 360 x Magic Essence
Magic Blue Orb x 280 and 540 x Magic Essence
Magic Yellow Orb x 280 and 720 x Magic Essence
Magic Purple Orb x 280 and 900 x Magic Essence
Magic Orange Orb x 160 and 1080 x Magic Essence
For a big total of 3780 x Magic Essence
Here i presume that he max level of this tower is 100 because the higher is ur level of tower, the more maturity u need to gain 1 level on it.
Each Level of the tower give u the item u need to level it. Each 3 level u gain Magic essence.
Here each level (this i what i got last run) :
1 --> White Magic Orb x 2
2 --> White Magic Orb x 2
3 --> Magic Essence x 1
4 --> White Magic Orb x 1
5 --> White Magic Orb x 2
6 --> Magic Essence x 1
7 --> Green Magic Orb x 1
8 --> Green Magic Orb x 1
9 --> Magic Essence x 1
10 -> Green Magic Orb x 1
11 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
12 -> Magic Essence x 1
13 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
14 -> Blue Magic Orb x 1
15 -> Magic Essence x 2
16 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
17 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
18 -> Magic Essence x 2
19 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
20 -> Yellow Magic Orb x 1
21 -> Magic Essence x 2
22 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
23 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
24 -> Magic Essence x 2
25 -> Purple Magic Orb x 1
26 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
27 -> Magic Essence x 2
28 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
29 -> Orange Magic Orb x 1
30 -> Magic Essence x 2
All that for a total for each run of :
Magic White Orb x 7
Magic Green Orb x 3
Magic Blue Orb x 3
Magic Yellow Orb x 4
Magic Purple Orb x 3
Magic Orange Orb x 3
Magic Essence x 16
Now Here some trick to help u out in that tower (plz note that i am a protection knight) :
From lvl 1 to 19 :
You just need strengh to pass them.
At lvl 20 :
Knight :
For weaker knight try to process frost and dps them. Make sure u have enough HP get max buff as possible.
For stronger one well just kill them
Rogue :
Its possible, when u are strong enough, to use vagabon and kill one of them. Use shadow strke asap to sleath after it. Repeat till all 4 are dead.
I know its a long process but if u have to do that, that mean u lack of strength
For other classes :
For now... i dunno :X
If u are able to pass lvl 20, from lvl 21 to lvl 24 you sould not have problem.
At lvl 25:
Real problem start at lvl 25... why ? There is 4 mob that are close range. But the problem is that they hit stronger than the Glutton Nightmare meteor each hit !!!
Knight :
For protection only cuz i didnt test retribution : Use angelic blessing and dps them. Process frost and use a fire load pet. IMPORTANT : when there is 2 sec left at ur Angelic Blessing
start kiting. Remove ur stun from u afk bar because the last thing u want is to reset the mob u stun cuz u kite the other mob too far from him.
Rogue :
Same strategy as lvl 20 but u need to be stong enough to kill 1 withing ur vagabon time.
Starting from here, i only know for protection knight

At lvl 26 :
Same strengh as lvl 20. Just DPS.
At lvl 27 :
Well put ur HO, Pet on follow (my pet as stun and silence). What i do is cast angelic blessing and start afk the mage (i remove stun from afk). Then i change my pet from follow to atk so he cast his stun and silence
After that i use my own stun when i know the pet silence or stun is finishing. If u still lack time to dps it, u can use a pet swap to a GA or ED to stun or silence again.
At lvl 28:
All i have to say is that mob hit 1 k....
At lvl 29 :
Its exacly the same strategie as lvl 25. But just remember that there hit range is a big bigger than lvl 25 so kite more far from them.
At lvl 30 :
Can 1 shot me if it critique ... and i have over 150 mdef and near 75% DR ... But u know what ? That mob don't move ..... So the trick is to use angelic blessing, Dps then stun and run away. And u repeat until its done !!!
There u just finish that Magic Tower.
Im sorry for the lack of information for other classes (priest, ranger and mage) im just a protection knight

I dont know if it is allowed to post youtube link here but if its not ok, plz mod remove it

This is a tower run with the trick i just written up there. At the same time, you will see what mob look like in higher level
I hope it will help everyone a bit in that event ^_^
*New info*
For those who are weaker, Lvl 20 mobs aren't range. That mean that you can kite them
