i want to buy vanity/ costume for my char but using gold/diamond because am not casher is it legal or ilegal?
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is it legal?
Costumes are tradable as long as they are not worn. When exchanging with the seller, make sure they insert the costume(s) into the trade window while you insert the amount of gold they are requesting. This will prevent any scamming since both parties will need to confirm the trade. I would suggest not going for sellers who want the gold first.
Originally posted by emilstankov3 View PostAnd is buying crystals / vip for ig gold from other players legal ?Last edited by Reverie; 08-07-2014, 11:15 AM.
there more ways then 1 example selling a wallee card or something like thatthat way xtals can be solled. but then again you need to trust the seller as this method is pirty dangerous for both parties so if i would seell such a card idd want my gold first ^^ . so it depends how badly you want it and if you wanna take that risk or not
Originally posted by Reverie View PostTrading in-game items to crystals is illegal, as it most often requires logging into another player's account to recharge -- accessing any account that is not your own is against our ToS and is extremely risky as this leaves your account/toon vulnerable for a nice hijack. Gifting VIP is allowed, but nothing of which requires another user to login to your account.