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DS glitch and wierd mods..

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  • DS glitch and wierd mods..

    ok sooo I report a glitch about DS that sticks in ur inventory to revierie and then she tells me I need to wright a ticket with a vid of the glitch happening.. hmm would help if I knew how to do the vid thing but yer wasn't my issue. soo I say ok then nevermind.. I guess people will jus continue doing it then cause idk how to make a vid or redo the glitch lol.. soo I then get told that's fine and she will be reporting me for exploiting a glitch threw TOS lmfao.. like umm really? hangon here.. I reported it to you.. not my fault id need to be a computer wiz to figure out how to fix your stupid glitched game..

  • #2
    We have a guide here:

    And, such reports do belong in a ticket. Since you're the one seeing the issues happen, you'll need to be the one who puts in the report about it, with documentation that brought you to the conclusion that there's a glitch.


    • #3
      yer and I dunno how to do vid about it iv not got a vid program.. but how I can be reported for reporting a glitch il never no.. its stupid.. I was the 1 reported it lol.. found out jus pure luck 1 time because it happened to me rather than it happening to every1 els like be4

      not waisting my time ever again to report a glitch if im gonna jus get reported for reporting it that's jus like umm.. yeeerr oookkkkaaay then..

      no wonder the games so messed up if that's the attitude lol..
      Last edited by Reverie; 04-21-2016, 09:12 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


      • #4
        Then just send what you are able to in a ticket. The important thing is to make sure you report it, in a ticket.


        • #5
          I do recall your dismissive attitude about being redirected to the ticket system and a word about continuing to exploit said glitch now that you are aware of it. As stated via PM, exploiting a glitch is against our ToS and you may want to rethink your willingness to partake.


          • #6
            I dun 1s and was total fluke wat I was trying to say is that's whats been happening on my server and I was trying to bring it to ur attencion that there was a glitch there.. why should I be the one to go outta my way to make a vid when it takes time and me doing things for the game to show you how its done.. when if I do it im gonna get banned lol.. may want to rethink that right there.. cause no way am I gonna do the glitch and video it just to get banned its not like im getting anything for reporting it.. I reported it to you mods so you can do something about it.. or get a techy to do it.. im not gonna go do there job for them.. I dun my bit I reported that there was a glitch.

            wasn't like I done on purpose I didn't even no I had till I had left the grounds with it in my inventory after being killed.. didn't no I had till it poped up and I looked in my inventory there it was.. I normaly don't even bother doing DS
            Last edited by Reverie; 04-21-2016, 09:43 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


            • #7
              Allow me to quote your willingness to exploit the glitch:
              Originally posted by silentzoner
              hmm.. ok nevermind then lol.. cause I dunno how to do vid and if no1 els reports it then hey I guess they can keep doing it lol.. as I can now that I no its a glitch..


              • #8
                as I sed.. THEY.. NOT ME THEY and yer I no its a glitch didn't say I was going to tho.. the end bit was basically saying look jus fix the darn thing not me saying ohh look il go do it.. why would I report it to u then do it..

                up to u do as u wish don't really care anymore anyways.. I tried reporting the fact thers a glich in DS im not gonna go do there job for them especialy when even the mods take things completely wrong and not like id get squat for it anyways for letting them no and taking the time to do, not even sure if I could recreate it anyways it jus happened .. il gladly tell them about how I stumbled on it but im not gonna try recreate the darn thing on vid to say hey look at me bann me plz kinda thing..
                Last edited by Reverie; 04-22-2016, 12:18 AM. Reason: Posts merged.


                • #9
                  The same question can be applied towards why one would insinuate further involvement in a glitch knowing that it is against our ToS. Needless to say that you have been redirected, several times now, to the ticket system where such reports must be filed. Not only does this help our team better understand the glitch, but it also covers your tail should you be accused of exploiting said glitch by players from your server.

                  Should you choose not to report it via ticket and another accusation arises, along with the brow-raising PM I have, the odds would be greatly stacked against you.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                    The same question can be applied towards why one would insinuate further involvement in a glitch knowing that it is against our ToS. Needless to say that you have been redirected, several times now, to the ticket system where such reports must be filed. Not only does this help our team better understand the glitch, but it also covers your tail should you be accused of exploiting said glitch by players from your server.

                    Should you choose not to report it via ticket and another accusation arises, along with the brow-raising PM I have, the odds would be greatly stacked against you.
                    Your attitude towards players is disgusting. Neither is he responsible for the bugs in this game, nor is he obligated to report anything.
                    Yet he did report that bug / glitch. Then he stated that he does not have a program to record his screen / doesn't know how to do that.

                    He also at no point said that he is abusing a glitch. He simply informed you about it and emphased that if nothing is done about the glitch,
                    then people will continue to abuse it either knowingly or by accident, as it happened to him.

                    As far as reporting bugs goes, he did so by posting about it on the forums and explicitly stated that he does not know how to reproduce said glitch.
                    Therefor filing a ticket about it is useless, as he can not provide any further information about it.

                    Instead of going on about this, Reverie, how about you simply do your job and forward the topic to the devs. Case closed.
                    And don't get me started on how useful the ticket system is. People have been reporting bugs and glitches through both the forum and the ticket system, yet there is little done about any issue ever.

                    The best way to forward an issue to the devs is certainly creating a forum post about it and having a mod directly forwarding it to the devs if it is a critical issue.
                    Most tickets are either ignored or the customer support doesn't know what the player is even talking about, since no one at R2 seems to play / test CS.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by silentzoner View Post
                      ok sooo I report a glitch about DS that sticks in ur inventory to revierie and then she tells me I need to wright a ticket with a vid of the glitch happening.. hmm would help if I knew how to do the vid thing but yer wasn't my issue. soo I say ok then nevermind.. I guess people will jus continue doing it then cause idk how to make a vid or redo the glitch lol.. soo I then get told that's fine and she will be reporting me for exploiting a glitch threw TOS lmfao.. like umm really? hangon here.. I reported it to you.. not my fault id need to be a computer wiz to figure out how to fix your stupid glitched game..
                      maybe this might help you with recording things in the future, here is a link to bandicam I used it to recorder bugs in the past when i was asked to show proof. You then load the vid up onto youtube set it to public then send the link of the vid to R2 in your ticket.
                      MARRIED TO ♥♥♥♥ SHADOWGAMMADRACO ♥♥♥♥
                      LEVEL180 EIDOLON SHADOW ROGUE

                      GUILD: The Spartans
                      GEN3 KYUBI

                      Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out


                      • #12
                        I just want to clarify that there is a difference between reporting things via pm to a forum moderator and reporting things to R2. Some things we can forward, some things require a ticket. This is a report that requires a ticket.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                          Your attitude towards players is disgusting. Neither is he responsible for the bugs in this game, nor is he obligated to report anything.
                          Yet he did report that bug / glitch. Then he stated that he does not have a program to record his screen / doesn't know how to do that.

                          He also at no point said that he is abusing a glitch. He simply informed you about it and emphased that if nothing is done about the glitch,
                          then people will continue to abuse it either knowingly or by accident, as it happened to him.

                          As far as reporting bugs goes, he did so by posting about it on the forums and explicitly stated that he does not know how to reproduce said glitch.
                          Therefor filing a ticket about it is useless, as he can not provide any further information about it.

                          Instead of going on about this, Reverie, how about you simply do your job and forward the topic to the devs. Case closed.
                          And don't get me started on how useful the ticket system is. People have been reporting bugs and glitches through both the forum and the ticket system, yet there is little done about any issue ever.

                          The best way to forward an issue to the devs is certainly creating a forum post about it and having a mod directly forwarding it to the devs if it is a critical issue.
                          Most tickets are either ignored or the customer support doesn't know what the player is even talking about, since no one at R2 seems to play / test CS.
                          If you reviewed the PM I quoted, said player did insinuate future glitch abuse, having become aware of it. That goes without saying that they have also already been accused of "hacking" by several players from their server due to their accidental findings, and again, filing a ticket will be the best way to cover their hinds as it is informative to the team.

                          There is also nothing for a moderator to forward when there is a lack of information. We can vaguely mention that there is an issue of some sort and the team will then ask us for screenshots and/or videos depicting the anomaly which I, for one, have not been provided with. Might I add that the forum is not ideal for reports that can result in glitch reproduction. The forum is a public board and the last thing we want is for everyone to learn how to recreate bugs. This is where the ticket system comes in.

                          Both the ticket system and PM provides a personal and private line of communication, however PMs result in "messengers" (I.E. moderators). When opting for PMs, players report to moderators who then report to the GMs/CRMs, whereas ticketing is a direct report from the player to the GMs/CRMs. Both of which require clear screenshots and/or videos for the sole purpose of better understanding what the issue is, which again, neither party has. Because there is no information to go off of, the devs really can't take any progressional steps towards correcting the ambiguous glitch.
                          Last edited by Reverie; 04-24-2016, 02:14 AM.


                          • #14
                            Don't know why you even bother! Reverie don't got authority to do [anything]! All she can do is tell you to go and file a ticket, which in endgame is just time lost!
                            Been there done that! As for her manners and priorities i'd suggest to stick on the usual stuff, editing/moving topics and linking the ticket link! The rest are just for show!
                            Last edited by Reverie; 04-24-2016, 09:48 AM. Reason: Language.

