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Cannot use Shadow Strike in Warriors Arena?????

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  • Cannot use Shadow Strike in Warriors Arena?????

    wth? cannot use shadow strike anymore? thats my favorite skill to 1 hit kill people in WA with not to mention extremely hit damage compared to the other skills rogues get.....

    this may or may not be a bug but i pray it is otherwise you just ****** off a lot of rogues and many whom are high cashers
    Server -Kabam English
    Char Name - World
    Level - Eidolon lvl 98
    Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
    Guild - Reality(leader)
    no longer playing

  • #2
    Support ticket filed #477755

    tried both slayers cloak and shadow strike in arena already

    as stated in the ticket.... sghadow rogues no longer had 2/3 high damage skills available as a mortal shadow rogue

    why not just tell shadow rogues to go F* themselves since its takes a massive amount of development to make them stable in PvP as is

    as the saying goes a rogue without stealth is a dead rogue(stands true in my server)
    Server -Kabam English
    Char Name - World
    Level - Eidolon lvl 98
    Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
    Guild - Reality(leader)
    no longer playing


    • #3
      arena is 1v1 and 3vs3 . rouge dont need stealth inside. just get a pet with drag . and ull pull ur enemy to ur feet

      Another reason . low level rouge enter and hide in stealth there for a draw ? really wasting time is not accepted for many players and im one of them

      so dont complain
      Last edited by TheJudge1; 11-07-2013, 09:17 PM. Reason: MERG POST
      It's important to make people happy, but you got to start by yourself


      • #4
        Originally posted by TheJudge1 View Post
        arena is 1v1 and 3vs3 . rouge dont need stealth inside. just get a pet with drag . and ull pull ur enemy to ur feet

        Another reason . low level rouge enter and hide in stealth there for a draw ? really wasting time is not accepted for many players and im one of them

        so dont complain
        and a high lvl eidolon knight (120+) i can only beat using TWO SESSIONS of stun since 99% of knights on my server use angelic blessing(10 second invincibility while i swing and lose 5k+ life a swing) i have 200%+ atk speed mind you... so you are telling me because some idiot noob wants to troll someone who does not know how to use AoE skills i should lose every single arena match against someone my lvl+ because R2 is too stupid to just say lvl seperation like in hellstorm

        so i will complain since i will die to my own blows when attacking an eidolon knight who put up anglics to keep swinging at me while i miss him 100% of the time

        again a rogue without stealth is a dead rogue(especially when mages and knights have 50%+ hit rating before blessing)
        Server -Kabam English
        Char Name - World
        Level - Eidolon lvl 98
        Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
        Guild - Reality(leader)
        no longer playing


        • #5
          Actually it is a major problem. That arena is huge, so trying to cover it in AoEs isn't happening. You might get lucky and hit the rogue, but any good rogue will keep as far away from you as possible if they are going for a draw, which happened a lot on my server. When more than half your matches end in a draw because a rogue was to chicken to fight you then yes, it should be disabled.

          Does this change weaken rogues a lot though? Yes. I really don't see what else they could do though, because leaving it so some people can effectively force a draw against people that should slaughter them instantly is as unfair to the other 4 classes as not being able to stealth is to rogues.


          • #6
            Well, it's great that they hear people's opinion, but of course like i said this will definitely anger rogues, a better solution would be for the rogues to show up as black dot on the mini map, even when cloaking, and i have to emphasize MINI MAP , not the big area map. Would be more fair, but I guess they're just taking shortcut, good luck with that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by JPwayne82444 View Post
              Actually it is a major problem. That arena is huge, so trying to cover it in AoEs isn't happening. You might get lucky and hit the rogue, but any good rogue will keep as far away from you as possible if they are going for a draw, which happened a lot on my server. When more than half your matches end in a draw because a rogue was to chicken to fight you then yes, it should be disabled.

              Does this change weaken rogues a lot though? Yes. I really don't see what else they could do though, because leaving it so some people can effectively force a draw against people that should slaughter them instantly is as unfair to the other 4 classes as not being able to stealth is to rogues.
              Does more than weaken rogues.... ruins any chance they have against heavy damage/defense classes or ranged classes at all...
              1) Priest see unstealthed rogue drops instant curse.... dodge or not still roots the rogue(they can do this three times and spam with bloodbeam)
              2) Mage sees rogue uses meteor or the pushback skill then spams with flame explosion(almost never misses rogues)
              3) Knight sees rogue crater smash, stun, drag, angelic blessing, then laugh as the rogue suicides off of them due to damage reflect
              4) combat rogue sees shadow rogue lightstream, reversal, decimation, finish the job nuff said
              5) ranger sees rogue traps +tidal arrow + any other hit = dead rogue

              rogue without stealth is a dead rogue... might as well cancel out shadow side completely and force those of use who learned the finesse to shadow to relearn how to play our class using combat(which sucks compared to shadow in regards to pvp)

              Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
              Well, it's great that they hear people's opinion, but of course like i said this will definitely anger rogues, a better solution would be for the rogues to show up as black dot on the mini map, even when cloaking, and i have to emphasize MINI MAP , not the big area map. Would be more fair, but I guess they're just taking shortcut, good luck with that.
              minimap gives them the exact location of the rogue... no different the telling rogues they cannot stealth... just they can use stun...

              simple fix should be the same as what they do/did for hellstorm... rogues can only stealth using shadow strike... this causes the rogue to need to come close and enter striking distance and danger to any class but does not hinder the rogue too much in pvp wise
              Server -Kabam English
              Char Name - World
              Level - Eidolon lvl 98
              Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
              Guild - Reality(leader)
              no longer playing


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shadowlisk View Post
                simple fix should be the same as what they do/did for hellstorm... rogues can only stealth using shadow strike... this causes the rogue to need to come close and enter striking distance and danger to any class but does not hinder the rogue too much in pvp wise
                I could agree to this, so long as any stealth they had when entering is stripped off them. Otherwise same exact problem, except with them having to get in close once a minute. As is unstealthing a decent rogue when you know where they are is hard since they can get over 100% dodge (as you yourself brag about in your signature), so even with +50% hit (which does need some specialized building for it) you still miss more than half the time. Add to that where any decent rogue trying for a draw would use vagabonds swiftness, stun them, then use shadow strike and the only option someone who isn't built specifically to fight rogues has is to spam AoEs on themselves and hope to get lucky.

                Also as a side note, if you see a knight has their immortality skill up and they have damage reflect why don't you just stop attacking them and run away until that goes down? That would have to be a lot more effective than suiciding off their damage reflect.


                • #9
                  run away until that goes down? ok let me put it this way i have 100% dodge with lvl 8 HP and normal light blessing.... and for stripping stealth that is impossible just like stripping the dragonspine buff when using the IoB glitch....

                  i have the highest dodge among ALL rogues in my server(as none of them are "uber"cashers and neither am i)

                  vagabonds lasts 8 seconds has a 3 minute cooldown unlike angelics which lasts up to 10 seconds with 30 second cooldown

                  50% hit rating is bare minimum for most the knights/mages/rangers in my server as were are around S22 in age i would guess(i started playing march of this year)

                  as for running from a knight? all the knights i can face in equal pvp 50/50 win or so.... are eidolons lvl 100+ that should explain their skills.... as for damage reflect that is a permanent passive skill so you wish that i run the whole time in arena just to drag out a draw regardless because they will just use titans guard immediately after angelics to reduce damage recieved and kick angelics again

                  hellstorm does not strip stealth upon entry.... i used to make it a habit to enter while stealthed at 21:35 right before it closed so i have a little extra time to gather myself

                  my signature merely states the optimum dodge i can have under perfect conditions.... as my sperion only has a 7% chance of triggering and any knight could remove both vagabonds and HP lvl 8 if they had half a brain... there are too many variables you are not considering ive already pointed out that you have yet to actually consider....

                  simply put again they made a half assed decision to nerf a rogue which is built to either hide in shadow(stealth) or stun/attack mass enemies(pve build) removing the stealth aspect of rogues kills the character for PvP completely as they have the lowest defense in the game not to mention unlike mages and rangers who have barely more defense is not a ranged class with the exception of combat builds which negate stealth

                  why nerf a skill meant for pvp in a pvp event when that will just **** people off and cause a loss in income from cashers in the long run(noobs will love em though)
                  Server -Kabam English
                  Char Name - World
                  Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                  Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                  Guild - Reality(leader)
                  no longer playing


                  • #10
                    Was this after this week's maintenance?
                    Originally posted by Dr.Q
                    Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


                    • #11
                      yup posted immediately after my first arena match when i went to 1 hit kill a noob and couldnt
                      Server -Kabam English
                      Char Name - World
                      Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                      Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                      Guild - Reality(leader)
                      no longer playing


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shadowlisk View Post
                        run away until that goes down? ok let me put it this way i have 100% dodge with lvl 8 HP and normal light blessing.... and for stripping stealth that is impossible just like stripping the dragonspine buff when using the IoB glitch....

                        i have the highest dodge among ALL rogues in my server(as none of them are "uber"cashers and neither am i)

                        vagabonds lasts 8 seconds has a 3 minute cooldown unlike angelics which lasts up to 10 seconds with 30 second cooldown

                        50% hit rating is bare minimum for most the knights/mages/rangers in my server as were are around S22 in age i would guess(i started playing march of this year)

                        as for running from a knight? all the knights i can face in equal pvp 50/50 win or so.... are eidolons lvl 100+ that should explain their skills.... as for damage reflect that is a permanent passive skill so you wish that i run the whole time in arena just to drag out a draw regardless because they will just use titans guard immediately after angelics to reduce damage recieved and kick angelics again

                        hellstorm does not strip stealth upon entry.... i used to make it a habit to enter while stealthed at 21:35 right before it closed so i have a little extra time to gather myself

                        my signature merely states the optimum dodge i can have under perfect conditions.... as my sperion only has a 7% chance of triggering and any knight could remove both vagabonds and HP lvl 8 if they had half a brain... there are too many variables you are not considering ive already pointed out that you have yet to actually consider....

                        simply put again they made a half assed decision to nerf a rogue which is built to either hide in shadow(stealth) or stun/attack mass enemies(pve build) removing the stealth aspect of rogues kills the character for PvP completely as they have the lowest defense in the game not to mention unlike mages and rangers who have barely more defense is not a ranged class with the exception of combat builds which negate stealth

                        why nerf a skill meant for pvp in a pvp event when that will just **** people off and cause a loss in income from cashers in the long run(noobs will love em though)
                        When I said run from them I meant until the immortality goes down, I know the damage reflect is a passive. As for Titans guard that wouldn't give a huge boost unless they were no where near the reduction cap (75% for anyone reading this that doesn't know), and correct me if I'm wrong, but don't shadow rogues have a skill that negates some of that damage reduction, plus sunder? This wasn't meant to be part of the argument anyway, just me trying to figure out why you would stand there hitting an enemy you can't hurt when doing so actively hurts you.

                        As for your dodge, I wasn't assuming that what you posted in your sig was your constant dodge, but just what you always have that can't be taken away (Base, title, BoL) is 101%. Rangers and priests can't debuff you, and not all mages can either (a decent number choose to take thunderstorm instead, which can't debuff), so I feel fairly confident in keeping the 7% from HP in as well in most cases, meaning 108%. I'll admit I forgot Vagabonds swiftness had a 3 minute CD (I was thinking 1 min 25 seconds, minus 10 seconds per level. Pretty sure that is a rogue skill, just not sure which one), but still if you use it to rush them and shadow strike it ends up being 158% dodge then. Your 50% hit bare minimum is already equal to 0 hits during that, unless vagabonds swiftness and HP are debuffed off you, which I think requires an actual hit to do itself. Without vagabonds swiftness being usable every time you would have to shadow strike to keep the match going though I feel a lot better about your original suggestion of just making slayers cloak not usable inside.

                        As for "why nerf a skill meant for pvp in a pvp event", that is because it isn't being used as "a skill for pvp in a pvp event". Tons of rogues are using it to avoid fighting altogether inside a PvP event. If you are in a purely PvP event, you shouldn't have skills that let you outright avoid PvP, which is how it is being used in the server I play. That said I don't think draws should be outright impossible, just that if someone wants to go for a draw they should have to work for it. Without constant no-risk stealth to make it impossible to effectively target you (with the only chance of hitting you being to cover a huge area with AoEs) actually getting a draw would be hard, and anyone who can manage it against a stronger player has earned keeping their points.


                        • #13
                          He's not saying that the skill set being nerfed is the problem hes saying that his entire skill tree that he uses is being negated. That's the problem i mean okay rogues have a skill set that makes them go poof so what work around it? Mages have a skill that when they die they shoot lightning out of their buts and can also kill u do you see people saying that skill should be taken out in arena? nope! If you cant handle a player working their skills to try to find a way to pk a much higher lvl player then dont go into arena. Don't cry cry cry about how you are getting draws when a lower lvl player sees that he/she has been matched against someone that 1 shots them and goes into stealth to try to figure out a way to defeat that larger player.


                          • #14
                            I didn't cry about it at all, I just decided to stop doing arena as a waste of time since rogues destroy the entire concept. The ones who are crying about it are the rogues who can't be guaranteed a win or a draw now that they have to actually fight. Beyond that all I'm doing is defending the decision the devs made to take stealth out, since I think it is a good one for the concept behind the arena (1 vs 1 or 3 vs 3 fights where the loser loses points and the winner gains them). That said I am also looking for a way that they can compromise and let rogues use stealth without going back to having another event that is broken beyond being worth doing, something which doesn't benefit me even slightly. Also since you didn't seem to read my previous post I actually ended up agreeing with Shadowlisk's suggestion to just make it the same as hellstorm.

                            Also about mages thunderstorm skill, I have it, and I agree it should be taken out of some places (namely Survival of the Fittest and Tamalan Arena). I don't see how it effects arena matches though, since if they aren't bugged (which does happen to often) they end as soon as one person dies.


                            • #15
                              Ok well shadow rogues lose 50% of their pvp effectiveness the point you remove stealth is what nutron is for not crying you might want to rephrase some text then
                              Originally posted by JPwayne82444
                              I just decided to stop doing arena as a waste of time since rogues destroy the entire concept
                              as for myself being a shadow rogue in arena i almost never force a draw unless its a noob i am screwing with and lose track of time..... shadow strike is normally my last hit move in pvp since it has exceptional damage compared to other mortal rogue skills

                              reason i use it for my last hit skill is because if they do somehow manage to survive the hit it gives me a few seconds in stealth to wait for my skill cooldowns(as well as my opponents getting time to heal/cooldown)

                              so the reason R2 f***** over all shadow rogues not just the idiots who abuse the mechanics of a well coded skill set that requires finesse to use efficiently in PvP(just like combat rogues) is because some other noobs complained as well

                              so at this point since i have not gotten a formal response from R2 i ask one question...

                              will they fix this ** skill nerf or just cancel out shadow rogues completely and forcve everyone to migrate to combat to even have a shred of hope in pvp anymore

                              i am at the point of quitting for the simple fact of once the nerfing starts and is not corrected it never stops and only gets worse
                              Server -Kabam English
                              Char Name - World
                              Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                              Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                              Guild - Reality(leader)
                              no longer playing

