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Monster Handbook Quest

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  • Monster Handbook Quest

    When handbook first came out I got quest as soon as I opened the menu but because I couldn't complete it at the time I abandoned the quest.
    Now a level 149 EID I haven't been able to get the quest again so am unable to continue upgrading the handbook.

    Upon reading the forum for a solution I find that many people have the same problem and the response they receive is that they can no longer get the quest again after abandoned. Too move onto the next plane you are required to abandon all other quests which forces you to lose access to part of the game to continue leveling.

    Whether this is a bug or an incomplete part of the game, all players should have access to the handbook upon meeting the requirements.
    Level 160 Nature Ranger. Kongregate

  • #2
    I will have someone look into that for you , just hang in there for now and I will let you know when I find out something =/


    • #3
      Send a ticket to r2 and they should be able to give you back the quest. At least that's how I get the quests back :3


      • #4
        hi salamander ... its ok if u abandon it or not ... THEY ARE TOTALLY USELESS if u don't have xtalz . because mark of god has 0% drop rate ...... so if u don't plan to spend money .... don't waste your time on that quests
        i've tried and i finished the book .... and no drops only that essence , and let me do calculations for ya..... if u got xtalz don't bring items and absorb ...
        [ p.s. anyone will say mark of god get drop in (jungle dungeon).. u will believe him for the first time but eventually u will believe me (there are no drops) ]

        so there are 2 methods for doing monster book : (both need cash)

        1. just click on the XTAL absorb button it will take less xtalz and less efforts and time ...
        2. clicking on the first one will cost u time to farm essence ... and ALSO XTALZ .. and more xtalz than the first method



        • #5
          I have this issue as it is. From what I've been told, nothing can be done about regaining the quest. However, that will not put me down because I want it back. D:<
          The King doesn't fall so easily boys


          • #6
            This has been an issue since it came out so don't worry, you're not alone. But its kind of a neglected issue because of the fact that not many use the system unless they're a casher or player who can farm L5 and/or get mogs from a casher etc. Minorities just like priests
            Sith's Priest Guide


            • #7
              useless ... fraud !! pick any name you want , the game said {{{{MOG drop at jungle and stones at L2 ********....and we all know non-of this is real--- and "if it is real{{IF****. by mean i get 200k patk and 80k def. to solo it for 3 points of strength". so optimistic view for ppl to continue ,,, and eventually they hit a wall.
              slamander keep going and u will remember my words ...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zenzibar View Post
                useless ... fraud !! pick any name you want , the game said {{{{MOG drop at jungle and stones at L2 ********....and we all know non-of this is real--- and "if it is real{{IF****. by mean i get 200k patk and 80k def. to solo it for 3 points of strength". so optimistic view for ppl to continue ,,, and eventually they hit a wall.
                slamander keep going and u will remember my words ...
                Errm what?
                The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                • #9
                  Even putting in a trouble ticket they won't be able to help you. Don't know why people keep saying to put in a trouble ticket. The developers need to fix the issue. The admins here can't. It's the same issue and problem in Lekool and Aeria Games as well. None of the admins have been given the power to reinstate quests by the developers and they refuse to put in a NPC in the game to give you the quest which would be a simple fix.

                  Almost a year later and still 90% of the player base can't use this feature. It's sad.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thebowfamily View Post

                    Almost a year later and still 90% of the player base can't use this feature. It's sad.
                    Well tbh 90% of the player base chooses not to use this system to begin with, But I agree it should be fixed and there should be a way to get the marks of god in game . we can only hope =/


                    • #11
                      monster book
                      if they say ... just assume that MOG drops in some high lvl jungle dungeon monsters ... u would need at least 100k patk and 60k def.
                      to get 1 or 2 points of str or agi.... thats useelss because already u got like 6k strength ... 1 strength means nothing .. no need to waste time
                      also ... i tried alot .. not MOG drops (mog is mark of god)

                      they said corruption lvl 8 u might get stones .....
                      lvl 8 can be reached if u own a great patk matk at least 100k and def at least 60k with life steal soul beast ....
                      the phrase you might is based on luck... which many ppl trying to get .. and they get none ..... anyway if u are very very lucky to get 1 stone each weak. u need 25 weak to do the green banner ... which give u 200 patk .
                      the question is ... if i got 100k patk ... does 200 patk means somthing?
                      p.s the blue banner needs 250 week ... 5 years ... if u are none cashier ....
                      personally i did make daily tries and losing orbs.... as the NPC says L2 boss drop stone. yet after many tries no stone ... u want proof? like video or somthing?
                      Last edited by Zenzibar; 12-29-2013, 05:58 PM. Reason: correction


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                        Well tbh 90% of the player base chooses not to use this system to begin with, But I agree it should be fixed and there should be a way to get the marks of god in game . we can only hope =/
                        It's not chooses to. Sorry... but how many mortals do you know that would be strong enough, without serious cashing and an alt to feed them, to complete these quests... not to mention the mortal would have to get to level 100 in order to enter Monster Jungle. No... it's not chooses too... it's a matter of not being able to.


                        • #13
                          hi i dont have quest Killing for the Handbook 1 i dont know if i deleted it before if i did is there a way i can have it back if ill send a ticket?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                            Well tbh 90% of the player base chooses not to use this system to begin with, But I agree it should be fixed and there should be a way to get the marks of god in game . we can only hope =/
                            people choose not to use the system because its a complete failure of a game feature lol ppl are expected to cash for mog to get such a pitiful stat boost. i cant stop laughing at ppl that are so interested in such useless things.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by NotoriousInfamy View Post
                              people choose not to use the system because its a complete failure of a game feature lol ppl are expected to cash for mog to get such a pitiful stat boost. i cant stop laughing at ppl that are so interested in such useless things.
                              The stat boost is decent if you put enough into it the problem is it's much to expensive and even heavy cashers avoid it.
                              Like I said before would be nice to see a way in-game to get the MoG, until then I will not bother with it and most players will not either.

