People everywhere now are using their little tricks to get around being teleported out of iob, keeping their toons logged in until reset, and turning in 120 rainstones for the next day. Now most people would ask, "Why do you complain about that?" The answer is rather simple. People need other items from other packs, everything from Health Orbs to Soul Shards and all that lies in between. Sadly 90% of players on the server dont understand that they will become much stronger by upgrading their mount/pixie/soul instead of their wings. The wing system is put in place for the game to generate cash flow off stupid people that are obsessed with having same looking pink wings. Upgrading your wings barely gives you a stat boost compared to nay of the other options, and for me as of now it takes me about 450-500 ew per upgrade which only raises my patk and matk by about 60 points.
The point behind this thread is to have the devs fix the issue so that players can get items from other packs. i'd much rather have a normal day in IOB where we fight over rainstones and have to turn them in in order to reach purple packs so that the 10% of us players with a brain can actually get useful items. If the idiots behind this incident were more considerate of players on their server and not so selfish (and did i mention stupid) then everybody would get a couple of items they need and want to properly develop their character. This is ruining not only the event, but the game itself. Players shouldnt be allowed to decide what items the entire server can or cant have. That was originally left up to the developers and should stay that way.
So i know R2 wants screenshots, and im not going to go out of my way and do extra work when they can simply just send a gm on to a server and put them in iob to see for themselves that both teams are starting off with purple packs, totaling 11 purple packs per day, per toon. Sounds great at first, but not when u have to sacrifice all the other items you need along the way. So now i will tell you how its done, and offer a few solutions to fix it. Pretty sure nobody will like the solutions, but you can thank the idiots that ruin the game for that.
Now i offer 2 simple solutions. The first one is something i think should be done every day anyway, to get rid of the alts that people just leave sitting in Starglade after the event is over, causing more lag for most players than they should. KICK EVERYBODY off the server 15 minutes after IOB closes. This gives time for people to trade their items to their main toon, then it kicks off all the alts that overcrowd the Cragstone portal every day on L1-L5, and also kicks the alts out of IOB that are ruining the game for everybody.
The second solution is to change how long rainstones can be held on to. They expire atfer 3 hours, but if they change that to be something more like 10 minutes, then it will ensure that people will get packs of every color in IOB, they wont be skipping from blue to yellow anymore. This also prevents people from being able to stay in IOB after its closed and collect 120 rainstones to turn in after reset because once they leave to turn in the stones that they have, they wont be able to get back to the resource area. (why do rainstones expire after 3 hours when the event is only 1 hour long anyway, ill never know).
I know lots of people will probably be mad at me for posting this on forum , but i really dont care. its gone too far and it needs to be fixed asap. If R2 is going to be so stubborn as to continue to insist they need screenshots as back up, i will provide them if it will help get a quick and satisfactory solution to this issue. Have a blessed day
The point behind this thread is to have the devs fix the issue so that players can get items from other packs. i'd much rather have a normal day in IOB where we fight over rainstones and have to turn them in in order to reach purple packs so that the 10% of us players with a brain can actually get useful items. If the idiots behind this incident were more considerate of players on their server and not so selfish (and did i mention stupid) then everybody would get a couple of items they need and want to properly develop their character. This is ruining not only the event, but the game itself. Players shouldnt be allowed to decide what items the entire server can or cant have. That was originally left up to the developers and should stay that way.
So i know R2 wants screenshots, and im not going to go out of my way and do extra work when they can simply just send a gm on to a server and put them in iob to see for themselves that both teams are starting off with purple packs, totaling 11 purple packs per day, per toon. Sounds great at first, but not when u have to sacrifice all the other items you need along the way. So now i will tell you how its done, and offer a few solutions to fix it. Pretty sure nobody will like the solutions, but you can thank the idiots that ruin the game for that.
Now i offer 2 simple solutions. The first one is something i think should be done every day anyway, to get rid of the alts that people just leave sitting in Starglade after the event is over, causing more lag for most players than they should. KICK EVERYBODY off the server 15 minutes after IOB closes. This gives time for people to trade their items to their main toon, then it kicks off all the alts that overcrowd the Cragstone portal every day on L1-L5, and also kicks the alts out of IOB that are ruining the game for everybody.
The second solution is to change how long rainstones can be held on to. They expire atfer 3 hours, but if they change that to be something more like 10 minutes, then it will ensure that people will get packs of every color in IOB, they wont be skipping from blue to yellow anymore. This also prevents people from being able to stay in IOB after its closed and collect 120 rainstones to turn in after reset because once they leave to turn in the stones that they have, they wont be able to get back to the resource area. (why do rainstones expire after 3 hours when the event is only 1 hour long anyway, ill never know).
I know lots of people will probably be mad at me for posting this on forum , but i really dont care. its gone too far and it needs to be fixed asap. If R2 is going to be so stubborn as to continue to insist they need screenshots as back up, i will provide them if it will help get a quick and satisfactory solution to this issue. Have a blessed day
