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Server merge, stop new server DEMAND.

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  • #16
    I definitel agree with you. More new servers means that players will stack on the new server (new and jumpers). The old ones wil have less and less active player and get more and more difficult to find people vending items. And if it happens like this, more and more loyal players will stop playing because they are disappointed. Do merge some dying servers and perhaps the merged servers will be active again. nevertheless, there will probably people who oppose to this idea since probably some of them will stop having the luxury of being TOP RANKED players .. but dude, what's the fun of playing in a server where we hardly find other players alive and active ..
    Just a thought


    • #17
      let me tell you all something... this game has no way in maken money unless they release new server's for people to switch to and spend the $$ to become top players.. to me is pointless.. if they ever decide to bump heads and get some brains in there skulls... they notice if you LEAVE the cloth is the crystal shop u make decent $$ off the players.this game is like a mess they dont listen tot here players feed back or nothing more f2p games with cash shops do thats how they have loads of happy players


      • #18
        Maybe we just stop spending money until they start merging and stop releasing servers.

        Have us buy things on a server, then release 20 more servers, then everyone leaves, and your server turns to **** even after you spent lots of money on that server.. Why do this R2games?



        • #19
          Originally posted by R2207918 View Post
          Maybe we just stop spending money until they start merging and stop releasing servers.

          Have us buy things on a server, then release 20 more servers, then everyone leaves, and your server turns to **** even after you spent lots of money on that server.. Why do this R2games?

          Lol in my own opinion R2 is gonna release a dungeon that drops e-wings when they implement something better to spend money on and Pets!


          • #20
            I'd say they release new servers way too often. I'd normally be against it but somethin happened and kinda changed my mind. A server merge that i thought it had good results resulted actually in a torrent of tears and complaints. If i was a new player i'd prefer an older server because the prices are lower. So i didn t understand why R2 keeps releasing new servers. After the server i play on merged i realised that players don't care about prices that much :O The new players just don't wanna be the underdogs. So not sure about the "stop new servers" anymore. I would like R2 to stop launching them so often but maybe not every1 feels the same way.


            • #21
              o.o Wowowowow
              Server: Crimson Groves
              IGN: TeddyBear
              Class: Hybrid Rogue

              Guild: Inferno

              Level: 3x

              "Ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill, Fifteen perfect concentrated power of will, Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name!"


              • #22
                Here is the idea,Make a vote where people will vote for :New Servers, :Stop New Servers....Just to see what the most people want.
                I hope staff of CS will see this and make the vote.Thanks


                • #23
                  I vote to stop releasing new server so often.. good couple months between releases.. and a lot of servers need merging. Whether or not there's stronger people on one server. People need to stop complaining about people being higher levels than them rofl.


                  • #24
                    I really hope that R2 takes this topic seriously and listens what we, players think about the situation. Very good thoughts in this topic..
                    Stalkers OP.

                    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                    • #25
                      I vote we stop making these kind of qq-ing threads.

                      Crystal Saga at its base is a business, if it weren't then we wouldn't have the cash shop. As has been said previously, new servers bring in new $$$, that is the main, and probabaly only reason, for opening new servers. As has not been stated previously, the orginal Chinese version has well over 100 servers currently, so 48 really isn't all that bad.

                      In time, these older servers who are once more dead will once again be merged with another merged server in order to liven it up. It's a never-ending cycle. New servers open and players jump servers over to that one, jumped server becomes dead-ish with the people who decided to stay and eventually becomes merged. Players eventually get bored with the server because they've pretty much accomplished all that they wished to accomplish on that server and so jump to a new one to start a different character. Those now new dead-ish servers will once again get merged.

                      On the other hand, if you just went to the server screen and counted servers, which I'm sure you did, you obviously didn't take into account that probably atleast a quarter to a third of those servers have now been merged and only count as one server instead of two which will inevitably bring the server count down.

                      tldr; It's not the fact that R2 releases new servers so fast, it's the fact that 9 times out of 10 that's all their concentrating on instead of fleshing out the game to accomodate those that are already playing and paying on their current serveres. There would be a lot less server jumpers if there was more content in the current game.

                      IGN: WeaponX
                      Server: Tree of Life
                      Station: Hybrid Priest
                      LV: 55 Scion
                      Guild: Adrenaline
                      Spouse: N/A


                      • #26
                        This topic is one day old. NIce you got a worthless post. Didn't read anything though. Just read the word rant and i am posting this to you.


                        • #27
                          Who knows if they're having more fun at the other servers than kaspaya beach? And do you have a reason why they left? Maybe they're not enjoying playing their character? Or being hated by people. It's their choice, we can't stop them from leaving the server


                          • #28
                            I agree.

