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how is sengolia these days?

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  • how is sengolia these days?

    hey guys, i quit ages ago. but before i quit i remember sengolias lasted less then 1 min most of the time. is that still the case, or did they finally balance sengolia after all this time had passed?

  • #2
    still the same, if OP players wanna end, they end.


    • #3
      Might be the same more or less. Four case scenarios really:
      1) No one really around so pretty much empty; no one to really fight
      2) ^ as the above poster said
      3) People honor farm; permission or not xP
      4) Kinda rare, but normal pvp; far from the crystal so wing/frost don't kill

      Besides the second one, usually the crystal ending is either whoever's team need the silver/bronze more, who needs buff(usually night one since corrupt), corrupt time, and quiz time.

      Short answer; not much has change but so far it's pretty relaxed for the most part(can't say for all servers though.)


      • #4
        i see, so they just won't fix it. all it would take is a simple hp rescaling for the towers and crystals.


        • #5
          You could give xtal and towers 100000000000000000000000hp, and it still end in notime bcause of the frag passive skill that eats huge chunks of there hp. Just make towers/xtal die, but u can continue to fight, and just leave when u done.


          • #6
            yea still is not very well balanced as usual high levels and cashers wins, whatever can be played as regular pvp event

