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Any advices please about Priest (40+) solo playing

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  • Any advices please about Priest (40+) solo playing

    I started another thread with solo playing question earlier but it was abot knight so I decided to create a new one for priest. If you want some explanation about why am I playing solo, it's in my first thread:

    So, here is my priest: 41lvl now, equipped with Fragarach Staff I, full Etherial Saint's armor set and Extreme Glowing Wings III (soul: Toughness, Preciousness and Stability Lv1 all):
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    Honestly, I feel a bit bored of daily quests and AFK'ing. So, my questions are:
    1. Any advice about solo levelling up faster is welcome.
    2. What do I need to upgrade first for soloing Revenant's Vault easily (at least Normal)?
    3. Any other advice about making gold, equipment or upgrade stuff (purified crystals, heroic wings etc.) and about upgrading my current equip or soul?
    4. I think I need more END for soloing (understood it too late maybe). Any suggestions how to correct/compensate it fast?

  • #2
    Hmmm maybe get to 45 and get pets that have stunt skills for bosses. Get savage. Hmm The only way to leve up faster is doing all the things we told you on the other thread. Also Training might help with signor ( what ever is called), guild exp, 2x or 3x or 5x exp token. No do nto add more end and do not worry about dungeons. Just level up more higher get to 50 to get angel's blessing max it.
    Last edited by lights022; 06-25-2012, 03:50 PM. Reason: Additional


    • #3
      So, just continue grinding till 45 or maybe 50?


      • #4
        Originally posted by lights022 View Post
        Also Training might help with signor ( what ever is called), guild exp
        To be honest, I didn't understand this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Golyana View Post
          To be honest, I didn't understand this.
          He means to do the event 'The Training', at King Valcroy (lvl 40+), during your server's seignior 2x exp and guild 2x exp (and you can use a exp token at the same time) for a large amount of exp.
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          • #6
            In all honesty though dude, your skills points are incredibly messed up.
            IGN: WeaponX
            Server: Tree of Life
            Station: Hybrid Priest
            LV: 55 Scion
            Guild: Adrenaline
            Spouse: N/A


            • #7
              Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
              He means to do the event 'The Training', at King Valcroy (lvl 40+), during your server's seignior 2x exp and guild 2x exp (and you can use a exp token at the same time) for a large amount of exp.
              Thank you for explanation, but now I can't understand in another way. I feel Training much more difficult to solo now than Vault. Is it really possible for 41lvl priest?
              Last edited by Golyana; 06-25-2012, 05:55 PM.


              • #8
                I suggest you take a look at these priest guides:

                Training Grounds are extremely difficult to solo at the early levels. Priests have the easiest time finding a party- you only need a tank and a dps with you in your party. I know you gave reasons for why you need to solo, but this event requires you to pay attention whether you are solo or not.
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Golyana View Post
                  Thank you for explanation, but now I can't understand in another way. I feel Training much more difficult to solo now than Vault. Is it really possible for 41lvl priest?
                  Make a party with a knight of level 40-49. Or other players.


                  • #10
                    I suggest you to reset your skill points and get at least some sort of attack skill - either light beam or blood beam.
                    Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
                    IGN: Elysia
                    Class: Priest
                    Level: 69
                    Plane: Scion
                    Guild: CrimsonSword
                    Rank: Duke


                    • #11
                      Once more: I just can't make a party because I can be interrupted in ANY moment when I'm online. Often it happens every 10, 5, or even 3 minutes. When I'm playing solo I can wait somewhere in relatively safe place, but in party it becomes the problem of whole party to lose a healer in the middle of a battle. I really don't want to let down other players.

                      MemoryLane, thank you for links, I plan to follow them in reassigning my skills when I'll reach 50lvl.
                      Last edited by Golyana; 06-25-2012, 06:44 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fairyazuri View Post
                        I suggest you to reset your skill points and get at least some sort of attack skill - either light beam or blood beam.
                        I thought about it already, but it's not so easy before 50lvl, I just don't know where to get Sands of Time. Buying for real money is impossible for me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Golyana View Post
                          Once more: I just can't make a party because I can be interrupted in ANY moment when I'm online. Often it happens every 10, 5, or even 3 minutes. When I'm playing solo I can wait somewhere in relatively safe place, but in party it becomes the problem of whole party to lose a healer in the middle of a battle. I really don't want to let down other players.

                          MemoryLane, thank you for links, I plan to follow them in reassigning my skills when I'll reach 50lvl.
                          I suggest you don't do Training Grounds until you are closer to lvl 80, and even then it can be a challenge- you'll only want to go afk when you can survive in the middle in afk mode. There is no safe place to hide in there, only a place where you don't get attacked by every single mob that comes in (just a handful from each wave).

                          Ladder you should do, since you can stay on each floor for however long you need to after you've cleared it, even if you only get through a couple floors before dying. Seng- as much as I hate to suggest this- you can leave yourself dead or close the browser, and still get exp at the end of it without getting booted for being afk too long. A little exp goes a long way, and with how you are playing the game these will be your best options to supplement your grinding.
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                          • #14
                            Well geez if you can not do that then do bath daily or daily hunt or vidalia and go over night grinding. I am out of suggestions.


                            • #15
                              Thanks once more. One last question: when can I start to solo ladder and bath? Or just try it by myself?

