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Acct Sharing

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BrotherVT View Post
    Well, now you know.
    And knowing is the half the battle!
    This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.


    • #17
      Originally posted by R2CS_Amanda View Post
      Banning a player is a serious action that we do not take lightly. We only do so when we have concrete evidence. We also have millions of registered accounts. Therefore we would need a reason to investigate someone for a TOS violation; he said/she said is not evidence.

      U sound like a very reasonable person Amanda so I'll just repeat what I was telling BrotherVT. For a regular player it's impossible to present proof of accounts sharing. I know for sure it happens, so do others, i'm sure u understand how. U have the same person talking from toons that don't belong to him/her. It's their problem if they wanna share accts, theirs and R2g's. I couldn't care less tbh. My point was just that us, players don't have the means to offer proof except our word. I simply suggested that a game master could use either a new toon or a GM toon to investigate for themselves.For example monitoring the world chat, tracing IPs, monitoring battlegrounds etc.
      I hope that sounds like a sane idea


      • #18
        Originally posted by R22059759 View Post
        U sound like a very reasonable person Amanda so I'll just repeat what I was telling BrotherVT. For a regular player it's impossible to present proof of accounts sharing. I know for sure it happens, so do others, i'm sure u understand how. U have the same person talking from toons that don't belong to him/her. It's their problem if they wanna share accts, theirs and R2g's. I couldn't care less tbh. My point was just that us, players don't have the means to offer proof except our word. I simply suggested that a game master could use either a new toon or a GM toon to investigate for themselves.For example monitoring the world chat, tracing IPs, monitoring battlegrounds etc.
        I hope that sounds like a sane idea
        If you have suspicions of someone breaking our TOS, please file a ticket so we can investigate.

        Originally posted by TheGenie View Post
        See I don't know about anyone else but I totally misinterpreted that. When I read that line I thought it only applied to the following scenarios stated in the next line "You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void."
        So, in what way does account sharing not fall into those scenarios anyway? If you are giving someone else your password to "share" your account, it is the same as giving your password to "gift" it. We are not going to waste time arguing semantics with players. If someone other than you uses your password to access your account, it will be banned. Period.
        Last edited by BrotherVT; 07-03-2012, 10:14 PM. Reason: Merging Posts
        ~Amanda and The R2Games Team
        Use the "search" feature, your question has probably been asked before.
        After using the search feature, if you cannot find an aswer to your question, please click to file a ticket
        An offical R2Games GM will never ask for your password! Never reveal your password to anyone!
        Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs ;)


        • #19
          I tried being nice until you gave such half-assed response to me.
          The King doesn't fall so easily boys


          • #20
            Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View Post
            And knowing is the half the battle!
            ~Amanda and The R2Games Team
            Use the "search" feature, your question has probably been asked before.
            After using the search feature, if you cannot find an aswer to your question, please click to file a ticket
            An offical R2Games GM will never ask for your password! Never reveal your password to anyone!
            Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs ;)


            • #21
              Well usually the scenario happens:

              2 people shares an account (or even more).
              One of the sharers (most likely the original owner) felt like they were "hacked" (Because the other person sharing took an extra gold off that account).
              One reports, the sharer may get banned, or even the original account get banned, whoever complains first.

              Moral of the story: "Never share your accounts for your own safety, convenience, or your benefit, lest you know thy consequences".

              Boy, Storm and Brother is on a trolling mood again... o.o;

              ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

              This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious


              • #22
                Originally posted by R2CS_Amanda View Post
                So, in what way does account sharing not fall into those scenarios anyway? If you are giving someone else your password to "share" your account, it is the same as giving your password to "gift" it. We are not going to waste time arguing semantics with players. If someone other than you uses your password to access your account, it will be banned. Period.
                This feels very aggressive towards me. I did not at any point in time say that it was not in the TOS or call anyone a liar and try to argue semnatics. I said I could not find it and that I possibly did not understand the context in which it was stated. After BrotherVT explained it I simply said i misinterpreted and why so please do not come at me like I am arguing with anyone. I asked a question to clarify something and I was given a reasonable response and accepted it.
                "Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you Live"
                Name: Kasumi`
                Guild: Defiance
                Servers: Elemental Temple/Forgotten City
                "It's Just a game so enjoy it, and when it's no longer fun.... then log off"


                • #23
                  Ok, i understand that you don't seem to like the whole Account Sharing progess. But in some ways that isn't a real bad thing because say you have your brothers or sisters playing on you while u are at work or something. Seeing how they are family does that make sharing your info with your blood relation a bad thing? i really dont wanna agure with GM's or other players in this game but i dont wanna be banned from a game i that i enjoy playing because we have alot of fun and nice people to talk to here. I just think some take this all way to far. But if u want proof and details on ones that have shared there Accounts with others the Entire Cheunra Gorge top players will all be banned. I even spend money on here not alot like some but $40 here and there. It makes no sence while i can get banned for having my GF play as my Character while im sleeping for such events Like Sengolia and Talmalen, but i also understand you all have to listen to what people say but since i do share my Account and i am admitting it to you that means ill be banned tomomrrow? If so i think you should refund my money because at least im being complete honest and not complainning about everything you all should see what happens there on these server its not all just a few people that casuse the problems its 3/4 of the server and there are some that enjoy keeping to themself and some that live off the drama. But anyways ive im being banned please give me a heads so i can at least till my friends from this game.

                  (sorry i have terrbile grammar)


                  • #24
                    OK, cut the long reply.

                    Why do we ban? Because SOMEBODY reported. And it is for the safety of the users. Bans are more for teaching people lessons not to just simply share their accounts.

                    "Never share your accounts for your own safety, convenience, or your benefit, lest you know thy consequences".
                    Sure, go ahead, share an account. If you're both happy and mutual and all the rainbows in between and peace shall reign supreme between you both, why not? I bet that there are hundreds of people who are sharing accounts right now.

                    Why didn't they get banned? Simple: Nobody complained.

                    ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

                    This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious


                    • #25
                      Then i dont understand whats the big issue with the shareing of Accounts.....


                      • #26
                        I would like to I can become a GM in my server?


                        • #27
                          We're currently not doing any hiring for GMs.
                          This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Hooley View Post
                            Then i dont understand whats the big issue with the shareing of Accounts.....
                            hi was already explained by viczar..

                            "Why do we ban? Because SOMEBODY reported. And it is for the safety of the users. Bans are more for teaching people lessons not to just simply share their accounts.

                            "Never share your accounts for your own safety, convenience, or your benefit, lest you know thy consequences".
                            Sure, go ahead, share an account. If you're both happy and mutual and all the rainbows in between and peace shall reign supreme between you both, why not? I bet that there are hundreds of people who are sharing accounts right now.

                            Why didn't they get banned? Simple: Nobody complained."


                            • #29
                              Whats the point of repeating what i have already read, sorry not trying to be a smart ***. I know what he said it just really doesnt make any sence thats all. Anyways i put my two cents in when i shouldnt have you all just need to put a GM in this server merge and go from there or appointed someone as one. Thats all i am saying i wont reply again thanks for the time for a pointless comment that had nothing to do with me.


                              • #30
                                that would clear so many problems O.O from this to tons of other pointless nonsense :P
                                Anima Archangeli Dictus

                                For some pointers on Guild management/ participation, see my guide

