does this skill go off patck or matck
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ranger skill ulimate aim
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to reduce the duration on the skill would make it more viable or make it scale of attack speed it's currently 1.5 duration whice is horrendous to use mabye every 100% attck reduce it by .1 so at 300 attack speed it be 1.2 and 400 it be 1.1 the attack scaling 80% parameter with is apples period you could leave it or make it like 50%( attck increase by scale) scale lvl 1 to 75%( attack increase by) scale lvl 5 or leave it as 80% but make it like 150 maxed as it now the skill is dog poop for alvl 140 skill compared to rapid fire it's a no choice the skill isnt viable at all
Last edited by *Minori*; 09-03-2020, 08:14 PM. Reason: Profanity changed to apples. Do not use profanity on the forums.
i just thought of an easy way to fight the skill make it a 1.5 cast time skill and leave the rest the same put duration the same as all the other one 0.9 can leave the attack parameter the same but changing it to 1.5s cast speed would make the skill more viable if it gets ride of the animation delay after skill is used
Thank you for the information. I will need to test the skill before I can forward this. However, as my time is limited please consider providing video documentation.If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
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- i tired uploading it by the upload from url but nothing working you can clearly see the massive animation delay on the skill if it just switch to to cast time and make the delay like the other skills it would be more viable 1.5 1.2 s cast time make duration 0.9 like rest just doing this little thing would make the skill more viable don't even have to change the scaleing would be nice to raise it to like 120 or 140 parameter at lvl 5 but the only thing that really need change is to be made cast time skill not the massive 1.5 duration on it and it would be viable and actully able to useLast edited by noahaustin59; 09-04-2020, 11:37 PM.
Originally posted by noahaustin59 View Post i tired uploading it by the upload from url but nothing working you can clearly see the massive animation delay on the skill if it just switch to to cast time and make the delay like the other skills it would be more viable 1.5 1.2 s cast time make duration 0.9 like rest just doing this little thing would make the skill more viable don't even have to change the scaleing would be nice to raise it to like 120 or 140 parameter at lvl 5 but the only thing that really need change is to be made cast time skill not the massive 1.5 duration on it and it would be viable and actully able to useTo file a ticket with support for assistance click here
Originally posted by noah.austinn5 View Postok i made it public my badTo file a ticket with support for assistance click here
- new video with how long your stuck in the animation your a sitting duck even for ladder purpose it's not even viable
Originally posted by noahaustin59 View Poststill no response from my tickets yetLast edited by *Minori*; 09-12-2020, 10:53 PM.If you have a problem, need assistance and we can't help? Submit a ticket with R2 here
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