Dear ♥♥♥♥, people dont spend their money so we can play for free, people spend their money so they can get on top
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illegal leveling at floran server
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Originally posted by CheshireCatt View PostDear ♥♥♥♥, people dont spend their money so we can play for free, people spend their money so they can get on top
OF COURSE they don't spend their money so we can play free. They pay so they can be strong. I get that. BUT their money is what ALLOWS me to play for free.Last edited by MemoryLane; 01-25-2013, 09:17 PM.
Server: Amethyst Forest
Class:Eidolon Hybrid Priest
Guild: Sanctuary
Name: Miroku
Husband: Codawg
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Originally posted by CheshireCatt View PostDear ♥♥♥♥, people dont spend their money so we can play for free, people spend their money so they can get on topLast edited by MemoryLane; 01-25-2013, 09:17 PM.
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Originally posted by Miroku View PostSuch maturity lol.
OF COURSE they don't spend their money so we can play free. They pay so they can be strong. I get that. BUT their money is what ALLOWS me to play for free.
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Originally posted by Miroku View PostOMG stop acting like a bunch of 5 year olds. I mean seriously my 3 yo son has better manners than the bunch of you. OBVIOUSLY Lara and her husband have spent a crapton of money ( It's their money they can do with it as they please) and their equips/lvl/etc speak for it. IFFFFFFFF they are exploiting a glitch well, what can you do? HOW about acting a little older since you know CHILDREN play this game and should not be made to read this garbage that is being spewed on here.
THIS was the only time I mentioned anyones name at all. My posts have been general statements aimed at everyone.
Server: Amethyst Forest
Class:Eidolon Hybrid Priest
Guild: Sanctuary
Name: Miroku
Husband: Codawg
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Originally posted by Miroku View PostTHIS was the only time I mentioned anyones name at all. My posts have been general statements aimed at everyone.
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Originally posted by Miroku View PostSuch maturity lol.
OF COURSE they don't spend their money so we can play free. They pay so they can be strong. I get that. BUT their money is what ALLOWS me to play for free.
Yea well, i cash sometimes too and the only reason im spending my precious $ on this super-mario kind of game is to get strong and bully weak a$$es like you. But nevertheless, thanks for ur gratitude, nub
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2 weeks ago this char was lvl 1, freshly made. I'm not a top player, nor do i aim to be, but i do enjoy the game and i did had my share of contribution in suporting the game. Do i cry cuz they are so much better than me? No. I wouldnt spend so much money on a game ever, it would make me to "addictive" to it and it would be really hard for me to quit after. My problem is that i find the server empty as it is, and this kind of situations can only make things worst. And is no fun in playing in a "ghost" server. Gm's should give an explication. Seeing how the char looks like in just 2 weeks raises many questions, and the only way to stop them is for the officials to give a statement.
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Originally posted by asereht View Postso you mean to say lvl100 going to 93 is legal?i didnt know there are torches that can decrease level lmaoOriginally posted by Aboodbat View Post...And about the level decreasement..I don't know what happened, I was upgrading my soul then I saw people talking about me decreasing in level...I can only assume it's a bug that occurs while upgrading the soul.
Now if you're going to leave another comment with stupid accusations and non-sense, I suggest you think twice, because I can assure you, no matter how many topics you make, and tickets you file, nothing will happen because everything was legal.
As for the whole wing-announcements failing to show: I recall more threads about this 'strange happening' revolving about your Priest being changed into a Rogue, no honor at all, no soul either I believe and impossibly obtained clothing for that time plus married the same spouse under a different name (but nobody saw the wedding-announcement?). I'm fine if you really do cashed all those torches however it seems unreal.
GM's are already known to do anything for the right amount of money (none of them so far is countering these accusations otherwise than delete entire threads like the previous ones about this incident) so it is in terms legal however fair is otherwise. So why shouldn't your toon have had a class-swap for an immense amount of money, at the expense of Honor/soul. You could keep the wings and gear and got to pick 1 set of clothing (which really was a bad pick since that's what gave it away to everyone outside that server). Sounds more realistic than cashing 10k torches which is roughly over 100k usd where in the other thread you talked about only 30k. Getting those wings twice is already around 10k usd ea.Crystal Saga:
IGN: speeds
Server: Windshear Peaks
Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outsideOfficially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers
Wartune (semi-inactive):
IGN: Speeds16
Server: Temple of Ibalize
Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire
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well you guys could check the other version saga of ... - there you can buy those mount, sperion and instant scion (must be lv30) for real cash...not sure if its planned (or hidden possible at the moment in CS) here but then the 10k $ would make sense....but why you dont just leave the server if you feel they "did" something wrong? unless i wouldve spent alot cash of my own or those guys would kill me without any sense over and over just leave them alone - if they want to be the best and pay for it...we all know how this works.