All the websites u connect daily has its own IP. For example, =
(try putting this number at your browser and go to facebook using it)
So, how can i access that website using the name ""?! O.O
The answer is: DNS aka Domain Name Service
You computer, provided with an IP adress make ALMOST all of those convertions, and store the data into a DNS cache. When this small memory get full, internet connection beggins to lose effectiveness, starting to become slow and slow, sometimes with lag, caused by big latency.
To solve this problem, the're 2 simple steps to follow:
1- Clear your DNS Cache;
2- Set you DNS adress to Google's service...
But WHY should i follow the second step?
Google is the BIGGEST search engine over the internet, and all sites "names" are already listed in it... So, using google's DNS service means that the convertions wont be made at YOUR computer... Data will come to u ready to be read, no convertions, no lose of time!
So, in the end of this intro, follows a link for u to download a tutorial made by me, explaining on how to make those 2 steps in easy ways, for all kinds of Windows users... In some time i'll be posting a guide to Linux and Unix users, and after even a link for OS (macintosh) users.
Hope it help ya =D
Lemme know if the link does not work... I couldnt post it as an atachment =(
(try putting this number at your browser and go to facebook using it)
So, how can i access that website using the name ""?! O.O
The answer is: DNS aka Domain Name Service
You computer, provided with an IP adress make ALMOST all of those convertions, and store the data into a DNS cache. When this small memory get full, internet connection beggins to lose effectiveness, starting to become slow and slow, sometimes with lag, caused by big latency.
To solve this problem, the're 2 simple steps to follow:
1- Clear your DNS Cache;
2- Set you DNS adress to Google's service...
But WHY should i follow the second step?
Google is the BIGGEST search engine over the internet, and all sites "names" are already listed in it... So, using google's DNS service means that the convertions wont be made at YOUR computer... Data will come to u ready to be read, no convertions, no lose of time!
So, in the end of this intro, follows a link for u to download a tutorial made by me, explaining on how to make those 2 steps in easy ways, for all kinds of Windows users... In some time i'll be posting a guide to Linux and Unix users, and after even a link for OS (macintosh) users.
Hope it help ya =D
Lemme know if the link does not work... I couldnt post it as an atachment =(