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  • Spammers

    we been reporting a few players about spamming, begging and annoying most of us recently. I still see the same players doing so, even insulting without them even been banned or atleast muted.. what are we supposed to do? ignoring them does no good. anything a mod/gm can do?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	aaa.png
Views:	1
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ID:	1739348
    I can print screen more of the chat. begging and insulting keeps on going
    Last edited by BrotherVT; 08-22-2013, 01:47 PM. Reason: Merging Posts
    IGN: (S58)Jin
    Class: Hybrid Knight
    Server: Holorn Cliff
    Rank: Emperor
    Plane: lvl 140+ Eidolon

    It's who you ARE, not who you TRY to be

  • #2
    Lol Jin? Notorious Jin? Well, saw that you guys did a guild merge so meh.
    Anyways, next time you see them spamming, harassing, insulting other players, then take screenshots of the full conversation and PM me the screenshots and also file a ticket HERE regarding the issue.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #3
      ok. yea am back there solo atm ^_^ need to farm b4 I go back with the rest of the guys
      IGN: (S58)Jin
      Class: Hybrid Knight
      Server: Holorn Cliff
      Rank: Emperor
      Plane: lvl 140+ Eidolon

      It's who you ARE, not who you TRY to be


      • #4
        Well does Makka still play? Huy? Anyone else from Original Notorious? Besides you, anyways lol

        Make sure you also include those screenshots in the ticket when you file one.
        The King doesn't fall so easily boys


        • #5
          Makka quit. she's busy irl. and huy still plays but not that much lately. ok will do. if the guy wont stop, I will send more screenshots
          IGN: (S58)Jin
          Class: Hybrid Knight
          Server: Holorn Cliff
          Rank: Emperor
          Plane: lvl 140+ Eidolon

          It's who you ARE, not who you TRY to be


          • #6
            Recently, i logged today and seen the same guy on wc again he had made a new account, a mage one and again hes doing the same thing again banned him please !


            • #7
              Originally posted by raven599 View Post
              Recently, i logged today and seen the same guy on wc again he had made a new account, a mage one and again hes doing the same thing again banned him please !
              As my fellow MOD has already stated File a ticket and provide screen shots please and we will see what can be done about it :3

