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Egg Hatching (theory)

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  • Egg Hatching (theory)

    I'm not sure if I came across a topic like this but I have a small story.

    Today while using my alts to open bone dragon eggs for someone, I noticed something peculiar. It was a small sample size (20 alts) but I got a theory that it 'may' work for other eggs; there's a hidden a mount that will guarantee a pet.

    While going through the alts, I had some terrible luck (9-11) tries and some good luck (4-5 tries.) But what got me the most is that I always tried it in amount of 13 (was how much my first one needed.) I noticed that sometimes if I don't get it in within 12 tries I always got it in 13th try. I didn't need more than that. So I was wondering if anyone had any instance(s) of needing more than 13 or if 13 is in fact the limit.

    If it's the latter then maybe it might extend to other eggs as well (like fire lord and it's crazy amount or other simple pets like angel/demon.) It might still have it's percent but maybe there's that point that it will not surpass no matter how unlucky one is (although pretty unlucky to hit the max but in the relative scheme of things, one can't surpass the limit if the theory is true.)

    I wanted to share this tidbit of information. The sample size is still small to make such a claim; however, it doesn't hurt to start somewhere.
    Just wondering if anyone had any input on that.

  • #2
    Personally, I've never had to use more than 13 on a alt before (sample size 50). The lowest I needed was 6. Average was around 8-9
    Sith's Priest Guide


    • #3
      Not to burst your bubble , but i have had to use 22 eggs on 1 alt for a bone dragon ( all eggs used at one time) while some alts only needed 2- 8 eggs.
      So I think your theory may be incorrect. lol its all random luck , at some point or another everyone thinks they have figured out some trick or system and it just isn't true.


      • #4
        well, I think hatching an egg really depends on luck. I just got both baby demon and angel on 1 egg each from dragon hunt, where last time I stacked 8 baby demon eggs, and they all failed.


        • #5
          The first pet that I got from an egg was a demon, it took me 6 eggs. My Angel took me 14 eggs. My bone dragon took me 4 eggs. My teeka took me 31 eggs (crazy from what I hear from most people) my fire lord took me 71 eggs.

          If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?

