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Broken Realm or Crystal Saga

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  • Broken Realm or Crystal Saga

    I'm planning to start playing either Crystal Saga or Broken Realm. Before i start my long and tiring journey through the virtual world id like some feedback about both games if you players don't mind. Which game is better (in your opinion) , and why do prefer that title? I've heard that both games use the same game engine and are very similar... so I'm having a hard time deciding. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    I would recommend CS instead of BR , BR is too much autopathing and graphics kinda hurt my eyes >.<


    • #3
      BR died several months ago. I mean it hasn't been updated in a while and there will never be any new updates ever.


      • #4
        That's a shame, i really like the look of BR compared to CS. I heard that BR is still filled with lots of little bugs that are existent in CS as well, even though BR is supposed to be the sequel... one would think they'd fixed those minor issues. However, if BR is done for and seemingly has limited time left... what server should i try to play in CS?


        • #5
          kuja huh? lol. interesting. well seeing as your brand new to the game you should play on a newer server, 69 or 70. youre gonna have lots of questions and im not sure that people from older (dying) servers are gonna have the patience to teach and help you. the perk to older servers is that all the items youll need to improve yourself will be dirt cheap if not free, and new servers those items will cost an arm and a leg but youll have lots of new players there that you can make friends with and learn the game together.

          its a shame that BR went to hell tho cuz i think that game had more potential than cs but for whatever reason the asian version got shut down and that means no updates for the american version(acording to what ive heard) and it also has a bunch of unfixed bugs (again hearsay). i played there for a while recently just for fun and the western servers (all have been merged into 1) all seem pretty quiet. and lots of pkers there picking on new players just out of boredom i suppose.

          as to which game i think you should play... i think you should look away from r2 and download a f2p game that gets more attention from the developers. tbh it seems that cs is dying as well (ive played for 2 years trust i know my stuff)

