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  • Neglection

    Okay,first of all,i write this thread not to "whine",not to "QQ" or whatever.I'm starting it to get some real ANSWERS.I've quit CS for about half a year now,only coming on to talk to my friends.Of course,every week i can't resist checking the "new" events.

    Now,i understand some people may lack creativity,i might be one of them,but seriously.SERIOUSLY! It's been almost a YEAR all we have is TOKEN EVENTS.I think the ONLY,ONLY event that didnt include tokens was the clover seeds,and you nerfed these.Can you AT LEAST make up a new boring system besides tokens,because just looking at november tokens in my inventory whenever i come on makes me sick.You released the tenet system,effectively disrupting any crippled balance there was left in the game,making level 50 mortals be stronger than 90% eidolons.You release other cash systems.Sure,when releasing new systems,you guys don't even count time,all that matters is the full wallets you get.However when it comes to events,entertaining players and actually spending timeon something that would make players ENJOY the game more,i bet you're not ready to do anything but a weekly maintenance so people can have a normal LG and putting a few previously coded events into the game.

    Seriously,if you're too lazy or don't care enough about events,then ask players to give you ideas,pick a few reasonable ones that wont give out TOO much stuff,but will be at least interesting with a chance to win something good,and do those! How much time can it take,30 extra minutes? Your wallets won't break from that,neither will your heads.Or,recycle old events.By old i mean something you used to do about 1 year ago,just ANYTHING but the tokens! By the way,the tokens are also the reason i got bored of the game and quit.And i was pretty heavy addict,often forgetting about rl things because of CS,and sometimes going to bed at 4am because of LG.If it made ME quit,then most likely about 50% of the other people that quit,also quit because of this.

    Stop neglecting a game people spent their time on,it WAS your first game,stop treating it like you're treating Broken Realms.That game might have been a fail,alright,nobody's perfect,but CS was running amazingly when i started playing it,with new events weekly rarely repeating.Now you're treating like a piece of junk,abusing it for money and caring about the players about as much as i care about the ants under my house.

    It's not too late to change yet,you can still attract more players to the game and more players = more money for you.In my opinion,treating your first game,the players who supported it and gave you your first burst of income like you treat CS is just a shame.It still remains your best game,why do that?All i ever see in the forums are complaints,are you all blind,cant you see everytime you do a maintenance NOBODY likes the events unless its invaders,and thats only because they give you 129294203423 tokens in one week.

    So state your opinions in this thread please people,if you're someone like me who quit,state the reason,if you're not,state what you would like to improve.By creating this thread,i hope an R2CS admin will read this,and maybe understand that 30 more minutes spent on the game won't kill anyone.

  • #2
    My reason for not quitting this game yet is because i'm fairly new here (still less than 8 months), and generally never bother with PvP so no matter how strong/overpowered some players due to crappy cash events R2 put on it doesn't really annoy me. Sure, i've found the game pretty repetitive as of late (since avoiding PvP means you're only left with dungeons and weekly events) but overall it's still pretty enjoyable and i managed to make lots of in-game friends. I admit that i occasionally post complains and rants on News&Events subforum but pretty much that's all. Screaming and whining continuously wouldn't take me anywhere anyway. Just a waste of time and energy. I also wouldn't dismiss the fact that a large number of players have been silently quitting as of late due to being unable to keep up with the insane amount of cash-oriented events that only few cashers can afford (some of which were my best buddies). But it's pretty understandable. After all, when you can't even get a proper place in game, then what's even the point of playing it?

    Regarding your point about token event. I'd like to think that the problem lies not in the token event itself, but at how frequent and how repetitive the activities required to obtain it. People are simply tired of it. Doesn't help that we rarely get some fun/meaningful events beside token in recent months. Sure, we got clover event last week, but its drop rate was gimped very bad it's not even funny. And yeah, i found the Invaders event very stupid myself. Because it basically boils down to two things; 1)Rogue, with attack fast enough to squash the hordes before anyone else 2)Severe unfairness, since high level players who farm intensely can earn 100-200 tokens in a day. What chances for the lower level players then?

    Regarding the Cash heavy events whom many people have been complaining about, its inherent problem, i think, is its high frequency rate. They just keep appearing in very short range of time. Beast Soul appear first, and then Celestial Insignia less than 2 months later, then Monster notebook next month, then Divine wings 2 weeks later, then Supreme frags 3 weeks later, then Tenets (the one people most complaining about) next month, then chi 2 weeks later, then Divine soul 2 weeks later.

    See these patterns? Those new features just kept appearing relentlessly, uncontrollably in very short time, arguably in the span of less than even a year, as if not letting people to take a single breath. Everyone with working mind must find it insane. A game, which supposed to be a fair competitions between players, turns into money struggles and financially straddling community.

    Serious question to whoever dealing with R2 management; Is this game dying or something? Because the way i see it, perhaps in part because Crystal Saga has become long-established game with many powerful players that don't require cashing to sustain themselves, R2 has to break their way out by forcing such players to keep injecting them with money by all means necessary, at the expense of in game balance. At this rate believe it or not, logically or mathematically speaking, this game will eventually crumble apart if they keep insisting on such brute methods to make money. Too many games eventually closed down and go bankrupt mainly because of two things : 1)They can't keep the game entertaining for the players in long run or 2)They can't give fair treatment to the players in the long run. I see Crystal Saga being the latter example.


    • #3
      Another reason you didn't quit is,since you're only playing less than 8 months,you don't know how good the game used to be.You don't know the events we used to have,that actually kept people expecting the next maintenance and biting their nails,counting down till it's over and the second it is,half the servers are online checking the events.I doubt CS will die,it might only "die" the way Broken Realms did.The game still EXISTS,but nothing,literally nothing is being done to it,it just exists but there hasnt been a maintenance for 1 year.What enrages me about Broken Realm is,they actually dare to lie to their players that the game is not dead,they officially announced about 1 year ago that they're not going to shut it down and it is not "dead",however to this day there has been no maint.This is offtopic though XD.

      About the cash heavy events,i agree partly.The tenets would have been bad whenever they would be released,forget the other cash heavy events,tenets alone did it all.Beast soul is only good for PvE (Seiryu),divine soul no one even bothers with,same with heraldry and the insignia.The tenets are also an unfixable mistake since R2 can't do anything about that,they can't just cancel them because a lot of people spent thousand s of dollars on them.

      About tokens,i agree but not completely...The tokens ARE an issue,unless they make the rewards range wider.There almost no useful things you can get from them,except maybe Soul Shards and G-Muts,but i remember them taking things out so i'm not sure if either of those are still in the event.If tokens are to be fixed,they must put some of the new cash itemms into the token system.THAT will definitely get people to stay/complain less,because seeing systems you cant even TOUCH,not talking about complete without spending money is kind of well,let's just say,not making you want to play the game too much.DE,Chi essence,the new divine soul items should be put in the token exchange.Not at big quantities so their income wouldn't suffer,but still a little bit wouldnt hurt.It might also make people cash for it,because some will eventually lose patience with tokens and get that little bit that they have left till the milestone with cash.But R2 doesn't seem to understand that.


      • #4
        Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
        Another reason you didn't quit is,since you're only playing less than 8 months,you don't know how good the game used to be.You don't know the events we used to have,that actually kept people expecting the next maintenance and biting their nails,counting down till it's over and the second it is,half the servers are online checking the events.
        Hmm, that's interesting to know. Now i understand why some of the most "vocal" complainers on the forum are veteran players, e.g those who've played for more than a year
        Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
        About the cash heavy events,i agree partly.The tenets would have been bad whenever they would be released,forget the other cash heavy events,tenets alone did it all.
        Agree. The pure stats from tenets are simply too ridiculous though. Almost like they've rebirthed several times over.
        Originally posted by CloudySage View Post
        About tokens,i agree but not completely...The tokens ARE an issue,unless they make the rewards range wider.There almost no useful things you can get from them,except maybe Soul Shards and G-Muts,but i remember them taking things out so i'm not sure if either of those are still in the event.If tokens are to be fixed,they must put some of the new cash itemms into the token system.THAT will definitely get people to stay/complain less,because seeing systems you cant even TOUCH,not talking about complete without spending money is kind of well,let's just say,not making you want to play the game too much.DE,Chi essence,the new divine soul items should be put in the token exchange.Not at big quantities so their income wouldn't suffer,but still a little bit wouldnt hurt.It might also make people cash for it,because some will eventually lose patience with tokens and get that little bit that they have left till the milestone with cash.But R2 doesn't seem to understand that.
        While i don't disagree that R2 should provide wider range of rewards for tokens, keep in mind that a lots of new players (including myself) are still struggling to develop our soul. Perhaps it's not that huge of problem for veteran players aa yourself whose aura i'm pretty sure already beyond 1500 or so. But aside from that i agree to put some cash items into it, particularly PoW. Oh and speaking about PoW, i wonder why R2 had to reduce the amount of PoW on point packs. I think it was about 10 and now only 1 on each packs


        • #5
          I agree that there should be a wider selection of rewards for the tokens , maybe MoG , runes , protection stones , dragon essence ect.
          Something to give players a chance to work on these new systems for free or at least cheaper.
          However I have to disagree about tenets, tenets allow any class to build any way they choose to, any class can go full agility and have high hit rating without losing 50% of their attack because of tenets.
          My opinion the dailies that give you wisdom like ladder , delivery and daily hunts need to give out 2x as much wisdom as they do, and the ambitious free player would be able to get some clicks on tenets fairly easily, right now the amount is just too low to even bother with daily hunts.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
            I agree that there should be a wider selection of rewards for the tokens , maybe MoG , runes , protection stones , dragon essence ect.
            Something to give players a chance to work on these new systems for free or at least cheaper.
            However I have to disagree about tenets, tenets allow any class to build any way they choose to, any class can go full agility and have high hit rating without losing 50% of their attack because of tenets.
            My opinion the dailies that give you wisdom like ladder , delivery and daily hunts need to give out 2x as much wisdom as they do, and the ambitious free player would be able to get some clicks on tenets fairly easily, right now the amount is just too low to even bother with daily hunts.
            They could also add Pearls of wisdom to the token exchange.Imo perfect solution,2 tokens for the 50 wisdom,50 for the 2000


            • #7
              Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
              My opinion the dailies that give you wisdom like ladder , delivery and daily hunts need to give out 2x as much wisdom as they do, and the ambitious free player would be able to get some clicks on tenets fairly easily, right now the amount is just too low to even bother with daily hunts.
              Are there even still people that bother doing daily hunts nowadays? To my (somewhat limited) knowledge, it's the most loathed event by people. Tedious, repetitive, and tiring, with very little reward in return. Even if you increase 2X wisdom point earned, still doesn't change the fact that it gets annoying very fast. The better suggestion would be something like A Day in Vidalia or bath, which are generally easier to do.

              But i agree very much about Ladder. Its reward in particular is also annoying. I do ladder on daily basis and the wisdom earned each time always less than 25. Increasing its reward would be a huge help


              • #8
                If you think about why they started putting tokens in each event? because alts were ruling the game. Once token came into place, it hurt the players who honestly takes hours of farming to get items. As for variety of token exchange should be a must in all token exchange. Gmuts and Soul Shards should always be there because players do always need them. Others should change.


                • #9
                  I would prefer a single-type Token instead of the monthly Tokens. At least this would incentive players to continue collecting Tokens. Then change Token rewards monthly with different cash-shop item. Like Chi essence X-month, MoG Y-Month and so forth. This at least would keep players to login and compete.


                  • #10
                    agree sango, i suggested that already on a few different threads. given the track record of the company i wont hold my breath. itd be a smart move tho.l


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Banjardowo View Post
                      Are there even still people that bother doing daily hunts nowadays? To my (somewhat limited) knowledge, it's the most loathed event by people. Tedious, repetitive, and tiring, with very little reward in return. Even if you increase 2X wisdom point earned, still doesn't change the fact that it gets annoying very fast. The better suggestion would be something like A Day in Vidalia or bath, which are generally easier to do.

                      But i agree very much about Ladder. Its reward in particular is also annoying. I do ladder on daily basis and the wisdom earned each time always less than 25. Increasing its reward would be a huge help
                      Ladder is 15 wisdom regardless of floor reached, I would like to see this changed to 1 wisdom per floor achieved so a maximum of 75 wisdom from a run of ladder.
                      Seeing as almost any player even just starting the game would be able to get to floor 20 with a full party, that would increase daily wisdom a lot.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MisterCuddles View Post
                        Ladder is 15 wisdom regardless of floor reached, I would like to see this changed to 1 wisdom per floor achieved so a maximum of 75 wisdom from a run of ladder.
                        Seeing as almost any player even just starting the game would be able to get to floor 20 with a full party, that would increase daily wisdom a lot.
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	hes right.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	11.5 KB
ID:	1684089

                        thats all i gots ta say about dat.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                          I would prefer a single-type Token instead of the monthly Tokens. At least this would incentive players to continue collecting Tokens. Then change Token rewards monthly with different cash-shop item. Like Chi essence X-month, MoG Y-Month and so forth. This at least would keep players to login and compete.
                          I disagree, tokens should change month to month, otherwise every player would save up tokens on all of their alts and before you know it every player and alt in the game has a firelord ...

