Just looking for general advice. What am I doing wrong, which direction should I be going or whatever. Pretty much a noobie prot knight discussion. I've been saving only physical attack, pdef, and mdef gems - and tossing the others. I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not. My pet skills kinda suck I think, maybe I'm wrong. I just want to be a super tank and solo dungeons without a priest bot thing. If that's not possible, then just a normal super tank for dungeon party. I'm sure I can manage well enough in pvp with a build like that.
I'm soloing Indigo in AFK mode, and I'm currently doing it for the third time. I'm going to use my stat points for the middle row of retribution for the next few levels. uhhh I dont know how to change my pet skills either. My attribute points are going in strength until i have it at 130 unbuffed, then I will be doing mostly 2 end 1 str occasionally 3 end. Thoughts?
