I have an issue with this person ig name S(49) Aboney, he's a known scammer that i keep reporting. There were other forum threads that complained about him scamming other players pretending to sell cash store items. Sadly he was not banned because nobody provided enough proof maybe, i don't know. Not every1 knows how to record or screenshot a convo. He logs once in a while and tries to scam again. Can some GM investigate the matter, some players fall for it still.
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File ticket [http://tickets.r2games.com] and make sure to provide the following:
Scammed player:
Scammed item/gold mount:
Where (Map):
I can't provide any of those, i just see him shouting to sell cash shop items and after a while the scammed ones QQing about being scammed. He never tried to scam me, he's not that dumb but anyway, there were few topics made about him on the forums. It's nothing personal, i've never been scammed in any game, i just think it's wrong to allow this guy to keep trying to scam kids of their hard earned game gold.
Most of the ppl i saw complaining do it in a very poor english and they're prolly just kids. we advised few times on wc filing tickets but the guy just spammed all day today undisturbed.Which makes me think the scammed ppl didn t understand or don't know how to write a ticket. A couple of weeks ago he was shouting to sell costumes, we practically abused him on wc with "scammer scammer" and 1 hour later someone got scammed. Even if they're dumb they don't deserve to be scammedEspecially with cash shop items where u have no guarantee the person will "gift" them to u. It's not a well-thought system imho, they should be tradeable so these problems could be avoided.
yay another Aboney thread....
Both old thread but both of them is about him
That's fine as long as his stupid "WTS SOUL PACK PM ME NOW" in caps stops. He did that just yesterday so his apologies and all don't worth much, he still keeps trying to scam.
As i said nothing personal but every shout causes a huge issue on wc and at the end of the day someone eventually loses 1 D.
I didn't know that tool scammed Mort:O I heard he made an appearance recently again. I don't know how the matter could've been "dealt with" if the guy was NEVER banned. Another pro example of applying the rules by our beloved game masters i'm guessing.
I'm curious about 2 things mainly
-did he return the gold he scammed to Mort? For GM's info jenny's ingame spouse, the one that got scammed, is under 13 years of age. Since R2g has no problem with children creating accounts or using their mobile phones to cash, why isn't anything done about protecting them from scams?
-a "birdie" whispered me that earlier today Aboney logged again and pretended to be real life friend and neigbours with v3ngeance, one of the top gold players from S37. When confronted, the scammer said he lived in U.S. Mentioned player lives in Phil. Why is this guy allowed to spread his lies and attempt more scamming?Last edited by Kayshah; 12-16-2012, 04:15 AM.
When Aboney DOES make an appearance, the ENTIRE world chat blows up that he is a scammer and NOT to trust him. I am friends with Mort, but in the end, if he STILL decided to trust the guy after seeing chat being blown up ( Mort IS on world chat a lot so I know he saw it) then that's his fault for trusting that Aboney wouldn't scam him. I know that sounds harsh, but it's just common sense.
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Guild: Sanctuary
Name: Miroku
Husband: Codawg