Ill be ****** of if they don't even try to help, i would put mad face but that emoticon sucks D:#
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Please help Joyo GMs
proof that they can track and verify that is you trying to access your account(S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
server: Erie Marsh
"Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness"Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."
Helping Joyopark players is helping your OWN players. most servers are pretty much dead. people from s58 merge posted for merge and we were excited about it. And now all we know is that Joyo cant access R2! seriously now? koramgame merged successfully so, in my opinion, or the lost data etc are plain excuses. Do something R2, we all know u CAN. dont let more players boredom-quit again -.-IGN: (S58)Jin
Class: Hybrid Knight
Server: Holorn Cliff
Rank: Emperor
Plane: lvl 140+ Eidolon
It's who you ARE, not who you TRY to be
how many times joyopark maintenace in a year, always save the data, kou! are u moderator game like me? i said again its impossible the data is loss! all data is loss? ohhhh come on..i think this server is closed.
responce from mod.
R2 really should help.........Server: Psychodelica
Level: 71+scion
IGN: VisualKei
Class: Priest
Im Weak o.o
Please everyone just be productive in this thread. Do not be reactive. We need to get their attention by asking for help, and by everyone showing support of the Joyo players coming to R2.
The fact remains that it would be in R2s benefit to try everything, and I really mean everything, in their power to get the Joyo players over here.
And it would benefit our servers as well.
Thank youServer: (S39) Erie Marsh
Character: Jessie
Class: Priest
Level: 106+
Plane Eidolon
Guild DarkCrusade
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.â€
"in the battlefield, it seems that one kills the other .. but when time comes when one is hopeless, discouraged or bullied, there we can see the good side of a player, reaching out his/her hand trying his/her best to support and help the ones who faces struggles to stand up and be inspired to go along and strive harder to reach success"
thank you very much for ur support r2 playerswe the joyopark players really appreciate it and very thankful for ur helping hand.. we hope that gm would do their best to help us recover our acc to achieve happiness among r2 players and joyo player
im sorry if its kinda wrong grammar or nonsense ..(J7)Mog
"known to be both evil and good"
"with great help and team work , we can build something that seems to be extraordinary"
I had planned on topping up after merge and getting my VIP back. I put over a year into my character and into helping so many others. I've seen that our toons are already here on r2. Isn't there some way to go ahead and bind them to an account? We were going to have to make new accounts here anyways once we logged on to joyopark.(S44)Hekate, Scion Rogue
(J2)Demonik DemonLord
"Pulvis et umbra sumus."
“All shadows whisper of the sun.â€
R2 has ALL your information just not the server information. R2 could get you to choose out of the server your were suppose to merge with, which one you want your toon on. Then build you back up on there. They have EVERYTHING but serverAPOLOYMI
GUILD: The Spartans
Helpful Posts and Ideas that i have made, check them out
Patience is virtue joyo people. Remember that your toons are already transferred to the R2 database. this implies that they exist and may be used. I think the problem that is going on is that the data on how you can log into your toons is compromised. this is fixable.. give r2 and the joyo devs some time to figure it out.
Yo, I ain't gonna try to put into words how PO'd I am at R2 right now; just because they haven't said anything about this.
Without players, you do not have a game or a company.
If their chars TRULY did get deleted / are unaccessable
they should just remake them from how they see them on the successful data transfer. + input from joyopark about how much gold/items in their inv.
I don't care how long it should take, someone messed up and it should be righted.
They used THOUSANDS of dollars, and are likely to CASH MORE MONEY if you do something about it, since they'll have more friends n' homies to give stuff to, yknow what I'm sayin?
^ This is my rant.
(you can choose which one you want to read)
v This is me being decent.
This is a quote from a Zoyopark mod.
Originally posted by MeishaI tired to get them to do a whole secondary merger where they gave us all a different prefix on our names. This would have made our original merged chars clones. However they would be inaccessible so it wouldn't have changed the server play. They said it was too risky.
This is what I say to that.
Yeah? You tried to merge them, something went wrong, and someone should do something about it.. it's not right or just in any means whatsoever.
Even if there is a RISK you should try. It's ALWAYS someone's fault and there's always someone who can right the fault.
Isn't that what being a company is about? Listening to their customers and gaining joy from their continued satisfaction?
this is my alt account because I forgot to log into my main b4 posting this. c:
-Euthanize ; Call me Adri (S44)
(If it convinces you more to fix this, I cash like 30 plus bucks a month now since I have a job. HINT HINT.)
Last edited by adrimid3; 05-15-2013, 03:34 PM. Reason: lots more info has come into play here so now I'm not as angry :3