Why did R2 banned GMUT on CS? Now we have to put G MUT when buying selling or trading.
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Curious about GMUTs
i think its pretty silly to censor a word because a few spammers advertise it. they also advertise every other cash item so why not censor ew puc dc hw etc... the biggest thing to come out of censoring the term gmut is only causing players annoyance, you totally screwed with every single player and the way they speak in game over a couple spammers.... this is bloody stupid. and btw, if accounts can be terminated for using illegaly obtained gold and items why arent the "spammers" accounts terminated after being reported ????? makes me think you guys cant even terminate accounts at all, so why dont i just go buy some mall mmo stuffyou guys clearly enjoy having spammers here if you do nothign about them R2... tsk tsk