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Possible RB quest conflict with Crystal ladder quest
Originally posted by redred899 View Post
if you turned in one quest that had the same requirement it will deduct that from it.
Like say if I kept the quest to kill a NM boss, I kill the boss everyday for a year and never turn it in. so that would be 365, R2 then releases a quest that requires that boss kill. once. turning in the quest will deduct the amount of kills from the 365, leaving 364. as long as the quest is not abandoned or turned in it will retain the 364 kills left. I call it cross quest completion.
so unless you kill what is required to fill BOTH quests, you will only ever be able to collect from one of those quests.
With all due respect,
Are you saying that this is completely normal?
That not being able to complete our rebirth quest due to anniversary token event is perfectly fine?
For me it's quite unacceptable.Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
if you turned in one quest that had the same requirement it will deduct that from it.
Like say if I kept the quest to kill a NM boss, I kill the boss everyday for a year and never turn it in. so that would be 365, R2 then releases a quest that requires that boss kill. once. turning in the quest will deduct the amount of kills from the 365, leaving 364. as long as the quest is not abandoned or turned in it will retain the 364 kills left. I call it cross quest completion.
so unless you kill what is required to fill BOTH quests, you will only ever be able to collect from one of those quests.
I said this once in another post similar to this, blame R2 for designing the event to have conflicting requirements that has a 1 kill/day limit.
Just pick anniversary token if you plan on getting ss and sacrifice the pack (SS>pack items). It's only a week, they won't do anything. Deal with it.Sith's Priest Guide
so we get unknowingly screwed out of our rebirth packs and they dont give us any warning, and we find out the hard way? how the hell can they introduce an event that they know will screw us out of our other quests without informing us? as far as im concerned they owe every player that gets lvl 40 rbq during this event an rb pack. im not paying them to *&%# me. prostitution is illegal in my province.