Ok did this happen to anyone else today. Not only did a bunch of people who were just sitting in the safe area get randomly set back to Star Glade, but also The A team was the winning team on my server today, we should of gotten 3 purple packs, but instead half way through the 2nd timer for the purple pack it disappeared and when it came for the 3rd pack the timer did not return at all, so we lost out on 2 purple packs!!
As you can see the timer for the pack count down is missing and we only had 1 pack when we could of had 3
I thought that this has just happened to my toon, but I've got a screen shot that was sent to me by another player that his happened to as well.

So this issue did not just happen to me and going by World Chat after IoB it happened everyone that was on Team A.

As you can see the timer for the pack count down is missing and we only had 1 pack when we could of had 3
I thought that this has just happened to my toon, but I've got a screen shot that was sent to me by another player that his happened to as well.

So this issue did not just happen to me and going by World Chat after IoB it happened everyone that was on Team A.