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Merge didnt happen >.<

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  • anduriel
    started a topic Merge didnt happen >.<

    Merge didnt happen >.<

    just finish merge and my character gone....what happen

  • crystalxaga
    oh thx, probably thats whats happen then, oh well thx to clarify that, tho it never happen before

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  • Reverie
    The terms for automatic account deletion is as follows: If your alts did not fall under these terms, it would not have been removed by us. If they are not on the original server you created them on, chances are you (or a pilot if you had one) deleted the toons -- neither of which we are responsible for.

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  • crystalxaga
    does it help if i tell my alts account? my main alt on s9 is pc1 with both his alts gone, my alt on s8 pc 2 both his alt gone too, and my main s9 FiCe only one alt remain the bookworm, the other alt gone? is it cause i haven't use the other alt lately that they dissapear? if so, should there be some notification like you there will be cleaning of in active alt or character? or i am missing this announcement? thank you in advance

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  • Reverie
    Originally posted by crystalxaga View Post
    Is there any one from S9 still playing and have this problem? also my main friend list all gone so i can not contact any of the s9 too? i feel so lonely T_T
    Perhaps you should make it a point to visit S9 yourself.

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  • crystalxaga
    Is there any one from S9 still playing and have this problem? also my main friend list all gone so i can not contact any of the s9 too? i feel so lonely T_T

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  • Reverie
    No other servers had issues with toon displacement other than S70. Make sure you're accessing the correct account, as well as the original server your toons where created on. If you don't remember your own alt's names and are unsure of your server, there's not much we can do for you.

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  • crystalxaga
    no its not s70, i think its s9, not sure if any of them still play or may be i am the last one , but yes i just check the alt that lost the other 2 characters is s9, and my main is s9 it lost one of it alt

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  • Reverie
    Originally posted by crystalxaga View Post
    I'm losing one of my alt on main account? and my alt account losing both of its alts, does that make sense? and i don't remember what are my alts alts name?
    If this is regarding the issue with S70, the problem was resolved. All toons should be accessible by their owners.

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  • crystalxaga
    I'm losing one of my alt on main account? and my alt account losing both of its alts, does that make sense? and i don't remember what are my alts alts name?

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  • GaRung86
    good merge and congrats

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  • viforul
    Arwen lvl 75 scion character miss...oh sry my charater come
    Last edited by viforul; 08-15-2014, 01:34 AM.

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  • Rainingsilverr
    Thank you Reveria and all the mods that helped get this issue dealt with

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  • R266052157
    Thank you for dealing with this before reset.

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  • Reverie
    Tickets will not be necessary. We are handling this matter personally.

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