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I Beleive that S65GirlSoSweet A.K.A S65Sofia should be IP muted, He/she has been spamming these messages on worldchat for around 2 days about the same person harrasing them, he/she will just make more alts so ignoring him/her will do no good; I beleive an IP mute would be best.
I Beleive that S65GirlSoSweet A.K.A S65Sofia should be IP muted, He/she has been spamming these messages on worldchat for around 2 days about the same person harrasing them, he/she will just make more alts so ignoring him/her will do no good; I beleive an IP mute would be best.
I would like to request a reply from a MOD or someone in the know.
s65 players are wanting to know about the Legends event in regards to our server.
Atm we are going on rumors of when its ending and or if its actually running for this server.
Could we please get some official information on this?
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