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s65 General Chat

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  • Witch_s65
    started a topic s65 General Chat

    s65 General Chat

    Hey all.

    Just thought i would start a thread in this subforum for all players on s65.
    Hopefully we get no trolls or haters or general angry people making replies on here, since majority of the s65 community is nice.

    The s65 community is fairly good, we occasionally get people from other servers who come on and pick fights and stuff, but its generally shrugged off and the
    player gets put on ignore by almost everyone.

    Hope this thread sparks a community for s65 on the forums aswell as in the game.

    This thread was started:

    Right now the competition is good, guilds fighting for #1 spot, along with top level and gold spots.

    Guild Screenshot as of Today:
    • Genocide has been dominating the Dragonspine event, although they have had the event stolen out from under them a few times.
    • Guilds are being created constantly everyday.
    • There has been no drama's with guild war's or anything yet, its been fairly peaceful.

    Top Level Screenshot as of Today:
    • Fierce battling for top place, but those at-or near the top are trying very hard and are indeed doing a good job at maintaining their position.
    • The top list jumps around constantly with people going up and down.

    Richest People Screenshot as of Today:
    • Not much to say here.
    • Im going to attempt getting a loan from a few of them *cross's fingers*

    War Hero's of s65:
    • These guys are tough, they have scars and 1 bad eye, some have eye patchs.
    • Pretty sure one of them has a wooden leg and a hook for a hand.
    • You most likely meet them if you want to fight other players.
    • There has been a mass of all class's in the pvp, Archers and Knights are the most popular.

    Pet Enthusiasts as of Today:
    • First person to get the DK on s65.

    This is a good server, the people in it are fun and nice, there has been next to no problems.
    The only problems we have, are the massive amounts of alts lol.
    Lots of them PC farming and Quiz farming.
    Not really a problem, a few of us worry about the economy of our server, but you never know whats going to happen in the future.. so yeah.

    Hope you all enjoyed reading this post and getting a small insight into our server

    The videos you will come across throughout this thread are being moved up to this post, because its easier for people to find them here, rather than flick through the page searching.

    Last edited by Witch_s65; 11-10-2013, 01:35 AM.

  • oozyanthony
    Sad that this page died out with all the merges. We need to make another page like this.

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  • Zenzibar
    he actually did after merge

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  • KCSwag
    hey witch i thought u quit?

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  • Zenzibar
    rogues dominate in the end kkkkk

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  • brimeg
    i would be pikachu!

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  • Ashanie
    Will be back in a bit witchypoo...tell agam I'm watching him-.-

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  • lDemonMirajanel
    Originally posted by iTz_SoN View Post
    Meet Nymph from Armageddon and "proud husband of Vishnu".
    Goes from left to right.
    Your server is very interesting indeed , having a conversation like that to someone in my server is rare nowadays And SoN were quite the same killing players with no hesitation hahahaha xD

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  • iTz_SoN
    Meet Nymph from Armageddon and "proud husband of Vishnu".
    Click image for larger version

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    Goes from left to right.

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  • Witch_s65
    Originally posted by Unwonted View Post
    Lets be honest Witch, you have cashed more than the average casher and although everything you've said has valid points, I think this is more of a case of you being bitter that you spent at the wrong time. Now that today has allowed others to do what you have done at a quarter of the price. As far as your saint's speech on helping other players cash and get items, I think that is complete garbage. You've always sold out as you need the P, to get items that you couldn't pay for with YOUR wallet because you actually have some common sense (like your wings for example). Anyways no hard feeling I think what you do for the community is great, it's just a game and you need to be honest with yourself. I don't support the heavy cashing in the game but don't make yourself out as the "peoples hero" when you have your own agendas. Also I do think r2 really cheated everyone who had spent prior to this event which isn't right.
    So valid points, but im a lying saint?

    idk what yer trying to say, i don't know who you are, and you don't seem to know much about me, but that's your opinion what you said about the garbage, even thought you don't know me. (judgmental much)
    Have you bought a VIP/Mount/Costume from me before? like the only things worth while to gift? they were the only things i tried to supply to the players who can't afford it with real money..
    Im pretty sure i spent about $300-$500 on other players in this game.. how much did you spend on others? (might wanna get off that judgmental high-horse k)
    The only thing i have ever spent gold on for myself was wings/SSRS/ESO/torchs, everything else i was buying stuff to sell to others cheaper or to give away free for friends, effectively losing gold, but hey whatever.
    I even gave people gold to use as long as they gave it back eventually, like a loan for things i couldn't help with buying for them. (like 1-2weeks as time to pay it back)

    The only thing i could be said to have "cashed hard" for was my pets at the start.. that's it.. And i still have the most pets in game, and it is something i enjoyed alot in CS..
    I don't consider buying full inv worth of pack expander's as hard cashing.
    The rest of the stuff i got from black dragon coins and the points system, pretty sure it was during the Anniversary so i got more rewards depending on my much i spent, so yeah nothing out of the ordinary there.
    I did put some money into tenets, i was actually making a guide for it displaying all the stats gained and all the wisdom needed per upgrade, it's unlikely that guide will ever see the light of day though, i might upload the video i did for it one day.

    If i wanted to max everything with this black friday, i could.. i have that option to go that far overboard and become the #1 player on server for a long while.. but if you read my post.. you would see i asked "why?"
    I did not use black friday's event at all however, and i was not trying to stop people from using it, i just pointed out little things that were being used to make people want to use it.

    There are no hard feelings from me about black friday, im pointing out that the game is not looking like a game the more i play it, and that is not because of this 1 event, and i did post about watching the events more closely from that post until xmas to see if the game is worth playing long term.
    Example Metaphor, Crystal saga is a train.. and it no longer runs on the tracks it was originally designed for.

    Not sure what you are saying about being honest? you kinda left that pretty vague, are you trying to say im getting too involved with the game? i would definitely agree to that, but other than that i have no idea, im not online 24/7, my character might be, but im definately NOT using him all that time, he would be afk mode somewhere.

    The community thing, thanx, it was my goal/agenda, but its being broken down bit by bit the more i play and the more involved i get with all the bugs and miss-information or lack of any information.
    My suggestions.. where do i start.. you cannot even have a conversation with R2 about suggestions, to even tweak it in a way they would prefer, they just don't reply and it does feel like all my suggestions are a waste of time and R2 doesn't care, iv got 4 more suggestions just sitting here that im afraid of uploading, because it is all probably a big waste of time.
    Not to mention the animated video i'v been working on for the CS storyline for R2.

    Being cheated by black friday? i don't think so, maybe they put some items in the black friday shop, that maybe were not a good idea, but imo the shop was pretty stocked, was good.
    Black friday is a tradition of making money and selling lots of things cheap, everyone knows this, if people knew it was coming, then they should have waited regardless, no one forced them to buy before it, like for example if i never spent any money on the game originally, just saved all of it, and spent it all during black friday..
    I honestly have no idea how strong my character would be right now, but many of the other people along the road, would never have been able to get a mount/costume/vip and other little bits like SOT or ATR
    Either way i chose to not use it for that single reason, i would indeed have won that trophy i posted above, if i was playing to win.

    I hope this is honest enough for, because i don't know what else you could want from me other than my wallet/blood/tears.. and no.. you won't get any of those from me.
    Last edited by Witch_s65; 11-30-2013, 01:30 AM.

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  • Unwonted
    Liked the video btw

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  • Unwonted
    Lets be honest Witch, you have cashed more than the average casher and although everything you've said has valid points, I think this is more of a case of you being bitter that you spent at the wrong time. Now that today has allowed others to do what you have done at a quarter of the price. As far as your saint's speech on helping other players cash and get items, I think that is complete garbage. You've always sold out as you need the P, to get items that you couldn't pay for with YOUR wallet because you actually have some common sense (like your wings for example). Anyways no hard feeling I think what you do for the community is great, it's just a game and you need to be honest with yourself. I don't support the heavy cashing in the game but don't make yourself out as the "peoples hero" when you have your own agendas. Also I do think r2 really cheated everyone who had spent prior to this event which isn't right.

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  • Witch_s65
    So i login today to see the damage this event has done..
    And not so bad, we had one person just go nutz with it (i think we all know who), but majority of people only bought little bits here and there.
    Still more than i would have recommended.

    I feel bad for everyone jumping at this Black Friday event.

    It's their choice, im not saying it's not, i just don't see how this event is fun, i mean this is a game still yes? no?.
    What i see now is that this is a shop and has a game attached to it somewhere.. because black friday is for shopping.. this is what retailers do on black friday, its about maximizing profits, and in a game i can see the allure of it, especially since this game is horribly run by the crystal shop, but that's it.. you should be able to see the distinction between a game and a retail shop after this event.

    Alot of people saw "black friday event" and noticed it was purely crystal buy thing.. but everything was cheaper..

    No one actually questioned wth kind of event it is.. it says black friday then the next thing they see the 24 hour clock counting down.
    Then parts of yer brain shut down and you become like...

    And for those that did participate in the black friday shop, Congratulations your wallet just won at Crystal Saga.
    Here.. have a trophy.

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  • Witch_s65
    Soo... black friday..

    All crystal items are 50% off.. yay.. or not.. (as happy as i was to see the prices drop, i saw a flaw and was motivated to walk away from the event altogether)
    Wth kind of event is this?
    You can't even gift.. so free players get shafted.. no fair balance for players here who now have to buy a UGC to even use black friday's event.

    I could basically max everything i wanted to right now..
    But wth for.. so i can be like "hey im now stronger coz of my wallet!!" yeaaah.. not fun for me kthnx.
    I don't see any reason or have any want/need to bother with this event, i can't even gift items to people for cheaper than normal so they can get something out of it.

    I buy Crystal for fun.. to enhance my fun.. this is not what i had in mind..
    There are no options for free players here.. unless a pet turkey is like.. better than "liking" crystal saga on facebook.

    This game is advertised as a free to play game still yea?
    Or is it "Rune Scape's" version of free? where they blurred the lines.. to basically "free to trial"
    -obviously you can still get 80% of Crystal Saga's stuff for free.. but you have to run massive amounts of alt account/armies every day for forever.. how is that fun? and it's designed that way? with specific items being bound to counter those that do run alt armies.
    -starting to see a trend in the game not being developed for amusement, but more for crystal puchasing, and that makes me sad, because i know it won't be long before i stop playing and move on, i have already canceled my VIP, so yeah if xmas is another event like these recent few.. then yeah ill be joining the people who remember crystal saga in a memory, and not what happened yesterday in game.
    -when i discovered the storyline for crystal saga was not evolving with the game, and by that i mean not changing at all..ever.. it made me realize that the developers are just throwing random things in the game with no background or history, and you can't expect people to make a connection with their characters and enjoy playing without that, what i want is for my characters to be something im attached to and not just a pixels of random crystal bought stuff glued to me with each passing new system.
    Examples of storyline fail: every new rebirth system added, or any system added like tenets/beastsoul/zodiac/heraldry, there was nothing added to the storyline to point out why its even there.., you would think something that has such a large impact on the players would leave a mark somewhere.. but nope.. the storyline remains unchanged.. unaltered and even un-edited in alot of the wiki, many players can see that there will never.. ever.. by a system added to the game that you will be unable to use crystal to upgrade.., and with the announcement of this new rebirth system rumored to be coming, i have been searching trying to find any crystal saga server with a storyline that it shows or is impacted by it.. or any previous rebirth system or any system.. but nothing, they're all the same, with the exception of the original crystal saga, maybe the powers that be(developers) will do it after they add it, or on the same day.. but that seems like poor planning/advertising to me.

    Every month its a "here free players have something useless, which we will do again next year"
    Another day.. another crystal purchase offer.. and maybe some useless repetitive task like go and grow something at bloodfang village while you do bath, or go kill mobs to loot an item you need to get some generic reward, and be careful starglade will get invaded by something relative to this season/month.
    -Ta-Da! that just summed up the entire game and how crystal saga celebrates its events with R2.

    grumble grumble grumble

    Oki Rant over.

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  • Witch_s65
    What if Pokemon were real?

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