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s65 General Chat

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  • BrotherVT
    I'll have an investigation started on PESTILENCE and xTrisha sharing accounts.

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  • R23313333
    replied i cant post the image since it exceed the limit size

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  • Witch_s65

    So today we find out PESTILENCE is secretly using xTrisha account..
    For those that don't know *PESTILENCE was removed from Nirvana for being a super creepy psycho rage monster once a month.*
    It was a hard decision, but we didn't want issues popping up in the future because of it.
    I mean PEST would be welcome back, just as long as he checks his attitude at the door, majority of us know this won't ever happen though.

    So we asked xTrisha to change her password.
    She said no
    We asked her to stop letting people use her account.
    She said no

    Which is fair enough, but really only 1 choice left for either of us, coz really.. who wants to game with a girl who could be a guy.. that is so mentally unstable he kills guild mates over a 1gold plant crop in COF..
    If she could leave the guild peacefully and go join her creepy man's guild Armageddon, then yay everybody wins..
    She said yes to it.. but was lingering around in guild, then began threatening me with Secret angry hate from all my other members..
    A couple of members started whispering me within minutes asking.."why is xTrisha whispering me asking me to leave guild and join Armageddon"

    So yeah.. you never know who is playing her account.. and if PEST secretly dresses up like a girl and plays her account.. because you can't tell the difference.
    We don't even know who was on xTrisha account at the time when she was removed.

    Oh yeah.. she didn't even leave like she said she would.. she just sat in guild chat complaining to me.. it didn't stop, we all think it was PEST on her account yet again..

    And that was my first 20mins when logging in today... yay weirdos..
    Last edited by Witch_s65; 11-17-2013, 11:40 AM.

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  • sndbbq123
    since i dont want to spam in wc to let everyone know hungrymom main char, her alt is StockKeeper & StockHolder (im not sure tho if stockholder is hers) is a scammer, im gonna post it here since many people normally checks the thread.

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  • brimeg
    Wow...A general chat for S65...well then time to noob it up in here...

    ~Gadzooks the noob <3

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  • Witch_s65
    LG Results today.

    Sorry all i did not fraps a video of this.
    But it was a really good fight, on both sides.
    Arma did really well.

    We had strategies all ready for this fight, and now that this fight is over, we have new strategies from what we saw them do in this LG.

    Anyway, here is the final screenshot for you all.

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  • Witch_s65

    Originally posted by R2CS_Tim View Post
    We've got a few different ways to collect November Tokens this week, along with an all new system: Tenets. Obtain Wisdom and become truly powerful. Details and links below!

    • Tamalan Arena - More Info (+1 November Token)
    • Rock the Ladder - More Info (+4 quests added to ladder, to gain 1 November token per quest level 20, 40, 50, 70.)
    • Blessed Bath Booty - More Info (blessed bath now gives +1 November token per run)
    • November Token Exchange - More Info (things to buy with November tokens)

    • Point of Interest - More Info (yay cash shop point system is back, crystal buyers only)
    • It Pays to Consume - More Info (things to buy from pays to consume, crystal buyers only)

    What's New
    • Tenets - More Info
      (Looks like a passive stat boost system, you will need to get Pearls of Wisdom and Greater Pearls of Wisdom)
      (These are available in the
      Cash shop and Crystal Ladder,Daily Hunt and Delivery.

    • Addressed bugs with the new event Warriors' Arena. The event should now be functioning properly, however please continue to let us know if you experience any problems with it.
      (unlikely but untested so far, ever since it was implemented, my server basically doesn't like it, so this might not even get tested on our server.)
      (Why won't R2 create a battleground like the one i suggested like a Land Grab battleground with all the tower capping/stealing in Land Grab and the points and effects from Sengolia, except without the winner owning all the npc's and champ bluff)

    So i went through and checked out all the events and quoted the events thread, and simply added what those events give in 1 list, the text in red is my editing
    Last edited by Witch_s65; 11-14-2013, 01:42 PM.

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  • Witch_s65
    Originally posted by doymg2 View Post
    hi witchy pls dont be offend on my comment about this ^^

    sir evillian is scion here already and hero correct me if im wrong ^^

    GR war NIRV vs ARMA

    #just saying have a nice day
    I have no idea what you're trying to say..

    Are you referring to one of my videos on the original post on page 1?

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  • doymg2
    hi witchy pls dont be offend on my comment about this ^^

    sir evillian is scion here already and hero correct me if im wrong ^^

    GR war NIRV vs ARMA

    #just saying have a nice day
    Last edited by doymg2; 11-13-2013, 05:58 AM. Reason: misstake

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  • Shadowlisk
    Originally posted by POWAABOOM View Post
    That was just additional information.. The fact that the Image around "Paradox's" name is obviously altered and it cant just be a coincidence that the brown bar says it's S66 Nightmoor Hollow; 3 toons on that world chat conversation dont even exist on S65 proves its fake lol
    it is coincidence... witch explained exactly why.... and i also use that method when trolling people on my server.... try to pay more attention to all posts ^_^

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  • iTz_SoN
    pieroll is stupid
    kid sucked in s65 so he moved over to s66

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    Originally posted by Shadowlisk View Post
    and if you look at the tab it says S65.... the top bar is not always correct ^_^
    That was just additional information.. The fact that the Image around "Paradox's" name is obviously altered and it cant just be a coincidence that the brown bar says it's S66 Nightmoor Hollow; 3 toons on that world chat conversation dont even exist on S65 proves its fake lol

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  • Witch_s65
    Obviously faked.... there is no space in between the name and the text.

    Paradox: <--selling gold CORRECT
    Paradox:<--selling gold FAKED

    Compare what i just typed with the screenshot. (note the subtle spacing between the character's name and text, that was obviously messed up)

    This can be faked by having lots of text in the previous person's message..
    So lllPieroll would be the one trying to fake the message.

    If you see this, and you cannot click the person's name in chat.. then its faked by the person who wrote it above them.
    I would bet 90p that lllPieroll is trying to get Paradox banned.

    Also it is true, sometimes the Brown bar at the top does not always show the correct server name, especially when you have characters running on both servers, it would show the First server you logged into, sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes.
    I had this happen to me once when i was on s65 and S1 talking to Priests trying to get some info on priests builds that don't suck in the late game.
    Last edited by Witch_s65; 11-12-2013, 07:47 PM.

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  • Shadowlisk
    Originally posted by POWAABOOM View Post
    Hmm..on the bar at the top it says you're on Nightmoor Hollow S66. The image around the word "Paradox" is weird, most likely altered and Falken,Blaze0625 and "YOU" characters don't exist on S65. This is obviously a fake / altered image lol
    and if you look at the tab it says S65.... the top bar is not always correct ^_^

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    Hmm..on the bar at the top it says you're on Nightmoor Hollow S66. The image around the word "Paradox" is weird, most likely altered and Falken,Blaze0625 and "YOU" characters don't exist on S65. This is obviously a fake / altered image lol

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