Well, i have noticed earlier in the game when i was level 46 mortal in my first guild that when you kick someone from the guild or if i leave from the guild it says the same message. Now, i am pursuing my Edilon journey as level one but i have an issue with the display of the message "(person) has left the guild".
My suggestion is:
Would you be so kind to make the player identify weather the person left or was kicked? It is quite troublesome if someone was kicked from a guild and then accuses another player and the player says it wasn't he/she that did it.
You guys can try this out, it is quite problematic.
o.o/) thank you
My suggestion is:
Would you be so kind to make the player identify weather the person left or was kicked? It is quite troublesome if someone was kicked from a guild and then accuses another player and the player says it wasn't he/she that did it.
You guys can try this out, it is quite problematic.

o.o/) thank you