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Orange Pack in IOB

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  • Orange Pack in IOB

    how about adding an orange pack to IOB remove the soul shard from yellow and replace with soul stars and in the orange packs for 150 stones put in soul shards , divine wings and dungeon key
    Yes please!!!
    No thank you!!!
    Last edited by Reverie; 11-19-2014, 10:13 PM.

  • #2
    Post moved to its own thread.


    • #3
      Island of Blessing's!!!

      IOB Orange pack:

      Okay guys yes, yes i know what you think another IOB topic didnt we had so many allready? So what could it be new in this one?Simple i will give you few reasons why this should happend:
      Firstly why should there be a new pack in iob? Well because it’s needed and will spice things a bit
      2nd How is this any benefic to r2? It will increase theppl getting online so more active servers wich means less merges and more customers for them
      3rd how will this work? Well aside the usual rain stone we should have some very agro violent monsters in the blessed resource zone wich will drop btw 1-2 rainstones, and they will spawn once with the rain stone’s so they will sync and they should have quite a bit of power since players should work togheter to kill them and get the new pack it should not all of them be so easy to get should be a challange that would make a zone work togheter to get them instead of 1 person colecting and this will also stir up zones to ge to arms and fight so we will have quite a chalange, also would be nice if the resource zone map would be a bit bigger.
      The legendary orange pack becaue of the challange and the team work needed to get it would have 4 items inside wich i think they should be something like this :
      • 6 Pixie Upgrade Crystal’s [since the only way to get these are very hard and rare to get them in Avernal and in the rebirth pack’s its hard since well if u dont need a high lvl ladder boss u will have to kill a World boss wich is well almost imposible to complete the quests i mean have u seen how hard they spawn ? And how fast they die? Heck the server messagesare slower than the kill insant kill’s and u may or u may not get it depending on your party. Not to mention the insane amo of puc needed after a certain pixie lvl.
      • 3 strange energy this ones should be included in pack because of the huge amo of points needed to lvl the holy system and they are in vogue at the moment so this will get ppl really motivated to fight and do iob for the new pack’s
      • 2 rune of evil, well we should have few ways of getting runes to beside corruption since only the super mega legendary players are able to do something in there and get a to a high lvl wich is not normal i get it we need a challange in game but still we need alternatives to
      • 1 soul star, why soul star you might ask? Well why not this will get ppl lvl up divine soul and as a effect they will start makeing more frag’s hunt down more items and gems to get the divine soul done wich will result in more active players and extra items bought from the store so why not?

      Any oher suggestions are very welcome or oposite opinios so please dont be shy and say what u have to say, thanks

      Also i have a request to the moderators dont MERGE my dam topic, i made it to keep it organized for me with my own ideeas and sugestions so i dont want to be fused with another person's opinions and thinking, also i want to have my own Poll not someone's else thanks!@!!!!!


      • #4
        Fyi, we merge threads to keep our forum organized. We will definitely merge threads as we see fit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Reverie View Post
          Fyi, we merge threads to keep our forum organized. We will definitely merge threads as we see fit.
          No problem, if that happends i can open 2 more


          • #6
            Thread merged. :3

            Originally posted by FateAverruncus View Post
            No problem, if that happends i can open 2 more
            And we shall certainly delete duplicate threads.~
            Last edited by Reverie; 12-06-2014, 02:14 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DerangedRanger View Post
              how about adding an orange pack to IOB remove the soul shard from yellow and replace with soul stars and in the orange packs for 150 stones put in soul shards , divine wings and dungeon key
              ok there are some problems with this, and that is yes you can make 150 stones, BUT that will mean that timing will have to be soooooo spot on its not even funny. Also why on earth do you want soul stars O.o there has been a post in the past showing that Divine Soul is not worth it all LOL Also been a thread in the past about making Orange packs, but if they do will have to change the amount of stones needed to be turned in for each pack. If not Orange packs will very very rarely obtained.
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              • #8
                Orange pack would maybe add some excitement to Island of Blessing but I seriously doubt it. FateAverruncus, some of the prizes you suggested are way too op, PUCs x6? Rune of evil x2? That's just silly. There's people that just load main and bunch of alts and go afk. Even if they got 1 orange pack per day on 3 characters that's 18 PUC's per day for doing absolutely nothing. Upgrading Pixie would go from being challenging to way too easy, same for rune of evil, no one would ever buy it from fate shop again...So I'm against your suggestion. And about Soul Stars that 2% hit chance from purple savage necklace in divine soul is totally worth it :P not at the price of Soul shards from yellow packs of course. If Orange pack was ever added to the game I hope everything in it is bound. (Still nothing crazy like PUC's x6, ever.) As for the poll if I would like pack to be added or not there should be "I couldn't care less" option too, because in my opinion its not something that would change the game for better or worse.


                • #9
                  How about eliminating Blue packs and moving the green to its place and than yellow and purple.
                  Like white than green than yellow than purple.
                  You can change the color of the packs but the items inside can be in that order.
                  I have chatted with many people and every time we do IOB mortal or Eido no one want Blue packs. People beg skip blue packs.
                  How about eliminating them completely.
                  And have white the same amount stone but Green would need stone equivalent to blue and yellow need the amount equivalent to green and so on.
                  This way would make IOB more fair because now our server want purple and the other team gets squat.
                  And there are so many OP player its becoming unbalanced and unfair.
                  This way it would be fair at least the lose team can get some yellow and the win can get purple.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by R2349858 View Post
                    Orange pack would maybe add some excitement to Island of Blessing but I seriously doubt it. FateAverruncus, some of the prizes you suggested are way too op, PUCs x6? Rune of evil x2? That's just silly. There's people that just load main and bunch of alts and go afk. Even if they got 1 orange pack per day on 3 characters that's 18 PUC's per day for doing absolutely nothing. Upgrading Pixie would go from being challenging to way too easy, same for rune of evil, no one would ever buy it from fate shop again...So I'm against your suggestion. And about Soul Stars that 2% hit chance from purple savage necklace in divine soul is totally worth it :P not at the price of Soul shards from yellow packs of course. If Orange pack was ever added to the game I hope everything in it is bound. (Still nothing crazy like PUC's x6, ever.) As for the poll if I would like pack to be added or not there should be "I couldn't care less" option too, because in my opinion its not something that would change the game for better or worse.
                    Like the puc's from dairy search event this ones should also be bound, like all the items from iob all the items should be bound of course.

                    And yes soul stars would not makemuch dif in game so why not would make ppl look forward to something


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lilshawrties View Post
                      How about eliminating Blue packs and moving the green to its place and than yellow and purple.
                      Like white than green than yellow than purple.
                      You can change the color of the packs but the items inside can be in that order.
                      I have chatted with many people and every time we do IOB mortal or Eido no one want Blue packs. People beg skip blue packs.
                      How about eliminating them completely.
                      And have white the same amount stone but Green would need stone equivalent to blue and yellow need the amount equivalent to green and so on.
                      This way would make IOB more fair because now our server want purple and the other team gets squat.
                      And there are so many OP player its becoming unbalanced and unfair.
                      This way it would be fair at least the lose team can get some yellow and the win can get purple.
                      Those that beg for skipping of blue packs should just go inside battle zone and do something about it instead of complaining... If we ignore the fact that blue packs are pretty useful on newer servers there's one more reason why they should stay, and that's if if you find yourself in particularly lazy team that doesn't want to help collecting and expect you to just skip blue packs for them, then you just make it blue as sort of motivation for them to come and help and if they don't you just leave it like that and let them enjoy the packs they hate the most.

                      For FateAverruncus, just to make it clear I'm not against your suggestion of orange pack in IOB just your suggestion of items in it. The way I see it PUCs x6 bound or not is still too much, x2 maybe? like gmuts in purple packs, Rune of Evil x2 even if made bound after you synt it if successful rune of emperor would probably be tradable again so I doubt you will ever see that :P, Strange energy x3 and Soul Star x1 is fine I guess.


                      • #12
                        Its a failed event from the very beginning because it does NOT encourage player interaction - it actually encourages people to walk way from computer leaving their toon logged in. Theres ZERO personal benefit to the individuals doing the collecting. On my server, its fairly organized so anyone trying to "help" is viewed as a threat - regardless of what side you're on - they control both sides and will kill anyone interferring w/the system. Would be happy to see IOB done away with entirely and replaced with something w/more player interaction - IOB should NOT be on the PVP tab!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by R2142020 View Post
                          Its a failed event from the very beginning because it does NOT encourage player interaction - it actually encourages people to walk way from computer leaving their toon logged in. Theres ZERO personal benefit to the individuals doing the collecting. On my server, its fairly organized so anyone trying to "help" is viewed as a threat - regardless of what side you're on - they control both sides and will kill anyone interferring w/the system. Would be happy to see IOB done away with entirely and replaced with something w/more player interaction - IOB should NOT be on the PVP tab!!!!
                          ^^agreed .. or maybe take all items from purple pack and put them in yellow then items to go in purple pack would be SS/Divine Wings/Dungeon Key or any of the 3 favor items .

                          this way the players still needing SP/EW and G mut still get the items aswell as SS just in purple packs .so its a win win for all
                          IGN: (S47)Kymeron
                          Server: Sullen Dunes
                          Class: Rogue (Balanced)
                          Level as of 02/05/14: 71
                          Other names: Denduron, Aeros, Annie... (I have 32+ of these)

                          Kymeron Pyras Zuhakeetaz
                          Lord of Flames
                          "Ketuon exeron akalous deviout"
                          "When all else fails, I will be there."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R2142020 View Post
                            Its a failed event from the very beginning because it does NOT encourage player interaction - it actually encourages people to walk way from computer leaving their toon logged in. Theres ZERO personal benefit to the individuals doing the collecting. On my server, its fairly organized so anyone trying to "help" is viewed as a threat - regardless of what side you're on - they control both sides and will kill anyone interferring w/the system. Would be happy to see IOB done away with entirely and replaced with something w/more player interaction - IOB should NOT be on the PVP tab!!!!
                            Not sure what server you are on but some of the stuff in the IOB packs are useful for players!! ok so ppl walk away from their computer for an hour it really only takes 1 person to collect and they can make it if they wanted to 3 yellow packs and 4 purple packs. Not sure what the issues is!! It is in the PVP tab for a reason because collecting the stones you can PVP in there. Instead of complaining on forum abt Iob be thankful that there is some form of order to it so that both sides can benefit from it!!, AS well as some good stuff from there I was able to max my wings and now I use DF as well as getting my Kyubi with the help of IOB pack !! And before you comment I have done IOB several times alone collecting the stones and not once did I complain. I do it because I have guildies who need the stuff as well!!

                            Back to the issue at hand Orange pack have been requested in the past Now I like the idea of Pucs maybe PF or Df in the pack not sure abt the ratio this is R2 I do not see them giving away 6 pucs per package at all. Also it should be bound because if not you will run into the issues of the bots all sitting there collecting free packs!! Never a good thing at all! I do not believe that SS should be one of the items eliminated from the packs at all SS is useful for Most players. I do agree that the blue pack is useless even for a new server there are loads of ways to get HW, 2exp token & afk card trust me that pack will not be missed. Do I think R2 should add another pack to IOB not totally sure but I do agree that some items should be moved around!! I will not vote because I do not want to mess up the poll maybe an option for maybe would have been nice GL with this Pool btw
                            Life too short to live with regrets


                            • #15
                              I agree we need to change the packs. But please keep Soul Shard and Fragarach Refinement Crystal Accessible and not in a pack that's very difficult to get.

                              We need an obscene amount of FRC to fuse and I do not like to use alts like other people in IOB because I might disconnect. And people rarely sell them and no one puts them in shop because someone is always shouting to buy them. And when I leaved my shop open to buy FRC i might get 2 or 4 over night.

                              Also I need a lot of SS for soul and Pixie. And my server it's the most wanted item in IOB.
                              Especially since many times I got dc out of ladder and you need a lot for Soul and Pixie.
                              So if the packs are rearranged please put these items where they are in an accessible pack.

                              And also if people want higher packs it will be difficult because if we fight for stones we might not even get half the packs.
                              We need either more stones/ stones re spawning much faster, or like someone said somewhere I read "monster that you can kill that drops extra stones".
                              I think these changes would be more fun and exciting and more people might wanna participate.

