Strip AFK status upon entering zone.
It cannot be activated inside the zone. Activating prior to entering zone circumvents the intention that AFK not be used in Corruption and is therefore an exploit.
Close the loophole - strip afk buff upon entering corruption.
Alternative - disallow the battlemaster from teleporting someone to corruption who is in AFK mode. (just like they disallow zone enter in other events based upon specifics i.e. can't be mount, can't be in party, survival of the fittest you can't have active pixie. etc...).
Now... let the haters speak.
It cannot be activated inside the zone. Activating prior to entering zone circumvents the intention that AFK not be used in Corruption and is therefore an exploit.
Close the loophole - strip afk buff upon entering corruption.
Alternative - disallow the battlemaster from teleporting someone to corruption who is in AFK mode. (just like they disallow zone enter in other events based upon specifics i.e. can't be mount, can't be in party, survival of the fittest you can't have active pixie. etc...).
Now... let the haters speak.