I have a suggestion why don't the mods at R2 make level 1-75 elite mobs drop green dragon coins and level 75-150 drop red dragon coins.
It's not fair that level 150+ player gets to have the black dragon coins in the new zone drop and the other players don't get a chance to spin more often
then the higher players. I would like to see a change in the dragon coins to drop on lower level elite mobs and add HWs and muts to the mobs level 1-75
and EWs and gmuts to level 75-150 elite mobs give us a chance to get stronger instead of waiting to become 150 edio.
It's not fair that level 150+ player gets to have the black dragon coins in the new zone drop and the other players don't get a chance to spin more often
then the higher players. I would like to see a change in the dragon coins to drop on lower level elite mobs and add HWs and muts to the mobs level 1-75
and EWs and gmuts to level 75-150 elite mobs give us a chance to get stronger instead of waiting to become 150 edio.