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22/02/2013 updates.

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  • #16
    A lot of people don't even use the forums and I'm sure it's known that the people on the forum are a small percentage of the whole voice of the playercommunity.
    If we indeed have a chance to change something about the latest update (most people have the issue with it being bound) then howmany threads/posts/voices does it take to get something done? I've seen the threads in 'News & Events' stretching up to 11+ pages in just one day with 4 out of 5 posts disagreeing with the update, and 1 out of 5 being neutral mostly on the topic.

    The very first gmut events were unlimited: the richer you were the higher mount you could get. After three of these I believe the capped gmut-event came out: people were required to make more alts in order to get their gmuts. There was no alt-abuse before on this scale but many got forced to if they wanted to grow stronger.
    Making the Mount extravaganze lv45 req was a good change, people still had to work for it (lv45 takes quite some time to get unless you got enough afk cards to give each runner to grind), making the rewards bound mostly hurts the newer players. They have no purpose for it yet since it takes well over 400 gmuts on average to get the GT. New players were able to use the rewards to make quick money to grow stronger faster.

    Having three sorts of limitations on the daily rewards seems a lot like Overkill:
    - Two times a day, it takes 200-250 days to get GT, after that you need to be on here every day for a full year to get gryphon and another year for HW. To get kilin you're busy for another 2 years
    - Level 55 req, ok so slightly higher than the lv45 mount extravaganza, not that easy to reach anymore since that does take quite some time to make alts that level. Depending on howmuch free time you have, give or take a week or two. This is the only limitation I do like since it will keep a lot of people from even starting on making alts. (lv45-49 alts can do Blood Coliseum for 20 pc's a day, selling those makes more money than forging 2 gmuts on lv55)
    - [Bound], Ok so on top of previous limitations this also get's to be bound, along with the extravaganza 'rewards', it makes it look like overkill, not many people will even use it now and it makes r2 in all fairness seem a bit greedy on the gmuts. The first events yes were the best any non-casher could have. I got my upgrades with it, but everyone else, all the new players remain behind on those who were online during those events. I like a challenge, and I'm sure I'm not the only gamer who does. And on here, that means players reaching to eachother's strength (without starting to abuse it because someone called you a sillypants) and a realistic chance of getting the mounts upgraded (Not saying free Kilin's for everyone, but a battle bear should not be here anymore)

    Three limitations, overkill. Remove the bound one and you'll save a lot of people pretty much 2 years of daily exchanging. Sorry for the long post.
    Crystal Saga:
    IGN: speeds
    Server: Windshear Peaks
    Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
    Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
    Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

    Wartune (semi-inactive):
    IGN: Speeds16
    Server: Temple of Ibalize
    Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


    • #17
      first time i ever read every single word of a long post lol
      They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
      But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


      • #18


        • #19
          Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
          A lot of people don't even use the forums and I'm sure it's known that the people on the forum are a small percentage of the whole voice of the playercommunity.
          If we indeed have a chance to change something about the latest update (most people have the issue with it being bound) then howmany threads/posts/voices does it take to get something done? I've seen the threads in 'News & Events' stretching up to 11+ pages in just one day with 4 out of 5 posts disagreeing with the update, and 1 out of 5 being neutral mostly on the topic.

          The very first gmut events were unlimited: the richer you were the higher mount you could get. After three of these I believe the capped gmut-event came out: people were required to make more alts in order to get their gmuts. There was no alt-abuse before on this scale but many got forced to if they wanted to grow stronger.
          Making the Mount extravaganze lv45 req was a good change, people still had to work for it (lv45 takes quite some time to get unless you got enough afk cards to give each runner to grind), making the rewards bound mostly hurts the newer players. They have no purpose for it yet since it takes well over 400 gmuts on average to get the GT. New players were able to use the rewards to make quick money to grow stronger faster.

          Having three sorts of limitations on the daily rewards seems a lot like Overkill:
          - Two times a day, it takes 200-250 days to get GT, after that you need to be on here every day for a full year to get gryphon and another year for HW. To get kilin you're busy for another 2 years
          - Level 55 req, ok so slightly higher than the lv45 mount extravaganza, not that easy to reach anymore since that does take quite some time to make alts that level. Depending on howmuch free time you have, give or take a week or two. This is the only limitation I do like since it will keep a lot of people from even starting on making alts. (lv45-49 alts can do Blood Coliseum for 20 pc's a day, selling those makes more money than forging 2 gmuts on lv55)
          - [Bound], Ok so on top of previous limitations this also get's to be bound, along with the extravaganza 'rewards', it makes it look like overkill, not many people will even use it now and it makes r2 in all fairness seem a bit greedy on the gmuts. The first events yes were the best any non-casher could have. I got my upgrades with it, but everyone else, all the new players remain behind on those who were online during those events. I like a challenge, and I'm sure I'm not the only gamer who does. And on here, that means players reaching to eachother's strength (without starting to abuse it because someone called you a sillypants) and a realistic chance of getting the mounts upgraded (Not saying free Kilin's for everyone, but a battle bear should not be here anymore)

          Three limitations, overkill. Remove the bound one and you'll save a lot of people pretty much 2 years of daily exchanging. Sorry for the long post.
          Agreed with everything. Well, almost. I like my bear v_v Yeah though. I might have switched servers, but I haven't forgot the old events that were just insanely awesome. Compared to's almost like R2 got gun-shy around free stuff :/
          There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

          Crystal Saga
          IGN: Codawg
          Server: Celestial Haven
          Guild: BrimStone
          Class: Beastmaster
          Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
          Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
          Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


          • #20
            Originally posted by Codawg211 View Post
            Agreed with everything. Well, almost. I like my bear v_v Yeah though. I might have switched servers, but I haven't forgot the old events that were just insanely awesome. Compared to's almost like R2 got gun-shy around free stuff :/
            yes you can keep your bear for the looks, I know you like that fanny :P but it's true, comparing the old days to the current, it seems R2 became shy about gmuts. I can understand being fed up with all the begging for 'plz gm gmut event'-threads, I got sick of those too, but this isn't the solution. (this is:
            Crystal Saga:
            IGN: speeds
            Server: Windshear Peaks
            Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
            Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
            Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

            Wartune (semi-inactive):
            IGN: Speeds16
            Server: Temple of Ibalize
            Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


            • #21
              1) Make it unlimited exchange, like the shinning coupons. This way, people with VIPs can still get more benefit since they can farm muts more than non VIP.

              2) Since alters can trade muts (o.o lol) for more exchange, you can increase the gold needed to 45 muts + 5g. Good way to drain more gold away from the game.

              3) Leave em bound. Bound is good.


              • #22
                Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View Post
                This is one of the times that if the CS community breaks out the torches and pitchforks they could get some results. Not going to come out and promise anything, but player's reactions on this are getting noticed.
                If breaking out in torches and pitchforks worked, then how come despite how many priest changing threads exists with pages and pages of posts we still have nothing changed? (especially considering that a lot of people who play the game don't play as priest, so to see that many responses just shows that the priests that do exist are very vocal about it). Heck, we still don't have the party requirement for our buffs like the knights do, which is one of the things we've asked the most.

                It'd be great if our complaints about the gmut changes were heard, but seeing your past history with reacting to topics that do get a lot of vocal support, I wouldn't hold my breath.
                LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                • #23
                  read prev posts above your quoted post,
                  post that some mods recognized it

                  anyway agree to post #21
                  Last edited by elsage; 02-22-2013, 09:41 PM.
                  They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
                  But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


                  • #24
                    I guess people haven't figured out that you can use bound and unbound gmuts together to upgrade your mounts. I agree that the level restrictions and amount per day is pointless, but at least people are getting 2 more gmuts per day. I just guess people are upset that they cannot farm them for free anymore.
                    Last edited by vastilos; 02-22-2013, 02:29 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                      That would be wonderful if it was put in a new thread exactly how it's written, since it's a different idea than what's posted. Then, go tell all your friends, everyone you know, to find a thread they agree with and post in it, or make their own thread, and have them tell their friends too.

                      Remember the Fragarach issue and how many people came to the forums to support that. We need that now, we need people to speak up about not being happy. We need the community to come together again and force a change.
                      Why there is nothing change on priest? My thread have a lot people reply...
                      I not even think community is work for them as far as i think.
                      Renfa that all...
                      I am non-cash player


                      • #26
                        i dont actually have problem with the bound Gmuts from extravaganza.. BUT
                        only 2 bound Gmuts per day knowing that we will not have a Gmut exchange event ever again makes me sad..
                        Bound Gmut is OK but PLEASE increase the number of exchanges per day...
                        I'm sure most of the players will calm down if u increase it to 5 times a day.
                        IGN: Rin
                        Server: (S18) Shrine of Khitar
                        Class: Ranger

                        A Bruise is Not a Tattoo


                        • #27
                          I don't want them to increase the amount of BOUND we can exchange per day. A permanent GMUT event at 5 per day goes too far and would essentially guarantee everybody who plays gets a Godlike Mount without much effort, but only patience. 90 MUTs per day and 6g is nothing. It's as easy as turning in Soul Root Crystal for Soul Shards.

                          R2 says it is trying to address alt abuse; fine, address alt abuse and put in a measure that ONLY AFFECTS ALT ABUSE. Don't put in a measure which has a negative impact on everybody. When I was working on Gorilla Titan and Gryphon, the majority of my purchases of GMUTs were stacks of 28 from newer players who simply didn't need them yet. Those days are over now. If I had to choose between 2 (Bound) per day and being able to buy 30 or so GMUTs per day, I'd rather be able to buy them. As it stands, I can only manage to purchase maybe 2 or 3 a day, and that's IF I'm on during Guessing Game.

                          2 GMUTs per day will never get a Hellwing and because I don't have $500 to spend on a pixelated dragon, I simply won't get one. R2 has taken my next goal out of my reach to address a problem which I am not involved in. It's just another example of lazy design. Thanks R2.


                          • #28
                            and the Gmut price now increase free player like me this is too bad
                            Server: Aquatic Crypts
                            Character [S15]IYOT


                            • #29
                              No The Abuse comes from cheaters and illegal sites get your facts right r2games alts has nothing to with the game and it breaks no rules on cheatin like the rest of the people that cheat on this game

                              Gmuts should stay unbound there should be drops in vault and up in nightmare and hard and while i'm at it pc should be droped from nightmare and up ty for your time

                              Try Again The Problem Still Lies In Your Staff Your refusal to listen to issues 1 server wide still the same issue Laggg and not true merging of servers either when u merge a server u are to merge every accoun onto one single server that u merge with 2 GMUTS Haveing an item bound for players non-cash and casher does not help either it turns away players u want to try and delete my posts again 3 refusal of r2games staff to listen or fix major issues game wide idc what players critize these posts these are all problems that your staff ignores and your mods are also payed bye the same company so they have to agree with there companys policy 4 actual fixes 5 account hacking and security no change i was hacked twice there company did nothing but smear and blacklist me and remove stuff i payed for when my debit card info was stolen 6 payments are still exactly the same unsecur traceable as they use to be that still hasnt changed still mallmmospammers in every server they blame us for useing alts we use alts cause u have no money drop system continueing on is pointless u want suggestions here is everyone u have heard over and over any other player can suck it that does not know me in real life
                              Last edited by MemoryLane; 02-25-2013, 12:23 AM. Reason: Merged posts


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rhuobhe00 View Post
                                No The Abuse comes from cheaters and illegal sites get your facts right r2games alts has nothing to with the game and it breaks no rules on cheatin like the rest of the people that cheat on this game
                                From the ToS: You may hold several accounts; however you may not exploit this privilege.

                                This means you can't make dozens of alts to take advantage of an event that was designed to reward people for reaching a certain point in the game. Whether or not anyone actually agrees with that, it is a rule.

                                Originally posted by Rhuobhe00 View Post
                                and your mods are also payed bye the same company so they have to agree with there companys policy
                                Mods are not paid by R2. Mods are not paid at all. I don't have to agree with anything, I just have to know what the rules are and make sure the rules are enforced in the forum- that is the extent of my job description, everything else I do is to help the players.

                                I don't agree with the gmut exchange being limited to 2 per day if they are going to be bound, and I do think that if they are going to stay bound then the mount extravaganza gmuts need to be not bound or the limit for the exchange needs to go up by a lot to make up for it all, even then I still don't agree with bound gmuts at all. I've been quite vocal about my disagreement with this issue, and others.
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